Coburn Report: Bon Jovi,Springsteen,Quincy Jones,Ted Turner Received Fed Funds

i know... they really should stop giving money to michelle bachmann's family and ron paul's districts, since they hate federal funds so much.

so there ya go.

Well there ya go. You're finally making some sense. I know you didn't mean to though. Giving Government Subsidies to Millionaires is wrong. Glad we could agree. Thanks.

Like the oil companies and financial industries, right?

I would rather pay for reforestation than praying out the gay...but that is just me.

Ted Turner also has free range cattle, which I would rather pay for than pay for a feed lot.

I'm sure Ted Turner is doing ok. So don't shed any tears for him. He doesn't need Farm Subsidies.

Research the subject then get back to me. ;)

I am not commenting on the fact he might not need it. The fact they are claiming these people are not farmers is false. Just because they have other occupations does not mean they don't own farms.
My brother a few years ago ran a 15,000 acre ranch for a guy who owned a coal mine. According to this article that guy could be called an executive, coal miner etc and not a rancher.

I'm not so interested in whether they're real Farmers or not. I'm more interested in the fact they're receiving Taxpayer Money. Billionaires and Millionaires can take care of themselves. They should consider giving the money back to the People.
There is no such thing as farm subsidies anymore.
There are now "farm-related" subsidies...basically...

1) Here is money if you are a giant agri-business.
2) Here is money to not grow certain things that giant agri-businesses grow.
What happened to Billionnaires should be treated the same as the middle class? You dittoheads are nonsensical...

So you support Billionaires and Millionaires receiving Taxpayer Money? Not sure i follow you.
What happened to Billionnaires should be treated the same as the middle class? You dittoheads are nonsensical...

So you support Billionaires and Millionaires receiving Taxpayer Money? Not sure i follow you.

Dont try... its a rabbit hole

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All these idiots (mentioned in article) would, if a camera was in their face, say.... tax me more!

Freeking hypocrites!

Run a few cows across your property and get a tax payer money.

Just look like more Corporate Bailouts to me. I would think this is an issue most of us could agree on.
I heard this on Stossel. They have acreage and then throw on farm animal or some planting claim a loss and then they hardly pay any taxes on their land. Of course this is not all over the news because these are democrats doing it
I heard this on Stossel. They have acreage and then throw on farm animal or some planting claim a loss and then they hardly pay any taxes on their land. Of course this is not all over the news because these are democrats doing it

Yea i suspect these people being registered Democrats does have something to do with the MSM mostly ignoring it. Now if they were Republicans??...
Wealthy celebrities including Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Quincy Jones and Ted Turner have received federal subsidies, according to “Subsidies of the Rich and Famous,” a new report from the office of Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified several individuals receiving farm payments “whose professions had nothing to do with farming or agricultur[e],” says the report. These individuals include real-estate developer Maurice Wilder, a “part-owner of a professional sports franchise [who] received total of more than $200,000 in farm program payments in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006.”

The report also says millionaires Jon Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen and Ted Turner have collected farm subsidies.

Read more: Tom Coburn | Rich and Famous | Federal Funds | The Daily Caller

actually, springsteen has a 400 acre organic farm in colt's neck, nj.

but why are you leaving out michelle bachmann's "family farm" subsidies and her husband's pray away the gay medicare money?

you know ron paul never met an earmark he didn't like. right?
Because Michele's a republican.
Maybe it's time to "Occupy" these Celebrities' Farms? Whata ya say?
Yes! Ted does have ranches! Does he ever?!? If you haven't, go and eat at Ted's Montana Grill.
A life without bison burgers is a life not worth living.

I agree that none of them should be getting tax subsidies. But I also think that the capital gains tax should be raised.

And if we follow this line of reasoning, then no millionaire should get Medicare either.
Yes! Ted does have ranches! Does he ever?!? If you haven't, go and eat at Ted's Montana Grill.
A life without bison burgers is a life not worth living.

I agree that none of them should be getting tax subsidies. But I also think that the capital gains tax should be raised.

And if we follow this line of reasoning, then no millionaire should get Medicare either.

Never had a Bison Burger. Sounds delicious. I agree and disagree with your take. I would like to see the Capital Gains Tax eliminated. Also,even Millionaires & Billionaires pay into Medicare so they are entitled to the benefits. But anyway,back to that Buffalo Burger. Now i'm hungry.
Yes! Ted does have ranches! Does he ever?!? If you haven't, go and eat at Ted's Montana Grill.
A life without bison burgers is a life not worth living.

I agree that none of them should be getting tax subsidies. But I also think that the capital gains tax should be raised.

And if we follow this line of reasoning, then no millionaire should get Medicare either.

Never had a Bison Burger. Sounds delicious. I agree and disagree with your take. I would like to see the Capital Gains Tax eliminated. Also,even Millionaires & Billionaires pay into Medicare so they are entitled to the benefits. But anyway,back to that Buffalo Burger. Now i'm hungry.

Do they not pay taxes now? Probably like many uber-wealthy people, they have high-speed accountants who take care of things so that they pay little to no taxes. I know that Ted at least is a tax write-offs all the way around on top of subsidies. (sigh....if only I'd had more focus as a that I would have paid attention in school and college, instead of crude note writing)

Bison is like beef, only 10 times better. It's just...amazing. You won't be disappointed. It has more flavor, and is supposedly better for you than beef. It's a little pricey, but it's worth it.
I really would like to find out how much Taxes these Celebrities paid and compare that to what they received from the Government. I'm very interested in finding this out.
All these idiots (mentioned in article) would, if a camera was in their face, say.... tax me more!

Freeking hypocrites!

Run a few cows across your property and get a tax payer money.


Ted turner has 50,000 bison.
With approximately two million acres of personal and ranch land, Ted Turner is the second largest individual landholder in North America. Turner lands are innovatively managed and work to partner economic viability with ecological sustainability. All Turner ranches operate as working businesses, relying on bison and outfitting as principal enterprises. In addition, Turner ranches support many progressive environmental projects including water resource management, reforestation and the reintroduction of native species to the land.

Turner Enterprises also manages over 50,000 head of bison across the various Turner ranches.
Ted Turner: Ranches

Could be classified as a Farm. But i'm not sure. Regardless though,Ted Turner is a Billionaire. He shouldn't be receiving Taxpayer Money. And neither should these other Millionaires.

The law should not discriminate against people, just because of how much money they have. If their farms meet the standards in place-then they should be allowed to get what everybody else does.

Not defending these people-Bruce Springsteen is a grade-A asshole.
How much Taxes did these people pay and how much Taxpayer money did they receive? I think these are fair questions. The Taxpayers should be informed. It's their money after all.

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