Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises

looks like they are going to get a wake up call on being conned

From West Virginia to Wyoming, coal country overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump and his message that he will bring coal jobs back. Now, those same voters are eyeing his incoming administration closely, careful to see if he will keep his promises to revive the coal industry and get miners back to work.

These hopes have become increasingly desperate as the industry has floundered. U.S. coal production in 2016 is projected to be at its lowest level since 1978, and over the past few years, the country has lost about 30,000 coal jobs.

Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises
I'm waiting for your reply, SHITHEAD. You started this thread.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?

Smog kills thousands in England - Dec 04, 1952 -

" The period between December 4 and December 8 saw such a marked increase in death in the London metropolitan area that the most conservative estimates place the death toll at 4,000, with some estimating that the smog killed as many as 8,000 people.

On December 9, the smog finally blew away. In the aftermath of this incident, the British government passed more stringent regulations on air pollution and encouraged people to stop using coal to heat their homes. Despite these measures, a similar smog 10 years later killed approximately 100 Londoners."
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Is Trump going to kill natural gas and oil jobs?

Tell me, according to the laws of the free market, what happens to demand when you dramatically increase supply?
Nothing. It's the price that is affected.
When the price collapses because of bunch of coal is being mined that nobody wants or needs, what will happen to the coal jobs?

Do you believe that Trump will massively subsidize the coal industry wih federal funding to create unneeded coal jobs?

it will get sent over seas and help

lower our trade deficit
Oh okay. Did you know that India and China are behind overseas demand spikes for coal, and did you know that they absolutely do not need our coal at all because they have massive amounts if their own? But maybe Trump will get lucky and they will elect globalists who want to pay more for our coal.
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.


Yeah look at that stagnant U.S. demand. Bringing our jobs back indeed. :rolleyes:
The EPA stifled the industry. Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
If true, then there should be massive demand because people cannot meet their energy needs! Tell me, how many hours a day is your home without power thanks to the EPA?
My energy bills, including car fuel, have stifled my consumption thanks to the EPA driving up costs. It's happened to you, too.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Is Trump going to kill natural gas and oil jobs?

Tell me, according to the laws of the free market, what happens to demand when you dramatically increase supply?
Nothing. It's the price that is affected.
When the price collapses because of bunch of coal is being mined that nobody wants or needs, what will happen to the coal jobs?

Do you believe that Trump will massively subsidize the coal industry wih federal funding to create unneeded coal jobs?

it will get sent over seas and help

lower our trade deficit
Oh okay. Did you know that India and China are behind overseas demand spikes for coal, and did you know that they absolutely do not need our coal at all because they have massive amounts if their own? But maybe Trump will get lucky and they will elect globalists who want to pay more for our coal.

blah blah blah

you like talkin out your ass
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.


Yeah look at that stagnant U.S. demand. Bringing our jobs back indeed. :rolleyes:
The EPA stifled the industry. Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
If true, then there should be massive demand because people cannot meet their energy needs! Tell me, how many hours a day is your home without power thanks to the EPA?
My energy bills, including car fuel, have stifled my consumption thanks to the EPA driving up costs. It's happened to you, too.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Your gas is way cheaper than it was 4 years ago right? You must feel like a bastard for enjoying those prices that resulted in hundreds of thousands of layoffs in the oil industry.
Is Trump going to kill natural gas and oil jobs?

Tell me, according to the laws of the free market, what happens to demand when you dramatically increase supply?
Nothing. It's the price that is affected.
When the price collapses because of bunch of coal is being mined that nobody wants or needs, what will happen to the coal jobs?

Do you believe that Trump will massively subsidize the coal industry wih federal funding to create unneeded coal jobs?

it will get sent over seas and help

lower our trade deficit
Oh okay. Did you know that India and China are behind overseas demand spikes for coal, and did you know that they absolutely do not need our coal at all because they have massive amounts if their own? But maybe Trump will get lucky and they will elect globalists who want to pay more for our coal.

blah blah blah

you like talkin out your ass
No rebuttal of course. Because you know I'm right.
Mystery Solved! Cause of London's 1952 'Killer Fog' Revealed

"Researchers have for a long time connected emissions from burning coal with the killer fog, but the specific chemical processes that led to the deadly mix of pollution and fog were not fully understood. To determine what turned the fog into a killer, an international team of scientists from China, the U.S. and the U.K. recreated the fog in a lab using results from laboratory experiments and atmospheric measurements from Beijing and Xi’an, two heavily polluted cities in China. [In Photos: World's Most Polluted Places]

Study lead author Renyi Zhang, an atmospheric scientist at Texas A&M University, said that sulfate was a big contributor to the deadly London fog. Sulfuric acid particles, which formed from the sulfur dioxide that was released from the burning of coal, were also a component of the fog. The question was, How did sulfur dioxide get turned into sulfuric acid?

"Our results showed that this process was facilitated by nitrogen dioxide, another co-product of coal burning, and occurred initially on natural fog," Zhang said in a statement. "Another key aspect in the conversion of sulfur dioxide to sulfate is that it produces acidic particles, which subsequently inhibits this process."
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.


Coal was killed by fracking.

Like his followers, trumpery is too stupid to learn but he's smart enough to just keep lying. The poor people in coal country were conned, just like you were.

If you had a brain, you would agree with the left that people should be trained to do work that is needed. Instead - if trumpery could make a buck off of it, he would have told you we need to reopen buggy whip factories and you would have swallowed that lie too.
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.


Coal was killed by fracking.

Like his followers, trumpery is too stupid to learn but he's smart enough to just keep lying. The poor people in coal country were conned, just like you were.

If you had a brain, you would agree with the left that people should be trained to do work that is needed. Instead - if trumpery could make a buck off of it, he would have told you we need to reopen buggy whip factories and you would have swallowed that lie too.
Energy drives the economy!
You have no clue. You should not be allowed to vote.
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.


Coal was killed by fracking.

Like his followers, trumpery is too stupid to learn but he's smart enough to just keep lying. The poor people in coal country were conned, just like you were.

If you had a brain, you would agree with the left that people should be trained to do work that is needed. Instead - if trumpery could make a buck off of it, he would have told you we need to reopen buggy whip factories and you would have swallowed that lie too.
Energy drives the economy!
You have no clue. You should not be allowed to vote.
Why did the oil industry lose hundreds of thousands of jobs as supply went up, causing prices to go down? If you can't think of an answer, you should not be allowed to vote. If your answer cites the EPA somehow, you should be considered for deportation.
The U.S. is now pumping out a record amount of oil. Yay more jobs right?! Can anyone raise their hand and tell me how many jobs cheap oil creates in the oil industry?

Nice chart. Can you show us one that includes the collapse in oil prices since 2012 that all but destroyed U.S. fracking?

Looks like we are down 16% from the peak in 2014.

Still a shit load of jobs, and plenty of room for that to go back up when prices rise again.

U.S. oil, gas industry sheds 100,000 jobs in slump: Kemp

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