Cochran primary won by Black Democrats


Now we have numbnuts who said this in the post prior:

" McDaniel was trying to deny black voters their vote? He IS trying. Isn't he fighting the result?"

Then after this leftist boob gets his stupidass caught in his own trap he then cries, "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" :lol: You have to post on these forums to truly witness the character of the Zombie left.. It's fucking hysterical.. McDaniel is denying votes when he wants a recount but Algore isn't..

His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

Cochran has a lifetime 88% conservative rating from the ACU, the American Conservative Union,

and yes, oddly enough, that is now 'liberal' to the radical rightwing fringe.

You'd think they'd learn after enough of their 'conservative enough' candidates lose elections how truly fringe they are.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

You forgot the last part:

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats fairly and legally

Note to O/P: Look up "open primaries" by state.

So you support the race baiting poster?

You seem to have acquired a new obsession. Was that poster illegal?
So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

Not at all, it is about lies and 60 percent of the Republicans who voted being disenfranchised by the democrat voters. Whom should not have been voting in this runoff according to Mississippi law. But let us not let the law in the way.

Oh so now it was a stolen primary using illegal votes. Are you guys the biggest sore losers or what?

Something tells me that if they were not allowed to vote in the primary, according to MS law, then they wouldn't have voted, or the TP establishment would have been on top of that from day one.

But please, link the part of MS law that states crossover voting is against the law.
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Rush the Vote: Operation Chaos

RUSH: Operation Chaos. What did that black website name this yesterday? I'm having a mental block. The Rush Vote. Listen to this. This is from somebody by the name of John K. Wilson at the Huffington Post today. Headline: "Mississippi, 'Limbaugh Effect' Softens Blow for Hillary Clinton -- Hillary Clinton suffered a huge defeat last night in Mississippi, and now faces an insurmountable pledged delegate lead by Barack Obama.

But what most pundits missed was the fact that Obama's victory would have been even more overwhelming in Mississippi (and he might have won the popular vote in Texas) if not for the 'Limbaugh Effect': Republicans voting in the Democratic primary in order to undermine Barack Obama and help John McCain. ... In the voting during January and February, Republicans were an average of 3.8% of the voters in the Democratic Primary, and they heavily supported Obama. But for the primaries in March, in Texas, Ohio, and Mississippi, Republicans have been 8% of the voters in the Democratic primary, and now they heavily support Hillary Clinton. This is definite proof of the 'Limbaugh Effect' coming through."

Then you go to the last paragraph. "Rarely in American politics have so many people ever intentionally voted for a candidate they hate so much.

Approximately 40,000 Republicans in Mississippi decided to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to help her destroy the Democratic Party this year with a divided convention. Hillary Clinton's 'big wins' in March failed to help her close the delegate gap, and she cannot possibly win the pledged delegate race against Obama. The only hope for Hillary Clinton is that Republican voters will help her reduce the gap against Obama, and that the superdelegates will somehow be convinced to obey the will of Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes by stealing the election from the legitimate voters."


#Goose #Gander

That is really hilarious.
So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

Not at all, it is about lies and 60 percent of the Republicans who voted being disenfranchised by the democrat voters. Whom should not have been voting in this runoff according to Mississippi law. But let us not let the law in the way.
Oh, please. There was no law broken.
Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote.

I bet you don't even realize what an incredibly racist statement that is.

I am not surprised a racist retard believes the only reason the GOP loses these days is "because free stuff!"

It can't possibly have anything to do with making really stupid racist statements like yours and putting up whackadoo candidates. Oh hell no! :lol:
Rush the Vote: Operation Chaos

RUSH: Operation Chaos. What did that black website name this yesterday? I'm having a mental block. The Rush Vote. Listen to this. This is from somebody by the name of John K. Wilson at the Huffington Post today. Headline: "Mississippi, 'Limbaugh Effect' Softens Blow for Hillary Clinton -- Hillary Clinton suffered a huge defeat last night in Mississippi, and now faces an insurmountable pledged delegate lead by Barack Obama.

But what most pundits missed was the fact that Obama's victory would have been even more overwhelming in Mississippi (and he might have won the popular vote in Texas) if not for the 'Limbaugh Effect': Republicans voting in the Democratic primary in order to undermine Barack Obama and help John McCain. ... In the voting during January and February, Republicans were an average of 3.8% of the voters in the Democratic Primary, and they heavily supported Obama. But for the primaries in March, in Texas, Ohio, and Mississippi, Republicans have been 8% of the voters in the Democratic primary, and now they heavily support Hillary Clinton. This is definite proof of the 'Limbaugh Effect' coming through."

Then you go to the last paragraph. "Rarely in American politics have so many people ever intentionally voted for a candidate they hate so much.

Approximately 40,000 Republicans in Mississippi decided to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to help her destroy the Democratic Party this year with a divided convention. Hillary Clinton's 'big wins' in March failed to help her close the delegate gap, and she cannot possibly win the pledged delegate race against Obama. The only hope for Hillary Clinton is that Republican voters will help her reduce the gap against Obama, and that the superdelegates will somehow be convinced to obey the will of Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes by stealing the election from the legitimate voters."


#Goose #Gander

Mega-dittos to you, sir. :clap2:
Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote.

I bet you don't even realize what an incredibly racist statement that is.

I am not surprised a racist retard believes the only reason the GOP loses these days is "because free stuff!"

It can't possibly have anything to do with making really stupid racist statements like yours and putting up whackadoo candidates. Oh hell no! :lol:

As I said the other day, Mississippi has the 5th highest rate of WHITE poverty in the country.
Yea, I have two threads going here on this , all day today where the liberal whackos melted down .. Cochran used posters that told Democrats the evil Tea Party would not let "blacks vote, will take away their food stamps." ITS DESPICABLE and right out of the librul playbook of scare tactics.

Here ya go....

Our View: Vote for Cochran on Tuesday
June 23, 2014 10:26:02 AM


Post a valid rebuttal to any of it.

Why is any rebuttal needed? It's a powerful argument for re-election.

Me too. I just figured any Tard willing to devote two threads and that much effort to throwing a wall-eyed fit over shit people didn't do or say, would have a field day with the real thing.
For every dollar Mississippians send to the Washington, $3 comes back to our state. ....

Post a valid rebuttal to any of it.

That makes me sick to my stomach.

Spending three times as much as one collects in revenues is called "deficit spending", massively so, and I don't see how anyone who claims to be a Republican could be for that.
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That is exactly what is wrong and so hypocritical about the GOP today. "Spending three times as much as we collect is wrong...except when our guy does it."

Does anyone really believe only the Democrats are responsible for our $17 trillion debt? If so, I can never take you seriously.
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Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote.

I bet you don't even realize what an incredibly racist statement that is.

I am not surprised a racist retard believes the only reason the GOP loses these days is "because free stuff!"

It can't possibly have anything to do with making really stupid racist statements like yours and putting up whackadoo candidates. Oh hell no! :lol:

The truth is the truth. The masses vote who they think will give them the most in handouts.
I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.

No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

Hey Stoopid (Knocks on his head) you told Iben in this very thread that you believe the Tea Party stops black people from voting.. Now based upon your unicorn make believe mindset, show me where this has ever happened to justify your whacko thought process???!!!! THAT'S A RACIST BOOGEYMAN

I would LOVE you to show me where I ALLEGEDLY stated such a thing. I am willing to bet that you can't back up another falsehood of yours. I'll be waiting...... :)
His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

Cochran has a lifetime 88% conservative rating from the ACU, the American Conservative Union,

and yes, oddly enough, that is now 'liberal' to the radical rightwing fringe.

You'd think they'd learn after enough of their 'conservative enough' candidates lose elections how truly fringe they are.

He voted to fund obamacare during the shutdown. More republicans voted for McDaniel than Cochran. Cochran won with democrats. That's the truth. The republican party lost. Period. The Tea Party is strong.
Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote.

I bet you don't even realize what an incredibly racist statement that is.

I am not surprised a racist retard believes the only reason the GOP loses these days is "because free stuff!"

It can't possibly have anything to do with making really stupid racist statements like yours and putting up whackadoo candidates. Oh hell no! :lol:

The truth is the truth. The masses vote who they think will give them the most in handouts.

A moment ago it was the blacks, not the masses.
There's a pretty good article below. :)


"What the Cochran campaign did was open up the tent," said Jackie Bland, an insurance agent from Madison who is African American and campaigned door-to-door for Mr. Cochran before the runoff election for the GOP Senate nomination. "I have formed a relationship and alliance with Republicans I never had before."

"Speaking to his supporters Tuesday night, Mr. McDaniel accused Mr. Cochran of betraying the party "by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."

"It's very good for our party, and very good for our state," said Mr. Barbour. "I want to have a bigger, broader Republican party but one that is grounded in conservative principles.''

Cochran's Outreach Effort to Black Voters Draws Criticism, Cheers - WSJ

I have no problem with what happened if those folks became Republicans and voted in the primary. I have a problem with Democrats selecting the Republican candidate for office that will run against a Democrat.

I believe that primaries should be closed.

I have no problem with it either way. I do find it funny that some people who were so gung ho and giddy about limpbaugh's Operation Chaos proposal , now have their panties in a wad, when it is exercised in the reverse. ;)
Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

Not at all, it is about lies and 60 percent of the Republicans who voted being disenfranchised by the democrat voters. Whom should not have been voting in this runoff according to Mississippi law. But let us not let the law in the way.
Oh, please. There was no law broken.
Even their MessiahRushie admits it was legal!

June 25, 2014
RUSH: Now, my Operation Chaos was entirely legal, and this one was, too, actually.

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