Coal Country Picked Trump. Now, They Want Him To Keep His Promises

Gee, I ran a google of President Obama pledges to bankrupt coal, and all i got was this article debunking the whole thing:
The repeated claim that Obama ‘vowed’ to bankrupt coal plants

in which is the following quote:

"In other words, Obama was talking about disincentives to building coal-powered plants with old technology, not coal plants with cleaner technology. That’s an important distinction. He is also talking about a hypothetical, not making a “vow” to bankrupt coal operators."

In short, in the future, you are going to have to post your own fake news. You are thoroughly discredited.

i didnt say it obama said it

Your very words:

"yes the president promised to bankrupt the coal industry"


yes and he did promise that
indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


It's real dirty. We should sell our coal to china

And do what for all the energy that we suddenly don't have?

Let them pollute and manufacture for us. We don't use coal because it's dirty. I want to put the coal miners back to work sell it to china. They don't have any. Sell to Mexico too

SO your answer is to export even more jobs?

I respectfully disagree.

actually Europe is a better market for our coal
^ typical Trump voter when asked how coal will make a comeback in a country with no demand for it.


16% of the world's largest economy is hardly "no demand".
You just posted an article about how prices are too low because demand is too low genius. Leading to over 100,000 jobs lost. Time to tag someone else in. You're barely able to stand.

You are all over the place. Coal is a major industry, that lefties like Obama and Hillary wanted to kill for ideological reasons.

THe lefty pretense that the industry is dead or dying is not borne out by the numbers.

IMO, it is likely that a significant portion of the drop is due to government hostility that is now going to be removed.

The drop caused by the gas glut is almost certainly temporary and will be reversed at some point as gas prices rebound.

Not so fast. The cost to switch from coal to nat gas was considerable and is more or less permanent.

Really? Coal use CAN'T increase? All Coal plants are running at 100% of capacity? There are none idle or expandable?

pretty much not here in the states

however places like Germany are building them like crazy

at 2:35 he says

if someone wants to build a coal plant they can

it will bankrupt them because they will be charged ...

Its called a cap & trade & the entire purpose would be to make dirtier plants decide to either clean up their acts or become non competitive.

You people are just stupid.

at 2:35 he says

if someone wants to build a coal plant they can

it will bankrupt them because they will be charged ...

Its called a cap & trade & the entire purpose would be to make dirtier plants decide to either clean up their acts or become non competitive.

You people are just stupid.

yes so you agree the prezbo promised to bankrupt the coal industry

through cap and trade
You posted the same 2 1/2 year old article. We gave Europe what they wanted. And again, not coal.

no i didnt
You posted the same 2 1/2 year old article. We gave Europe what they wanted. And again, not coal.

it is not the same article asshole

the article shows that obama blew it
Same article you posted in post #125. 2 1/2 years old and the U.S. has increased exports since then.

And if you're going to call me an asshole for telling the truth then go fuck yourself

fuck you kiss my ass

this one is from feb 2016

Germany’s dependence on imported fossil fuels

plus Germany has imported more coal

German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006
Published time: 13 Feb, 2015

German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006
That is from February 2015 dumbass

hey dumb ass you think Germany's energy problem magically disappeared in a year

Germany is building one coal plant after another

which of course they will have to import all of it

after they close coal mining in 2019



Forget Paris: Germany Opens Another New Coal Power Plant | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

They went bassakwards for sure.
^ typical Trump voter when asked how coal will make a comeback in a country with no demand for it.


16% of the world's largest economy is hardly "no demand".
You just posted an article about how prices are too low because demand is too low genius. Leading to over 100,000 jobs lost. Time to tag someone else in. You're barely able to stand.

You are all over the place. Coal is a major industry, that lefties like Obama and Hillary wanted to kill for ideological reasons.

THe lefty pretense that the industry is dead or dying is not borne out by the numbers.

IMO, it is likely that a significant portion of the drop is due to government hostility that is now going to be removed.

The drop caused by the gas glut is almost certainly temporary and will be reversed at some point as gas prices rebound.

Not so fast. The cost to switch from coal to nat gas was considerable and is more or less permanent.

Really? Coal use CAN'T increase? All Coal plants are running at 100% of capacity? There are none idle or expandable?

You can't just switch from nat gas back to coal as easily as you switch grades of gasoline in your car.
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No we didn't.

Being pragmatic about the dim future of the coal industry is not a promise to bankrupt it

indeed he did

"What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as an ideological matter, ..r."


It's real dirty. We should sell our coal to china

And do what for all the energy that we suddenly don't have?

Let them pollute and manufacture for us. We don't use coal because it's dirty. I want to put the coal miners back to work sell it to china. They don't have any. Sell to Mexico too

China has plenty of coal. But we are already exporting coal from both coasts. I understand they want to expand our west coast export facilities to increase exports. And that's fine with me.
Gee, I ran a google of President Obama pledges to bankrupt coal, and all i got was this article debunking the whole thing:
The repeated claim that Obama ‘vowed’ to bankrupt coal plants

in which is the following quote:

"In other words, Obama was talking about disincentives to building coal-powered plants with old technology, not coal plants with cleaner technology. That’s an important distinction. He is also talking about a hypothetical, not making a “vow” to bankrupt coal operators."

In short, in the future, you are going to have to post your own fake news. You are thoroughly discredited.

i didnt say it obama said it

Your very words:

"yes the president promised to bankrupt the coal industry"


yes and he did promise that

You continue to lie repeatedly about your own posts WITHIN your own posts. Obama said that no one can make money building coal power plants using old technology, due to EPA regulations. He never mention the word "bankrupt". He never said anything about initiating any action on the coal industry. He specifically said that coal is a part of this countries energy source and that it is here to stay as long as clean burning coal plants are used. He never said the words "I promise". He never said anything about his plans as president regarding coal. In short, you are full of shit and I am done with you and your lies. if you are going to create fake news, you really should find something harder to discredit yourself.
no i didnt
it is not the same article asshole

the article shows that obama blew it
Same article you posted in post #125. 2 1/2 years old and the U.S. has increased exports since then.

And if you're going to call me an asshole for telling the truth then go fuck yourself

fuck you kiss my ass

this one is from feb 2016

Germany’s dependence on imported fossil fuels

plus Germany has imported more coal

German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006
Published time: 13 Feb, 2015

German coal imports from Russia highest since 2006
That is from February 2015 dumbass

hey dumb ass you think Germany's energy problem magically disappeared in a year

Germany is building one coal plant after another

which of course they will have to import all of it

after they close coal mining in 2019



Forget Paris: Germany Opens Another New Coal Power Plant | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

They went bassakwards for sure.

well they did

when they decided to drop nuclear power

left them in a lurch
Gee, I ran a google of President Obama pledges to bankrupt coal, and all i got was this article debunking the whole thing:
The repeated claim that Obama ‘vowed’ to bankrupt coal plants

in which is the following quote:

"In other words, Obama was talking about disincentives to building coal-powered plants with old technology, not coal plants with cleaner technology. That’s an important distinction. He is also talking about a hypothetical, not making a “vow” to bankrupt coal operators."

In short, in the future, you are going to have to post your own fake news. You are thoroughly discredited.

i didnt say it obama said it

Your very words:

"yes the president promised to bankrupt the coal industry"


yes and he did promise that

You continue to lie repeatedly about your own posts WITHIN your own posts. Obama said that no one can make money building coal power plants using old technology, due to EPA regulations. He never mention the word "bankrupt". He never said anything about initiating any action on the coal industry. He specifically said that coal is a part of this countries energy source and that it is here to stay as long as clean burning coal plants are used. He never said the words "I promise". He never said anything about his plans as president regarding coal. In short, you are full of shit and I am done with you and your lies. if you are going to create fake news, you really should find something harder to discredit yourself.

i havent lied at all

obama said it

and the polices set forth as he says

is meant to bankrupt them

it is one of the official platforms of the left

to bankrupt coal in favor of green energy
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
Why wouldn't he, shithead?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.

Why stop at going back in time to coal? Why not return to burning wood?
Because there is no demand for coal whatsoever.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.
They can expand all the coal mining they want but energy producers are converting their plants to cheaper, cleaner gas. Oops! They already have.
Natural gas likely overtook coal as top U.S. power source in 2015
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.

Why stop at going back in time to coal? Why not return to burning wood?
Because coal is effective and cheap. Duh.
There would be if not for the Dems SS, the EPA.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.
They can expand all the coal mining they want but energy producers are converting their plants to cheaper, cleaner gas. Oops! They already have.
Natural gas likely overtook coal as top U.S. power source in 2015
Mainly because they've been forced in that direction by green fascism.
Within 10 miles of my home there are at least 2 dozen gas drilling pads operating. Will Trump ban fracking?
Within 20 miles of my home are no tangible fossil fuel resources but our democrat county legislature outlawed fracking.
What's your point?
Banning fracking is the only way Trump can bring back coal. WTF, am I talking to a 6 year old here?
No need to ban anything. Allowing for expanded coal mining will usurp fracking naturally as a result of cost. Market Darwinism. Lefties just love banning shit. It's their unfortunate fascist nature.

Why stop at going back in time to coal? Why not return to burning wood?
Because coal is effective and cheap. Duh.

I figured that if you want to turn back the clock 100 years, you might as well bring back wood burning locomotives.

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