Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

So when ALGORE demanded a recount from missing chads, pregnant chads, etc.. He was denying all Floridians to include the black community their votes. Thanks for clearing that up for us.. Open stupid mouth, insert foot.. Liberals make it too easy with their BULLSHIT.

Don't change the subject. Is McDaniel trying to disenfranchise a voting bloc that is mostly black or not?

Do you have any clue whatsoever about the racial history of Mississippi?


Now we have numbnuts who said this in the post prior:

" McDaniel was trying to deny black voters their vote? He IS trying. Isn't he fighting the result?"

Then after this leftist boob gets his stupidass caught in his own trap he then cries, "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" :lol: You have to post on these forums to truly witness the character of the Zombie left.. It's fucking hysterical.. McDaniel is denying votes when he wants a recount but Algore isn't..

His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.
Don't change the subject. Is McDaniel trying to disenfranchise a voting bloc that is mostly black or not?

Do you have any clue whatsoever about the racial history of Mississippi?


Now we have numbnuts who said this in the post prior:

" McDaniel was trying to deny black voters their vote? He IS trying. Isn't he fighting the result?"

Then after this leftist boob gets his stupidass caught in his own trap he then cries, "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" :lol: You have to post on these forums to truly witness the character of the Zombie left.. It's fucking hysterical.. McDaniel is denying votes when he wants a recount but Algore isn't..

His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

another 1 percenter preaching

do as i say not as i do

So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

Not at all, it is about lies and 60 percent of the Republicans who voted being disenfranchised by the democrat voters. Whom should not have been voting in this runoff according to Mississippi law. But let us not let the law in the way.

if only they had thought up a name for voting in the republican primary... something snappy... like an operation of some sort. and then maybe paired it with a word for disorder... that would have really been snappy and made it okay.
the country is going broke, or is broke, under pork barrel politics of people like Cochran.

Why does Mississippi need military bases across the state?

McDaniel didn't run on cutting military spending.

-- U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel disputes claims that Ingalls Shipbuilding and other industries would be in danger of losing contracts if he's elected in a Republican primary runoff election against incumbent Thad Cochran.

"They have a reached a moment of desperation in their campaign," McDaniel said at a press conference Monday at Gautier City Hall. "I am going to fight for Ingalls. I am going to fight for the industry. I am going to fight for the military."

Read more here: McDaniel makes South Mississippi stops, says he will fight for industry, military | Jackson County | The Sun Herald

The question still stands.

You made it about Cochran. McDaniel was never going to stop fighting for make-work military spending in Mississippi.
So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

Not at all, it is about lies and 60 percent of the Republicans who voted being disenfranchised by the democrat voters. Whom should not have been voting in this runoff according to Mississippi law. But let us not let the law in the way.

Do you even know what being disenfranchised means?

There is no party registration in Mississippi. Get your facts straight for once in your comic existence.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents


QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents


QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.
QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

Good on you.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents


QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

They are also going to vote for Cochran. Even after MessiahRushie tells his sheep that the GOP are just using them and just tricking them, he then poo poos a 3rd party or staying home. He is a GOP shill through and through no matter how much he pretends to be against them, but the sheep will follow him and vote for the GOP just as they are told.

June 25, 2014
RUSH: I have never advocated for a third party, and I'm not advocating for one now.* It's never been the objective, and it's just not the way to go.*

June 25, 2014
RUSH:* Yeah, they make a play at party unity, but as you say, it's a one-way street.* They will not in any way, shape, manner, or form support a Tea Party idea or candidate.* But they want the Tea Party to think so.* This is the great trick that they're trying to perpetrate here.* The establishment wants the Tea Party, even after this debacle in Mississippi, to think that they're in support in some ways.

June 25, 2014
CALLER: I don't think the Republicans are gonna vote for Thad Cochran, not after what he did. And for too long we're told we need to hold our nose and vote Republican because, you know, God forbid the Democrats get in office.* What's the difference?

RUSH:* I'm hearing this more and more.* Even Sarah Palin the other day said the same thing.* What's the difference?* Why go Republican if all they're gonna be is Democrat lite?* You really think that a bunch of Republicans will sit home in November in Mississippi rather than vote for Thad?

CALLER:* Well, they sat home for McCain. They sat home for Romney.

RUSH:* Yeah.

CALLER:* And Thad has given them every reason in the world --

RUSH: I, of course, would never encourage that here, not gonna advise people how to behave on Election Day.
QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

Even though I agree that we are done with the Bush's. Why jake thinks it is "good for you" is because one vote for a third party is the same as a vote for the democrats. Sad state of affairs when there are only to viable parties to vote for. I just wish Ross Perot would not have melted down at the end. I still voted for him but that only resulted in perhaps the second worse president of my life time. I really don't know what we are going to do. What we know is that the democrat party CAN NOT be rewarded over the last 8 years of them being in the majority.
QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

You will vote for whoever your MessiahRushie tells you to, and that will be the GOP nominee no matter who he is.
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Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

You will vote for whoever your MessiahRushie tells you to, and that will the GOP nominee no matter who he is.

I'm not a lockstep librul fool.. I left the GOP after blindly supporting Romney.. I will never do that again. So go pedal your puke elsewhere.
Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

Even though I agree that we are done with the Bush's. Why jake thinks it is "good for you" is because one vote for a third party is the same as a vote for the democrats. Sad state of affairs when there are only to viable parties to vote for. I just wish Ross Perot would not have melted down at the end. I still voted for him but that only resulted in perhaps the second worse president of my life time. I really don't know what we are going to do. What we know is that the democrat party CAN NOT be rewarded over the last 8 years of them being in the majority.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I WON'T VOTE FOR JEB BUSH, not ever.. I don't care if someone fucking waterboarded me.
You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

You will vote for whoever your MessiahRushie tells you to, and that will the GOP nominee no matter who he is.

I'm not a lockstep librul fool.. I left the GOP after blindly supporting Romney.. I will never do that again. So go pedal your puke elsewhere.

You will do whatever your MessiahRushie tells you to as sure as you call Al Gore, "Algore."
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Thanks for that article. I realize it must have GAGGED you to quote the NYT but it bit your lame ass anyway. Just a small detail you must have overlooked before you posted. The election was legal:

"""Their high numbers came despite pledges by conservative political action committees to monitor turnout in Democratic areas targeted by Mr. Cochran’s campaign. Both the N.A.A.C.P. — which sent its own poll watchers — and the United States Justice Department expressed concerns about the possible intimidation of black Democrats, but no irregularities were reported to Mississippi election officials.

The state has no party registration, and anyone could vote in the Republican runoff who had not voted in the Democratic primary, which was won by former Representative Travis Childers, 56."""

This is America, honey. Not Iraq or Russia. You should be happy that these kinds of elections happen. It's called the will of the people.

I wonder how many of those black voters will vote for Thad Cochran in the general election. My prediction is 2 or 3.
There is one lesson from this. It is simple and irrefutable:

You can lose elections, even in Mississippi, by moving too far to the right.

Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote. That is what Cochran did!
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Thanks for that article. I realize it must have GAGGED you to quote the NYT but it bit your lame ass anyway. Just a small detail you must have overlooked before you posted. The election was legal:

"""Their high numbers came despite pledges by conservative political action committees to monitor turnout in Democratic areas targeted by Mr. Cochran’s campaign. Both the N.A.A.C.P. — which sent its own poll watchers — and the United States Justice Department expressed concerns about the possible intimidation of black Democrats, but no irregularities were reported to Mississippi election officials.

The state has no party registration, and anyone could vote in the Republican runoff who had not voted in the Democratic primary, which was won by former Representative Travis Childers, 56."""

This is America, honey. Not Iraq or Russia. You should be happy that these kinds of elections happen. It's called the will of the people.

I wonder how many of those black voters will vote for Thad Cochran in the general election. My prediction is 2 or 3.

Cochran had won the same predominantly black district in question by a very large margin in the initial primary vote before the appeal for more black voters in the runoff primary, so you are probably very wrong in your prediction.
You don't 'play' the race card in Mississippi; that card has been on the table for several hundred years.

There is one lesson from this. It is simple and irrefutable:

You can lose elections, even in Mississippi, by moving too far to the right.

Actually the lesson learned is the candidate that promises the most free stuff from the government gets the black vote. That is what Cochran did!

Actually, Bendog did a lightning analysis of the runoff, by county (he is from MS) and the numbers show that while black voters, likely Democratic voters (normally) helped, Cochran also did much better in a number of very, very white counties.

And I might add that you are impugning black people by saying that they only vote for someone if promised "free stuff", and then righties wonder why in the world they really never win the black vote... oh, and by the way, such statements like yours are totally, patently racist. I know lots of poor white folks who also like "free stuff".

To quote Rand Paul: "have you no shame?"

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