Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

It's sort of funny because gopers have been crossing over in democratic primaries for years.

Despite such protestations, a change in Mississippi's longstanding open primary law is unlikely, said state Representative Rita Martinson, a Republican serving on the state House's Apportionment and Elections Committee. A number of other states have open primaries, including in presidential elections.

Republicans in heavily Democratic areas have in the past voted in Democratic primaries, she said, in a tradition that allows more voters to have a say in their elected leaders.

"There's no appetite for changing it on my committee," she said.
Change in Miss. voting rules seen unlikely despite Tea Party anger

Personally I live in a city that's about 75% African American and I'm nominally a goper. I cross over all the time.

That said, the Cochran campaign definitely racheted up this crossing over. I don't think we've ever had a statewide primary election intentionally flipped in a run off by one candidate getting a cross over vote. I think it's clear that Cochran's "surge" came from people who simply hadn't voted in the first election and who logically would have voted for him in the primary (though Travis Childers is perfectly acceptable to mainstream gopers, but electing him would be electing Harry Reid and that's very unpalatable). Still, there's no dispute that some people who will definitely vote Dem in the primary voted for Cochran. And, I can't blame the McDaniel's folks for being mad as hell. I think the fact that some of the voters were African americans really bugs them. And that's despicable and why I'd never vote for McDaniel, even if it meant I was voting for Harry Reid.

Tea party groups are apoplectic over how Cochran won in Mississippi

What's your issue with Harry Reid? Stick purely to policy, and things he has done, please.
You don't 'play' the race card in Mississippi; that card has been on the table for several hundred years.

There is one lesson from this. It is simple and irrefutable:

You can lose elections, even in Mississippi, by moving too far to the right.

Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote. That is what Cochran did!

Actually, Bendog did a lightning analysis of the runoff, by county (he is from MS) and the numbers show that while black voters, likely Democratic voters (normally) helped, Cochran also did much better in a number of very, very white counties.

And I might add that you are impugning black people by saying that they only vote for someone if promised "free stuff", and then righties wonder why in the world they really never win the black vote... oh, and by the way, such statements like yours are totally, patently racist. I know lots of poor white folks who also like "free stuff".

To quote Rand Paul: "have you no shame?"

In Hinds County, Cochran's base, he got 10,928 votes on June 3. On Tuesday night, he got 17,927 (with 99 percent of precincts in the county reporting). For you non-math majors out there, that's 7,000 more votes in three weeks time.

McDaniel, on the other hand, got 5,621 votes in Hinds on June 3 and 6,962 votes on June 24 -- an increase of just over 1,000. Considering that Cochran's margin statewide will be around 6,500 votes, you might say that was the difference.

68.9% of the population in Hinds County are African-Americans.

This was Cochran’s theme for the last three weeks. “I have tons of seniority in the Senate and that means good things for the state. Vote me out and you can kiss all of that goodbye.”

Are you suggesting that race and promising 'free stuff' was not the deciding factor? Or do you think 7,000 poor whites in Hinds county came out to vote for Cochran.
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional. And you would have to violate the privacy of the ballot to enforce it.

Man, this guy is an idiot! Someone on his campaign staff should duct tape his mouth shut.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.

Al Gore was a sore loser?
Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Another example of conservative hypocrisy.

I'm under the impression that Liebermann LOST the primary to Ned Lamont and then ran as an independent. Voting for the person you consider to be the best candidate in the general election is not the same as voting in a primary for a Party you do not belong to.
Thank you - yes, there is a difference.

But Rightwingers should shut up about Democrats electing Cochran, after Republicans elected Lieberman, who only became an Independent because of his huge ego and sense of Senatorial entitlement.

Now we have numbnuts who said this in the post prior:

" McDaniel was trying to deny black voters their vote? He IS trying. Isn't he fighting the result?"

Then after this leftist boob gets his stupidass caught in his own trap he then cries, "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" :lol: You have to post on these forums to truly witness the character of the Zombie left.. It's fucking hysterical.. McDaniel is denying votes when he wants a recount but Algore isn't..

His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

He's certainly not a conservative. He's establishment. Without the race baiting poster and robo calls, he would have lost.
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June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they [the GOP] make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

I think the Democrat plan will work. They know both McDaniels and Cockring would convincingly beat the Democratic challengers. HOWEVER, they knew that if Cockring wins McDaniels would still enter the race as a in independent. McDaniels and Cockring will split the vote and allow the Democratic challenger to win.

Is he that selfish and self-centered?
No, this thread is about conservatives wishing that Democrats weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary. Race has nothing to do with it...except to small minded people.

Simply not true, hunarcy. McDaniel himself crossed over in a 2002 or 3 primary to vote for Ronnie Musgrove for governor. It only became an issue for the tea party folks when crossing over denied them what looked like a sure win. Race is merely a part of it, but it's hypocrisy.

I certainly can't force you to see the truth, but race has absolutely nothing to do with the opposition I have to open primaries. And, I don't care if McDaniel crossed over to vote in a Democratic primary in 2002. In my opinion, no one should be allowed to vote in a primary unless the belong to the party that's holding the primary.
Wingnuts are against the two party system, except for when they are for it.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

I think the Democrat plan will work. They know both McDaniels and Cockring would convincingly beat the Democratic challengers. HOWEVER, they knew that if Cockring wins McDaniels would still enter the race as a in independent. McDaniels and Cockring will split the vote and allow the Democratic challenger to win.

Is he that selfish and self-centered?

That's a joke, huh.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

McDaniels did great taking on Goliath and coming close. What worries me LGS is that my prediction is coming true that conservatives greatest enemy is within. And the name of that enemy is The Republican Party.

Not that I'm brilliant; just that I've lived it thru a battle of "progressive conservatives" vs "conservatives" here in Canada.

We had to destroy the Progressive Conservatives up here to form the now head of the nation with a majority Conservative government.

If conservatives in the US want to win you have to be ready to crush the inside the beltway bastards.

I've taken a lot of heat from GOP'ers convinced that they can "work from within". I know you can't.

It took a lot of effort up here and a few years wandering in the wilderness before we got to the promised land of a conservative victory. But it's sweet.:eusa_angel:

It was a Conservative SuperPAC, All Citizens For Mississippi, that paid for the flyer.

Type of group: SUPER PAC
His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

He's certainly not a conservative. He's establishment. Without the race baiting poster and robo calls, he would have lost.
He got an 88% from

The only two 100% are Mike Lee and the Canadian Texas Senator.
I think the Democrat plan will work. They know both McDaniels and Cockring would convincingly beat the Democratic challengers. HOWEVER, they knew that if Cockring wins McDaniels would still enter the race as a in independent. McDaniels and Cockring will split the vote and allow the Democratic challenger to win.

Is he that selfish and self-centered?

That's a joke, huh.
No. Cochran is certainly more conservative than whomever the Democrats put up.

If he splits the party then he is selfishly doing harm to conservatism for the sake of his own ego and butthurt.
No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

He's certainly not a conservative. He's establishment. Without the race baiting poster and robo calls, he would have lost.
He got an 88% from

The only two 100% are Mike Lee and the Canadian Texas Senator. has their opinions and I have mine. God Bless America.
the country is going broke, or is broke, under pork barrel politics of people like Cochran.

Why does Mississippi need military bases across the state?

McDaniel didn't run on cutting military spending.

-- U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel disputes claims that Ingalls Shipbuilding and other industries would be in danger of losing contracts if he's elected in a Republican primary runoff election against incumbent Thad Cochran.

"They have a reached a moment of desperation in their campaign," McDaniel said at a press conference Monday at Gautier City Hall. "I am going to fight for Ingalls. I am going to fight for the industry. I am going to fight for the military."

Read more here: McDaniel makes South Mississippi stops, says he will fight for industry, military | Jackson County | The Sun Herald
So, his whole 'fiscal conservative' schtick is just a bunch of bullshit? I thought so.

Name a 'fiscal conservative' that votes against the military budget. Only liberals do that.
Simply not true, hunarcy. McDaniel himself crossed over in a 2002 or 3 primary to vote for Ronnie Musgrove for governor. It only became an issue for the tea party folks when crossing over denied them what looked like a sure win. Race is merely a part of it, but it's hypocrisy.

I certainly can't force you to see the truth, but race has absolutely nothing to do with the opposition I have to open primaries. And, I don't care if McDaniel crossed over to vote in a Democratic primary in 2002. In my opinion, no one should be allowed to vote in a primary unless the belong to the party that's holding the primary.

I couldn't care less about your opposition to open primaries. Have whatever you want where you live; it's your biz. But don't tell me what my state can have, or try to tell me what motivated McDaniel supporters or the dems, black and white, who crossed over.

I would like to disagree, but I have also crossed over and voted for the weakest Democrat in the primary hoping he would win and the Republican could beat him.

It is good to know that you agree that the State has the authority from the Constitution to make the voting rules as long as they are not discriminatory. For example, you must support state laws that require a picture ID.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

You forgot the last part:

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats fairly and legally

Note to O/P: Look up "open primaries" by state.

So you support the race baiting poster?

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