Cocaine Found In The White House

Didn't read your links, did you? This is from your second link and you can read about on medscape.

According to, cocaine, when turned into a substance called cocaine hydrochloride, is said to act as an advanced local anesthetic that helps block the conduction of nerve impulses.

This hazardous material that was recently found in the White House premises is typically used to numb the area around the mouth lining, nose, and throat, ahead of surgical procedures. This allows doctors to carry out operations without causing discomfort or pain.

In fact, cocaine hydrochloride is better than raw cocaine, as it lowers the risk of abuse and can only be found for clinical use. It is mainly administered by cotton applicators, packs, sprays, or in rare cases, instilled into dental cavities.
Didn't they give that to FDR on occasion for nasal issues?
My first guess would this could have been for president Biden.... Since it was identified as cocaine hydrochloride, which is a medical topical numbing analgesic for pain around or in the mouth or the nose area etc.

This week the white house fessed up (again, first mention he had sleep apnea in 2008)) to Joe Biden's sleep apnea, due to people noticing red strap marks Monday a week ago on his face or something of the sort....from wearing that machine at night.

So, I was thinking Joe might have had that procedure for people with sleep apnea done in his nose to improve breathing....the topical medical pain reliever cocaine hydrochloride was for that....??
But why hide it in a cubby in the storage area?
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


It's either Hunter's or it's part of their push to be more inclusive by having cocaine addicts in their administration. Or, maybe one the trannies left it by accident.
If they don't know who's it is. They are incompetent.

If they do know who it is, they are covering it up.

It obviously belongs to a high profile democrat or democrats. Many democrat "faves" could be involved...
If cocaine was found at my house and no one took blame, I am going to jail because its my house.
Is joe above the law?

I'm not a Trump fan, by any stretch. But If this had happened during his administration, the media would be reporting on it a lot more. I decided to turn on the news this morning and they spent more time talking about the Evan Gershkovich reporter than the cocaine story.
Since they are trying to make some staffer the fall guy I say put them, and Crackhead, on a lie detector and find out who left it there.
But it had nothing to do with Hunter being there:


Is Hunter covering for blow-junkie Joe?

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