CO2 Sensitivity Experiments

Is this the article to which you refer:

In January 2013 widespread publicity was given to work led by Terje Berntsen of the University of Oslo, Julia Hargreaves of the Research Institute for Global Change in Yokohama, and Nic Lewis, an independent climate scientist, which reportedly found lower climate sensitivities than IPCC estimates and the suggestion that there is a 90% probability that doubling CO
2 emissions will increase temperatures by lower values than those estimated by the climate models used by the IPCC was featured in news outlets including The Economist.[147][148] This premature announcement came from a preliminary news release about a study which had not yet been peer reviewed.[149] The Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo (CICERO) issued a statement that they were involved with the relevant research project, and the news story was based on a report submitted to the research council which included both published and unpublished material. The highly publicised figures came from work still undergoing peer review, and CICERO would wait until they had been published in a journal before disseminating the results.

Just out of curiosity, how do you read the phrase "independent climate scientist". As I've noted here before for other "independent climate scientists" that occasionally show up on the denier side of the argument, I read it as "unemployed".

hahahaha, here we go again! "unemployed".

Lewis has math and physics degrees, made his money in the financial field, and retired. his 'hobby' is finding glaring mistakes in climate science. obviously he has had no difficulty in finding them. hell, he even forced the IPCC into making an official correction of AR4!

unemployed indeed.
4) Below are the results of numerous runs of CMIP-5 GCMs, of which sensitivity is an emergent parameter. At least as far as the results here go, would you agree that a value greater than 3 is more likely than a value less than 3?


I see you are not interested in discussing the faked experiment. that's fine and to be expected.

I told you I'd discuss whatever you wanted if you gave me some honest answer to those questions without quibbling. It seems you couldn't do it. If you've got something you want to discuss, why don't you give another shot at the questions YOU chose not to discuss.

my actual answer-

I see you are not interested in discussing the faked experiment. that's fine and to be expected.

here is a Curry post from before AR5 and the IPCC deciding not to issue a central estimate for climate sensitivity but reverting to the old 1.5-4.5 range.

What climate sensitivity says about the IPCC assessment process | Climate Etc.

this quote is only a minor part of the article but is so funny, and so critical of M Mann that I couldnt resist.-

The third was a response from Foster et al. (with Mann as senior author).[26] They plugged Schwarz’ observational findings into GCM GISS-ER, and reproduced his results! So they argued Schwartz’ data were wrong, because “this model is known to exhibit a true equilibrium climate sensitivity of 2.7 C under doubled CO2 conditions.” They then did a similar thing for his time scale parameter using a 14 GCM ensemble. They said, “the estimates of time scale produced by this method are generally unrealistically low in comparison to the known behavior of the models in response to changes in GHG forcing.” They in effect said twice in one comment that the GCM models are trustworthy, and evaluation of 125 years of actual climate observations isn’t. Schwartz’ reply says much: “It is questionable whether measurements should be rejected because they do not agree with models.”

and of course we could discuss the AR5 and Nic Lewis' contributions if you'd like.

I would appreciate you not creatively cropping my quotes. I answered your question #4 quite fully. I could have made fun of your graph that is 'based on model simulations'. I could have clearly pointed out that not even the great exaggerator Mikey Mann rustled up a climate sensitivity of 3. I could harass you because you still use the range of 2.0-4.5 with a central estimate of 3 for the IPCC, even though you know that the IPCC dropped it back to 1.5-4.5 with no central estimate because it could not be defendably close to 3.

what is with you guys? why do you have to be endlessly corrected on the same things over and over again? and you accuse me of lying!

I wish there were a few honest and reasonable posters on the consensus side to debate with. instead we have hacks like Abe and assholes like mamooth.
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remember that Swedish scientist who was so pissed off that his paper got rejected that he joined the GWPF? and then resigned when the heat got turned up on him from his climate science colleagues?

did anyone read the reasons why the paper was rejected?

The publisher of Environmental Research Letters today took the bizarre position that expecting consistency between models and observations is an “error”.
The publisher stated that the rejected Bengtsson manuscript (which, as I understand it) had discussed the important problem of the discrepancy between models and observations had “contained errors”.
But what were the supposed “errors”? Bengtsson’s “error” appears to be the idea that models should be consistent with observations, an idea that the reviewer disputed.
The reviewer stated that IPCC ranges in AR4 and AR5 are “not directly comparable to observation based intervals”:
One cannot and should not simply interpret the IPCCs ranges for AR4 or 5 as confidence intervals or pdfs and hence they are not directly comparable to observation based intervals (as e.g. in Otto et al).
Later he re-iterated that “no consistency was to be expected in the first place”:
I have rated the potential impact in the field as high, but I have to emphasise that this would be a strongly negative impact, as it does not clarify anything but puts up the (false) claim of some big inconsistency, where no consistency was to be expected in the first place.
The reviewer summarized his concern in terms of media issues:
Summarising, the simplistic comparison of ranges from AR4, AR5, and Otto et al, combined with the statement they are inconsistent is less then helpful, actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of “errors” and worse from the climate sceptics media side
Thus, the “error” (according to the publisher) seems to be nothing more than Bengtsson’s expectation that models be consistent with observations. Surely, even in climate science, this expectation cannot be seriously described as an “error”.

hahahaha, more of the same from climate science. everybody knows that models are wrong, so a paper stating that is redundant. but no one has written a published peer-reviewed paper stating the obvious so it isnt science. and they arent going to publish a paper like that because it 'gives fodder to the skeptics'. typical catch-22
We had all read the reasons given as the journal chose to publish and what you have posted here is NOT that material. It is simply more unsupported denier claims of persecution and publication bias. The actual response from ERL may be read here: Statement from IOP Publishing on story in The Times


“Summarising, the simplistic comparison of ranges from AR4, AR5, and Otto et al, combined with the statement they are inconsistent is less then helpful, actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of "errors" and worse from the climate sceptics media side.”

"The overall innovation of the manuscript is very low."

Double hilarious. The side has offers zero innovation, only computer models that hide the decline and squawk "Man Made Global Warming" refuses to publish a paper because of low innovation

Absolutely hilarious
We had all read the reasons given as the journal chose to publish and what you have posted here is NOT that material. It is simply more unsupported denier claims of persecution and publication bias. The actual response from ERL may be read here: Statement from IOP Publishing on story in The Times


They didn't publish the paper because it points out inconsistencies in the AGWCult work and that's just not helpful because the Cult thrives on homogeneity of opinion and thought
We had all read the reasons given as the journal chose to publish and what you have posted here is NOT that material. It is simply more unsupported denier claims of persecution and publication bias. The actual response from ERL may be read here: Statement from IOP Publishing on story in The Times

hahahaha, OK

reviewer #1-

Summarising, the simplistic comparison of ranges from AR4, AR5, and Otto et al, combined with the statement they they are inconsistent is less then helpful, actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of "errors" and worse from the climate sceptics media side.
One cannot and should not simply interpret the IPCCs ranges for AR4 or 5 as confidence intervals or pdfs and hence they are not directly comparable to observation based intervals (as e.g. in Otto et al).

In the same way that one cannot expect a nice fit between observational studies and the CMIP5 models.

A careful, constructive, and comprehensive analysis of what these ranges mean, and how they come to be different, and what underlying problems these comparisons bring would indeed be a valuable contribution to the debate.

I have rated the potential impact in the field as high, but I have to emphasise that this would be a strongly negative impact, as it does not clarify anything but puts up the (false) claim of some big inconsistency, where no consistency was to be expected in the first place.
And I can't see an honest attempt of constructive explanation in the manuscript.

Thus I would strongly advise rejecting the manuscript in its current form.

so you are going to stop claiming the IPCC has scientifically produced climate sensitivity ranges and pdf s?

are you going to stop saying that climate models realistically describe the climate?

referee #2-

I would be interested in learning whether or not there are internal inconsistencies in estimates of climate sensitivity and forcing in individual studies and in learning if there are substantial differences among the studies. I would be even more interested in understanding why any apparent inconsistencies and differences might exist. On this second point, the manuscript has little to offer (other than some speculation that aerosol forcing estimates have changed). And unfortunately on the first point, the authors have only superficially demonstrated possible inconsistencies. Moreover, in addressing the question of “committed warming”, the authors have inexplicably used the wrong equation. For all these reasons, I recommend the paper be rejected.

I dont see why this isnt a good first step in documenting 'internal inconsistencies' both within data based papers and between data based/ computer simulated papers. as far as aerosol forcing estimates....well that has been a bugaboo for a long time. it seems that every computer model uses its own numbers for its runs, seemingly tweaked to give the best performance on hindcasts. I dont recall what was said about 'using the wrong formulas' but if past experience is any indicator then that is is just a mischaracterization as well.

do you think computer models should work from the same set of parameters for aerosols, etc, or do you think everyone should be able to punch in any numbers that they want?
AGWCult "Science": When the observation contradicts the model, it must mean the observation needs to be adjusted and we will banish you if you dare to point that out
Crick seriously, your "science" is fucked from start to finish. It's a sham, a fraud and the biggest scam in modern history.

You applaud that a paper was not published because it dared to point out that the observations are at odds with the theory. That's sick, that's not science
The point of publishing the reviewers comments was not to argue all of AGW vs the Deniers again. It was to demonstrate that Bengtsson's persecution claims were complete crap.

I have never - ever - claimed that GCMs would produce data with a "realistic fit" with observations. The IPCC has never claimed that the "likely ranges" for CS it has assembled were probability distribution functions.

You did not answer all my questions. Despite that, you've gotten more discussion from me than you deserve. Nic Lewis's CS estimates are lowballs.
can you figure out who said that? does it fit your worldview of how arch-deniers think? skepticism by informed people is reserved for faulty logic and methods, and exaggerated and hysterical conclusions that are not supported by the data.

You're actually quoting _Watts_? Wow. The sheer chutzpah of it.

Given how Watts is one of the slimiest pathological liars on planet earth, you annihilate your own credibility by putting him on a pedestal. If you proudly and loudly smooch the ass of an serial liar like Watts, you simply can't credibly claim to be interested in truth.

Compared to Watts, Gore and Nye are boy scouts. A saying about motes and beams comes to mind. Watts is just the start. All the denier leaders lie big. Watts, Goddard, McIntyre, Monckton, just an endless list of pathological dishonesty. If you refuse to clean up the reeking filth in your own house, or even acknowledge it exists, you have no standing to criticize anyone else's house.

And ... Rud Istvan? Seriously? That's your trusted source? One of the WUWT crowd who like to ramble about "CAGW"? He just dumps out vast quantities of ... something. Nobody can really tell what it is, but all the pretty pictures sure look impressive.

Got anything to back up that statement? So far your contribution is "I can't refute anything they say so I'll call them liars instead and walk out of the room so I can't hear them laugh at me!"
Got anything to back up that statement? So far your contribution is "I can't refute anything they say so I'll call them liars instead and walk out of the room so I can't hear them laugh at me!"

Please don't pout at me, Westwall, since it turns my stomach to watch a grown man behave like that. It's not my fault you chose to pledge absolute loyalty to a liars' cult. And you should know how it all works by now. Crying at me won't convince me to stop pointing out your bad behavior. On the contrary, your tears demonstrate I'm hitting a sore spot, and therefore should keep it up.

Now, was there any specific denier leader whose lies you particularly like? Think of this as a chance for you all do discuss what your very favorite denier lies are.
The point of publishing the reviewers comments was not to argue all of AGW vs the Deniers again. It was to demonstrate that Bengtsson's persecution claims were complete crap.

I have never - ever - claimed that GCMs would produce data with a "realistic fit" with observations. The IPCC has never claimed that the "likely ranges" for CS it has assembled were probability distribution functions.

You did not answer all my questions. Despite that, you've gotten more discussion from me than you deserve. Nic Lewis's CS estimates are lowballs.

are you serious?


and now you are saying that you agree that the models cannot produce data with 'a realistic fit' with observations??? get your story straight son

the CS estimates have always been lower for calculations done on real world data. are you implying that Lewis is especially low even for those papers?

if Bengtsson's persecution claims were complete crap then it should be easy to point to all the papers documenting the large gap in CS between reality based and computer based estimates. I was under the impression that they were not in the literature, mostly because no journal will publish them, but please prove me wrong by linking to a few of them.

oh, and by the way, I have noticed how you refused to comment on the Gore/Nye experiment. I answered your questions, you refuse to answer mine.
Depends entirely what you or anyone else might mean by "realistic fit".

Yes, Lewis's values are the lowest of the low (pronounced with a descending contrabasso)

Can I ask you where you got your graphic (as it's sitting right next to your statement that you can't get that sort of data)?

I'd like to also ask you if you have any response to Dr Forster's comments about Lewis and Crok's use of Forster's methodology.

Lewis and Crok use methods developed by Jonathan Gregory and myself to infer a lower climate sensitivity than that quoted in IPCC AR5. Whilst our techniques are powerful they have uncertainties and do not necessarily produce more robust estimates of climate sensitivity than other methods, as they make crude assumptions and suffer from data quality issues. Climate sensitivity remains an uncertain quantity. Nevertheless, even employing the lowest estimates suggested by Lewis and Crok, we expect continued and significant warming out to 2100 of around 3C above preindustrial if we continue to emit CO2 at current levels.

For instance, did you wish to suggest that Lewis's CS values would allow no future warming?
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Depends entirely what you or anyone else might mean by "realistic fit".

Yes, Lewis's values are the lowest of the low (pronounced with a descending contrabasso)

Can I ask you where you got your graphic (as it's sitting right next to your statement that you can't get that sort of data)?

I'd like to also ask you if you have any response to Dr Forster's comments about Lewis and Crok's use of Forster's methodology.

Lewis and Crok use methods developed by Jonathan Gregory and myself to infer a lower climate sensitivity than that quoted in IPCC AR5. Whilst our techniques are powerful they have uncertainties and do not necessarily produce more robust estimates of climate sensitivity than other methods, as they make crude assumptions and suffer from data quality issues. Climate sensitivity remains an uncertain quantity. Nevertheless, even employing the lowest estimates suggested by Lewis and Crok, we expect continued and significant warming out to 2100 of around 3C above preindustrial if we continue to emit CO2 at current levels.

For instance, did you wish to suggest that Lewis's CS values would allow no future warming?

your quote-

The IPCC has never claimed that the "likely ranges" for CS it has assembled were probability distribution functions.

my answer to you-


this graph is from the IPCC AR4, where did you think it was from? you do realize that you can find the source of pics by right clicking them, dont you?

9.6.2 Estimates of Climate Sensitivity Based on Instrumental Observations - AR4 WGI Chapter 9: Understanding and Attributing Climate Change
Then I stand corrected.

However, this is not some probability distribution that the IPCC has concluded is the best, this is simply a collection of PDFs from the literature. Its function is informative, not proclamatory.
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I'd like to also ask you if you have any response to Dr Forster's comments about Lewis and Crok's use of Forster's methodology.

Lewis and Crok use methods developed by Jonathan Gregory and myself to infer a lower climate sensitivity than that quoted in IPCC AR5. Whilst our techniques are powerful they have uncertainties and do not necessarily produce more robust estimates of climate sensitivity than other methods, as they make crude assumptions and suffer from data quality issues. Climate sensitivity remains an uncertain quantity. Nevertheless, even employing the lowest estimates suggested by Lewis and Crok, we expect continued and significant warming out to 2100 of around 3C above preindustrial if we continue to emit CO2 at current levels.

For instance, did you wish to suggest that Lewis's CS values would allow no future warming?

I find it difficult to paraphrase Lewis' response to Forster so I will just give you a link to it-

Response to Jonathan Gregory?s comments on A Sensitive Matter |

what I wish to suggest is that the climatic response to doubled CO2 is closer to <2C rather than the 3C+ you guys claim. what is your logic for making a strawman claim that Lewis' climate sensitivity means no future warming? it is curious that you seem to invent what you think someone would say, and then believe it despite any and all evidence to the contrary. eg. do you still think Watts denies that CO2 increase will cause some warming through radiative effects, even though I gave you a quote where he succinctly and expressly said it did.

in future I would appreciate it if you would not put words in my mouth, or make unsubstantiated claims about other 'deniers'.
Then I stand corrected.

However, this is not some probability distribution that the IPCC has concluded is the best, this is simply a collection of PDFs from the literature. Its function is informative, not proclamatory.

here we go again.....

the IPCC gave a range of 2.0-4.5C and a best central estimate of 3.0C in AR4. you have quoted it numerous times through a wikipedia article.

with new research, and Lewis correcting some of their errors in previous included literature, the IPCC (edit- in AR5) changed the range to 1.5-4.5C and refused to give a best central estimate because it would be significantly lower than 3C. while they have acknowledged that climate sensitivity estimates are lower, their predictions for 2100 are essentially unchanged. how that is feasible in the real world is beyond logic.
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The point of publishing the reviewers comments was not to argue all of AGW vs the Deniers again. It was to demonstrate that Bengtsson's persecution claims were complete crap.

I have never - ever - claimed that GCMs would produce data with a "realistic fit" with observations. The IPCC has never claimed that the "likely ranges" for CS it has assembled were probability distribution functions.

You did not answer all my questions. Despite that, you've gotten more discussion from me than you deserve. Nic Lewis's CS estimates are lowballs.

Clearly, you're lying again

"Summarising, the simplistic comparison of ranges from AR4, AR5, and Otto et al, combined with the statement they are inconsistent is less then helpful, actually it is harmful as it opens the door for oversimplified claims of "errors" and worse from the climate sceptics media side.”

^ That's not science. Yelling at the new auditor because he said your books are suspicious does not give you a clean audit.

Trust me, your side is committing a huge fraud.

Lewis correcting some of their errors in previous included literature, the IPCC (edit- in AR5) changed the range to 1.5-4.5C

Are you saying that Nic Lewis is responsible for the IPCC lowering the lower end of their given range? Do you have some evidence of that?

and refused to give a best central estimate because it would be significantly lower than 3C.

Or evidence of that?

I would point out that the central value of 1.5 - 4.5 IS 3.0 and those data aren't well centered but tend high.
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