Cocaine Found In The White House

I think that bag of cocaine is Russian Disinformation. :iagree:

Honestly, I'm thinking it's far left progressive disinformation. I wouldn't be surprised if it was planted as an act of sabotage by the far lunantic AOC style left. They keep trying to push Biden out for a younger and sexier model.
Now explain why they had to call a hazmat unit in for what you claim is a harmless a prescription. Reading the container it came in would have told everyone exactly what it was and what it was used for.
They said it was in crystal or powder form in a baggy.
Lol dude they used a hazmat suit because they didn’t know what it was at first. It’s not like you can tell exactly what it is just by looking at it.
Honestly, I'm thinking it's far left progressive disinformation. I wouldn't be surprised if it was planted as an act of sabotage by the far lunantic AOC style left. They keep trying to push Biden out for a younger and sexier model.
Sounds like you were behind it Stormy. It’s the perfect plan. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if you dropped by the WH.
Honestly, I'm thinking it's far left progressive disinformation. I wouldn't be surprised if it was planted as an act of sabotage by the far lunantic AOC style left. They keep trying to push Biden out for a younger and sexier model.

They keep trying to push Biden out for a younger and sexier model.
Oh? Is that all. Bribery, Tax evasion and laptop pics of underage girls was not enough? They had to add Coke in the WH?
Maybe Hunters wife/relatives/sister in laws?/widows? with children got tired of his BS. Waited till he was indisposed and took it and planted it (when he was not around) as sort of a "cry for help", a "call to the Police".
Binary search the security video. Its about a 2 hour job tops. What time was it not there.....when did it appear.....who went in & out? are they caught on camera inside?

Maybe the cameras were not working that day?
I think Hunter should be issued a HazMat suit so he doesn't accidentally intoxicate folks within 10' of him. (And, so he doesn't drop his stash all over the place).
Hunter is one NASTY M*r...His daddy ignores his drug problem which is FOREVER addictions never die, they just stay asleep until they wake up again. Hunter will always turn back to drugs and cheat the IRS along with abandoning his biological child. He is a piece of dirt, just like his Daddy...
Um okay so what is your explanation for the haz mat suit then?
The original story was that it was an unknown substance in a baggy.
Later they scrambled to make excuses by claiming it was a prescription, which would have been in a med pack clearly marked with the doctor and the pharmacy it came from. No need for hazmat suits for a prescription.

So you figure it out. Which one is it and why are they lying about it (as usual)?
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The original story was that it was an unknown substance in a baggy.
Later they scrambled to make excuses by claiming it was a prescription, which would have been in a med pack clearly marked with the doctor and the pharmacy it came from. No need for hazmat suits for a prescription.

So you figure it you. Which one is it and why are they lying about it (as usual)?
But you’re the one questioning why they used a haz mat suit so what is your point? Lol why did they use it in your opinion
Didn't read your links, did you? This is from your second link and you can read about on medscape.

According to, cocaine, when turned into a substance called cocaine hydrochloride, is said to act as an advanced local anesthetic that helps block the conduction of nerve impulses.

This hazardous material that was recently found in the White House premises is typically used to numb the area around the mouth lining, nose, and throat, ahead of surgical procedures. This allows doctors to carry out operations without causing discomfort or pain.

In fact, cocaine hydrochloride is better than raw cocaine, as it lowers the risk of abuse and can only be found for clinical use. It is mainly administered by cotton applicators, packs, sprays, or in rare cases, instilled into dental cavities. -debbiedowner


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