Coal miners say they were forced to attend Romney event and donate

Mr. Peepers

Senior Member
Aug 11, 2009
OK, how is this even remotely legal? I thought it was against the law to force your employees into political action.

“We had managers that communicated to our work force that the attendance at the Romney event was mandatory, but no one was forced to attend the event. We had a pre-registration list. And employees were asked to put their names on a pre-registration list because they could not get into the event unless they were pre-registered and had a name tag to enter the premises.”

Coal miners say they were forced to attend Romney event and donate | The Raw Story
They made this "mandatory" and then mewl that no one was forced to go - do they understand the definition of "mandatory"? And they took names so that they would know who didn't go? And they refused to PAY the workers for a mandatory er... meeting? No, a seminar? No, it was that gasbag's POLITICAL rally. So incredibly wrong...


1.Required by law or rules; compulsory: "wearing helmets is mandatory".
2.Of or conveying a command: "he did not want the guidelines to be mandatory".
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Isn't that the same semi-literate rednecks who spend half of their checks on guns, ammo, and survival gear every month so they can remain free ?
I believe it. Mine owners are some of the most corrupt psychopathic, GREEDY people in the world.
It's found in other outlets now... and the statement was from a big (stinky) cheese at the mine.
You got a real source? mother Jones makes shit up and their interviews are usually bogus. Sorry they have a bad rap.

Go back to my post. I posted the source article by accident instead of the radio interview - I fixed that, but yes, I consider Mother Jones about as reliable as they come.
You got a real source? mother Jones makes shit up and their interviews are usually bogus. Sorry they have a bad rap.

Go back to my post. I posted the source article by accident instead of the radio interview - I fixed that, but yes, I consider Mother Jones about as reliable as they come.

so when they are lefties and proud of it

My brother says you're a lefty pinko rag. True?

Here's where we're coming from: We believe all people should have equal opportunity in life, that all children should be able to go to good schools, and that everyone should have health care. Call that what you will–we're not insulted by being called left, liberal, progressive, whatever. (We've noticed, though, that the people who resort to name-calling are often just trying to distract the public from their own misdeeds.) Political inclinations notwithstanding, we will cheerfully investigate any people or entities of any political persuasion, right, left, or center, if their behavior warrants it. (back to top)

they are a reliable source, when they are right wing, they arent. Sounds legit.
Did you not read the article? The company spokesman explained why they couldn't pay the miners who attended the political rally. It's against the law to do so.

Let's face facts here,'re not going to have a hard time getting coal miners to support Mitt Romney in a race against a man who has been quite open and honest about wanting to shut down the coal industry in this country.

The reason miners support Romney and not Obama isn't because their bosses ORDER them to...they support Romney because Obama wants to take away their jobs! What do you think those coal miners are going to be doing if Barry gets his way and forcibly weans us of of nasty old coal? I know you all THINK that miners are stupid...but nobody is THAT stupid!
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This needs to be looked into by Issa NOW!!!! He needs to clear that partisan calendar of his and get this on the docket.
Wow, it sounds like something Castro would do....

Are you fat and stupid? Yep.

Romney had nothing to do with it. First, if you believe the story, because a liberal source using anonymous calls and emails to the radio as their source! Good vetting. Second, if it was true it came from the mine managment. Obama is trying to SHUT DOWN THEIR INDUSTRY, so why wouldn't managment encourage it's workers to try to prevent this? According to the story a few middle managers said it was mandatory NOT THE OWNERS OF THE MINE!

These aren't your grandfather's miners. Miners nowadays make $90-$120K and they live in the sticks, where food, gas, property and taxes are extremely low! A day without pay wouldn't hurt them! The coal industry getting shut down would not only destroy their community and the their state, but the entire country!
They made this "mandatory" and then mewl that no one was forced to go - do they understand the definition of "mandatory"? And they took names so that they would know who didn't go? And they refused to PAY the workers for a mandatory er... meeting? No, a seminar? No, it was that gasbag's POLITICAL rally. So incredibly wrong...


1.Required by law or rules; compulsory: "wearing helmets is mandatory".
2.Of or conveying a command: "he did not want the guidelines to be mandatory".

Hey dumbass, the mine was shutting down for the event these fucks couldn't work if they wanted to. No one was forced to attend the event.

Damn you people are stupid!

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