Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

How do three campaign officials come to be discovered locked in a courthouse—one in which primary precinct returns are also locked—in the middle of the night? Put differently, can the race for the Mississippi Republican Senate nomination look any more like playground pretense of what a political campaign should be?

The story here starts with a primary race between Thad Cochran, who has been in the Senate for thirty-six years, and a Tea Partier, Chris McDaniel; each got about forty-nine per cent of the primary vote, forcing a runoff in three weeks. And yet this campaign has veered away from health-care reform to trespassing. Weeks before the courtroom night visitors, a blogger who supported McDaniel made his way into a nursing home to get pictures of Cochran’s wife, who suffers from dementia. (The campaign said that it didn’t send him and doesn’t like what happened.) Two cases of unauthorized entry in one race, which isn’t even at the general-election stage yet, does seem like a lot.

The courthouse, in Hinds County, was locked up at 11:30 PM. The three people on McDaniel’s team—Janis Lane, who is on the board of the Central Mississippi Tea Party; Scott Brewster, who used to work for Newt Gingrich and is now part of the McDaniel campaign; and Rob Chambers, of the Mississippi Baptist Christian Action Commission, who has worked with McDaniel—were extracted by the sheriff at 3:45 AM. The reasonable explanation for this? “There are conflicting stories from the three of them, which began to raise the red flag, and we’re trying to get to the bottom of it,” Othor Cain, a spokesman for the sheriff’s office, told the Sun-Herald. (He added that no one had been charged with anything, pending an investigation.)

McDaniel’s campaign said, a little hazily, that its people went into the courthouse “through an open door after being directed by uniformed personnel,” then discovered that they were “locked inside the building. At this point they sat down and called the county Republican chairman, a close Cochran ally, to help them get out.” This suggests that, say, a door closed behind them; if so, it did so with tectonic slowness, since the County Chairman says that he was called after 2 AM. Perhaps there was something in the courthouse that caused time to stand still, or seem to run in reverse. (The ballots from the primary were said to be in a vault and so, presumably, secure; it’s unclear what other records were accessible.) At any rate, Cain, the sheriff’s spokesman, told the Clarion-Ledger, “It’s a fabrication that someone pointed them to a door.… None of our guys let anybody in.” Mississippi is a magical place.

The invasion of the nursing home is sadder and sourer. Cochran is seventy-six years old. His wife, Rose, whom he married in 1964, has been in Saint Catherine’s Village, a nursing home, for fourteen years, and suffers from dementia; according to press reports, she is confined to her bed by her illness. That is the rawest sort of exposure. A blogger named Clayton Kelly somehow got in and took pictures of her, for a video he posted on YouTube. (It’s since been taken down.) There was no allegation, even remotely, that Cochran was allowing her to be cared for improperly, or that she was being confined in some “Jane Eyre”-style attic. The point, if one could call it that, is that Cochran’s assistant sometimes travels with him on trips related to his Senate work. The assistant, as the Times noted, in a story on the incident, is seventy-six years old. Cochran’s spokesman, quoted in the Clarion-Ledger, called the questions about her travel “sexist,” saying that they wouldn’t be asked about a man who, like Cochran’s assistant, has worked in a Senate office for more than thirty years. Breaking into the Mississippi Senate Race : The New Yorker

It's all BS. It's all dirty. The pointing fingers. The it's your fault. No, it's your fault.

The funny thing about the whole damn mess is the bigger picture. The Tea Party is backed by billionaire libertopians and is up against the Chamber of Commerce. That's the war. Then there are those that look at this as a chess game. Neither the libertopians nor the Chamber of Commerce give a damn about the actual people.
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You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

Even though I agree that we are done with the Bush's. Why jake thinks it is "good for you" is because one vote for a third party is the same as a vote for the democrats. Sad state of affairs when there are only to viable parties to vote for. I just wish Ross Perot would not have melted down at the end. I still voted for him but that only resulted in perhaps the second worse president of my life time. I really don't know what we are going to do. What we know is that the democrat party CAN NOT be rewarded over the last 8 years of them being in the majority.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I WON'T VOTE FOR JEB BUSH, not ever.. I don't care if someone fucking waterboarded me.

I think I agreed with you.
It's sort of funny because gopers have been crossing over in democratic primaries for years.

Despite such protestations, a change in Mississippi's longstanding open primary law is unlikely, said state Representative Rita Martinson, a Republican serving on the state House's Apportionment and Elections Committee. A number of other states have open primaries, including in presidential elections.

Republicans in heavily Democratic areas have in the past voted in Democratic primaries, she said, in a tradition that allows more voters to have a say in their elected leaders.

"There's no appetite for changing it on my committee," she said.
Change in Miss. voting rules seen unlikely despite Tea Party anger

Personally I live in a city that's about 75% African American and I'm nominally a goper. I cross over all the time.

That said, the Cochran campaign definitely racheted up this crossing over. I don't think we've ever had a statewide primary election intentionally flipped in a run off by one candidate getting a cross over vote. I think it's clear that Cochran's "surge" came from people who simply hadn't voted in the first election and who logically would have voted for him in the primary (though Travis Childers is perfectly acceptable to mainstream gopers, but electing him would be electing Harry Reid and that's very unpalatable). Still, there's no dispute that some people who will definitely vote Dem in the primary voted for Cochran. And, I can't blame the McDaniel's folks for being mad as hell. I think the fact that some of the voters were African americans really bugs them. And that's despicable and why I'd never vote for McDaniel, even if it meant I was voting for Harry Reid.
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You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

Even though I agree that we are done with the Bush's. Why jake thinks it is "good for you" is because one vote for a third party is the same as a vote for the democrats. Sad state of affairs when there are only to viable parties to vote for. I just wish Ross Perot would not have melted down at the end. I still voted for him but that only resulted in perhaps the second worse president of my life time. I really don't know what we are going to do. What we know is that the democrat party CAN NOT be rewarded over the last 8 years of them being in the majority.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I WON'T VOTE FOR JEB BUSH, not ever.. I don't care if someone fucking waterboarded me.

Oh, I do like a stong-willed woman who sling a gun!!!

But I'm not so sure about the waterboarding thing, I don't think I can recommend it...


Paid or coerced Democratic Party operatives. Very dirty. The Democratic Party is a corrupt disgrace.
Even though I agree that we are done with the Bush's. Why jake thinks it is "good for you" is because one vote for a third party is the same as a vote for the democrats. Sad state of affairs when there are only to viable parties to vote for. I just wish Ross Perot would not have melted down at the end. I still voted for him but that only resulted in perhaps the second worse president of my life time. I really don't know what we are going to do. What we know is that the democrat party CAN NOT be rewarded over the last 8 years of them being in the majority.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I WON'T VOTE FOR JEB BUSH, not ever.. I don't care if someone fucking waterboarded me.

Oh, I do like a stong-willed woman who sling a gun!!!

But I'm not so sure about the waterboarding thing, I don't think I can recommend it...



Perhaps we can discuss it privately? ;-)
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional. And you would have to violate the privacy of the ballot to enforce it.

Man, this guy is an idiot! Someone on his campaign staff should duct tape his mouth shut.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.
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freewill deliberately mischaracterizes my sarcastic "good for you" comment

a vote for a 3d party is indeed a vote against the GOP

however, since the far right is about obstructions and destruction, a 3rd party will be in competition in the fall and probably lead to a dem victory

which is what the TeaP peep creeps want if they can't have their own
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.

Says the biggest crybaby on this forum.. Why don't you report this post and try to have it moved to some obscure location??
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.

It is the law, but we've never followed it, and it'd most liklely never be found constitutional if someone tried to force it. McDaniel voted in the dem primary for governor once.
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.

It is the law, but we've never followed it, and it'd most liklely never be found constitutional if someone tried to force it. McDaniel voted in the dem primary for governor once.

even if it were constitutional, it's completely unenforceable. How can you tell someone that they aren't allowed to change their mind?

and let's be honest - mississippi's senators are not going to be democrats any time soon, which means that if someone wants a voice in who their representative is going to be they need to vote in the republican primary.
McDaniel is still whining. Now he's saying it is against the law to vote for someone in a primary if you don't intend to vote for them in the general.

That is a lie. And even if it was a law, it would never hold up in the courts. Such a law would be unconstitutional.

What an incredible sore loser this guy is. He's starting to sound worse than Al Gore.

Says the biggest crybaby on this forum.. Why don't you report this post and try to have it moved to some obscure location??

I'm sorry facts make your butt hurt. You really ought to work on that. You'll be better for it.
There's a pretty good article below. :)


"What the Cochran campaign did was open up the tent," said Jackie Bland, an insurance agent from Madison who is African American and campaigned door-to-door for Mr. Cochran before the runoff election for the GOP Senate nomination. "I have formed a relationship and alliance with Republicans I never had before."

"Speaking to his supporters Tuesday night, Mr. McDaniel accused Mr. Cochran of betraying the party "by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."

"It's very good for our party, and very good for our state," said Mr. Barbour. "I want to have a bigger, broader Republican party but one that is grounded in conservative principles.''

Cochran's Outreach Effort to Black Voters Draws Criticism, Cheers - WSJ

I have no problem with what happened if those folks became Republicans and voted in the primary. I have a problem with Democrats selecting the Republican candidate for office that will run against a Democrat.

I believe that primaries should be closed.
"I'm asking people to cross over, and if they can stomach it and I know it's a difficult thing to do, vote for Clinton." - Rush Limbaugh, urging Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton in an open primary.

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All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
Hummmmm ..... Black voters helped Cochran get elected. SO .................
Recall that in the past rush limbaugh was urging republican voters to go to the primaries and vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Obama. The powers in the republican party thought they would have an easier time beating Hillary. What you saw in the Cochran race was the same thing limbaugh called for. Payback is a bitch. Did you really think something like that would not come back and bite you in the ass?

Republicans should NOT be allowed to vote in a Democratic Primary and select the candidate the Republicans want to run against. It's just as wrong as what happened in Mississippi. Glad you see it was wrong and wish you didn't believe that two wrongs make a right.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
Hummmmm ..... Black voters helped Cochran get elected. SO .................
Recall that in the past rush limbaugh was urging republican voters to go to the primaries and vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Obama. The powers in the republican party thought they would have an easier time beating Hillary. What you saw in the Cochran race was the same thing limbaugh called for. Payback is a bitch. Did you really think something like that would not come back and bite you in the ass?

Republicans should NOT be allowed to vote in a Democratic Primary and select the candidate the Republicans want to run against. It's just as wrong as what happened in Mississippi. Glad you see it was wrong and wish you didn't believe that two wrongs make a right.

It's called an open primary.

You know, Ronald Reagan won 49 states. So here's an idea. Find some people who aren't whackadoos and who have broad appeal. And then run THOSE people for office.

When, oh when, will the GOP learn it is far past time to take out the trash which has piled up to the ceiling?
Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Another example of conservative hypocrisy.

I'm under the impression that Liebermann LOST the primary to Ned Lamont and then ran as an independent. Voting for the person you consider to be the best candidate in the general election is not the same as voting in a primary for a Party you do not belong to.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

I think the Democrat plan will work. They know both McDaniels and Cockring would convincingly beat the Democratic challengers. HOWEVER, they knew that if Cockring wins McDaniels would still enter the race as a in independent. McDaniels and Cockring will split the vote and allow the Democratic challenger to win.

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