Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

I was just reading about a strange election law in Mississippi. That whoever you vote for in the primary you have to vote for in the general.

Is this true?

If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL
They can't vote in the Democrat primary. They can vote for the Democrat in the general election. They screwed the tea party, not themselves. That's the part driving you most crazy.

Not what I've read.

I don't know how on earth one would enforce this statute but if they vote in the Primary they have to vote for that Party's nominee. You know. In the general.

It's out there. Just picked it up at the DB, but it's at many links.

The problem is that Mississippi, which doesn’t have voter registration by party, has a statute that prohibits people from voting in a party primary if they don’t intend to vote for that party’s nominee.

Mississippi GOP Plays Games With Black Votes - The Daily Beast
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents

Well, McDaniel was about as dirty as you can get. One of his operatives broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home and took pictures. McDanial denied it, but before it was made public, so how did he know so far in advance of it being made public if he was not involved? The first ad Mcdaniel's PAC ran brought up Cochran's "enjoyment" of far animals.

They are both typical dirty Republicans if you ask me.

Want to give a link to the accusation that the individual in question was a McDaniel operative? There on McDaniel's orders?

I have it that it was a moronic supporter but if you have a link to your accusation it would be nice if you'd put it up.
Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Another example of conservative hypocrisy.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents

Well, McDaniel was about as dirty as you can get. One of his operatives broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home and took pictures. McDanial denied it, but before it was made public, so how did he know so far in advance of it being made public if he was not involved? The first ad Mcdaniel's PAC ran brought up Cochran's "enjoyment" of far animals.

They are both typical dirty Republicans if you ask me.

Want to give a link to the accusation that the individual in question was a McDaniel operative? There on McDaniel's orders?

I have it that it was a moronic supporter but if you have a link to your accusation it would be nice if you'd put it up.
Draw your own conclusions.

Report: Tea Party Campaign Knew Details About Nursing Home Break-In

The Clarion-Ledger is reporting that State Sen. Chris McDaniel's campaign knew details about the break-in at the nursing home where Sen. Thad Cochran's wife lives before they were public.


But according to the Clarion-Ledger, McDaniel's campaign manager, State Sen. Melanie Sojourner, called Cochran's campaign manager on Saturday morning at 7:45 a.m. to offer her condolences about the break-in -- about 90 minutes before the connection to the Cochrans became public.

Kelly had been arrested Friday, the Clarion-Ledger reported, but the initial reports did not mention Cochran's wife, Rose, who has dementia and lives in a nursing home. That connection became known on Saturday morning when the Clarion-Ledger published a story -- and after Sojourner made her call.

A McDaniel campaign spokesperson had said earlier that he knew nothing about Kelly's arrest.

"I think it would be interesting to know how (Sojourner) would hear about it before 7:45 a.m.," a Cochran spokesman told the newspaper.

Sojourner couldn't be reached for comment by the Clarion-Ledger, and McDaniel's campaign did not issue an immediate response.
Why would the most conservative state in the Union have to move further to the right?

That is how extreme the Tea Party is.

2 words...............

Status Quo..............

They are the ones who have gotten us into the mess.

Spineless jellyfish.

Um....why should we pay for others condoms.........just asking.


Um......just saying. Shouldn't they have to buy their own.

JUST LIKE A RACIST TEA PARTY TERRORIST. Obama keeps spending at levels we can't sustain....


Just another day with typical liberal posters.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

Funny to see this troller make all those claims and then put a link to an article that proves NONE of the claims he made.

What a clown...he should be in the circus.

You are such an idiot. Really. How's this from the right wing Christian Science Monitor?

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? -

Or how about this:

Southern Republican Congressman Calls the Obamas "Uppity" - ABC News

Remember when Republicans threw peanuts at a black CNN camera woman and told her "This is how we feed the animals"?

CNN camerawoman targeted in racial incident 'not surprised at all' | TheHill


I don't get it. When I post links with video and sound proving what I alleged, you get these right wingers who scream "liar" and say "not that again, you know it's not true". But when I prove it they NEVER apologize.

I tell them I can't make this stuff up. This comes from them. Why not smear it into their face? They support it. They vote for it. It defines who they are.
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Rush the Vote: Operation Chaos

RUSH: Operation Chaos. What did that black website name this yesterday? I'm having a mental block. The Rush Vote. Listen to this. This is from somebody by the name of John K. Wilson at the Huffington Post today. Headline: "Mississippi, 'Limbaugh Effect' Softens Blow for Hillary Clinton -- Hillary Clinton suffered a huge defeat last night in Mississippi, and now faces an insurmountable pledged delegate lead by Barack Obama.

But what most pundits missed was the fact that Obama's victory would have been even more overwhelming in Mississippi (and he might have won the popular vote in Texas) if not for the 'Limbaugh Effect': Republicans voting in the Democratic primary in order to undermine Barack Obama and help John McCain. ... In the voting during January and February, Republicans were an average of 3.8% of the voters in the Democratic Primary, and they heavily supported Obama. But for the primaries in March, in Texas, Ohio, and Mississippi, Republicans have been 8% of the voters in the Democratic primary, and now they heavily support Hillary Clinton. This is definite proof of the 'Limbaugh Effect' coming through."

Then you go to the last paragraph. "Rarely in American politics have so many people ever intentionally voted for a candidate they hate so much.

Approximately 40,000 Republicans in Mississippi decided to vote for Hillary Clinton in order to help her destroy the Democratic Party this year with a divided convention. Hillary Clinton's 'big wins' in March failed to help her close the delegate gap, and she cannot possibly win the pledged delegate race against Obama. The only hope for Hillary Clinton is that Republican voters will help her reduce the gap against Obama, and that the superdelegates will somehow be convinced to obey the will of Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes by stealing the election from the legitimate voters."


#Goose #Gander

If a voter in Mississippi crosses over and votes for the other "side" in a Primary, then yes.. they will not be allowed to cross back over in the election cycle.. so Democrats have actually screwed themselves .. LOL
They can't vote in the Democrat primary. They can vote for the Democrat in the general election. They screwed the tea party, not themselves. That's the part driving you most crazy.

Not what I've read.

I don't know how on earth one would enforce this statute but if they vote in the Primary they have to vote for that Party's nominee. You know. In the general.

It's out there. Just picked it up at the DB, but it's at many links.

The problem is that Mississippi, which doesn’t have voter registration by party, has a statute that prohibits people from voting in a party primary if they don’t intend to vote for that party’s nominee.

Mississippi GOP Plays Games With Black Votes - The Daily Beast
It's not clear what grounds McDaniel would have to contest Cochran's nomination. Mississippi law allowed anyone who did not voted in the June 3 Democratic primary to cast a Republican runoff ballot. McDaniel and his supporters previously cited a Mississippi law — effectively invalidated by the courts — that requires primary voters to support a party's nominee in November. Mississippi elections officials confirmed before polls opened that the statute is unenforceable.

Mississippi Senate Race: 2 Parties Have To Regroup - FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX 13

Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Your OP was about "skin color".

Not Operation Chaos, LIES.. Pure lies and scare tactics... Lying to a segment of the poor black community.. Using them.. If you're proud of that- claim it and own it.


My OP was about an article written specifically by the NYTimes, a liberal rag which detailed the lies and misconceptions told to black democrats in Mississippi in order to defeat the Conservative challenger. You libruls love to play games with words.. we're all use to that having debated you Meatheads for years.. but it won't work here..
They can't vote in the Democrat primary. They can vote for the Democrat in the general election. They screwed the tea party, not themselves. That's the part driving you most crazy.

Not what I've read.

I don't know how on earth one would enforce this statute but if they vote in the Primary they have to vote for that Party's nominee. You know. In the general.

It's out there. Just picked it up at the DB, but it's at many links.

The problem is that Mississippi, which doesn’t have voter registration by party, has a statute that prohibits people from voting in a party primary if they don’t intend to vote for that party’s nominee.

Mississippi GOP Plays Games With Black Votes - The Daily Beast
It's not clear what grounds McDaniel would have to contest Cochran's nomination. Mississippi law allowed anyone who did not voted in the June 3 Democratic primary to cast a Republican runoff ballot. McDaniel and his supporters previously cited a Mississippi law — effectively invalidated by the courts — that requires primary voters to support a party's nominee in November. Mississippi elections officials confirmed before polls opened that the statute is unenforceable.

Mississippi Senate Race: 2 Parties Have To Regroup - FOX13 News, WHBQ FOX 13

In a close election, he can contest the vote for whatever reason is legitimate. He wants the extra 35,000 votes cast in between two weeks to be looked at to make certain that no crossover voter, voted in a Democrat primary which is his right to do so.
Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Another example of conservative hypocrisy.

Ahh look at Synthianna all wet in the panties over Thad Cochran and getting the vote out for this old white fossil. Isn't it touching how much libruls for care fo this republican? I feel a Kumbaiyah moment coming on..
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents

Well, McDaniel was about as dirty as you can get. One of his operatives broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home and took pictures. McDanial denied it, but before it was made public, so how did he know so far in advance of it being made public if he was not involved? The first ad Mcdaniel's PAC ran brought up Cochran's "enjoyment" of far animals.

They are both typical dirty Republicans if you ask me.

:lol: What crust..

Bill Clinton: "I Am Not A Racist" - CBS News

Remember this little war in the 08 election between messiah and bubba's wife material, The pantsuit?? LMAO
I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.

No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

Hey Stoopid (Knocks on his head) you told Iben in this very thread that you believe the Tea Party stops black people from voting.. Now based upon your unicorn make believe mindset, show me where this has ever happened to justify your whacko thought process???!!!! THAT'S A RACIST BOOGEYMAN
First Amendment, now if it's untrue which would be Libel and or Slander, then I wouldn't support it.

So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

More proof of race baiting^^^ Libruls can't help themselves but spew all over themselves sloppy spittle regarding skin color.. it's all they schmooze over. We should build a fucking RaceNuts instead of Starbucks where these ZOMBIES could gather every morning to drink their coffee-- They'll have theirs black only because they voted for a half black man.

So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

More proof of race baiting^^^ Libruls can't help themselves but spew all over themselves sloppy spittle regarding skin color.. it's all they schmooze over. We should build a fucking RaceNuts instead of Starbucks where these ZOMBIES could gather every morning to drink their coffee-- They'll have theirs black only because they voted for a half black man.


You start a thread complaining that black voters helped Cochran win, and now everyone else who mentions race in the thread is a race baiter?

Please. Think before you post.

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