Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Where's the proof? Any proof yet of the Tea Party members stopping the poor liberal slugs from voting?
You're a race hustler.

Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.

I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.
Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.

I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.

No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:
For the record. 'We' are not racist.

Your comments are incorrect and based on emotion. But I get it


Then why is the GOP 90% white?

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? -

Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider
The Right seems to have forgotten the Reagan Democrats who got Reagan into office.
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Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

you forgot when they post pictures of the president and first lady as simians

such charmers
The T's need the white supremacy neo nazi's and the xtain jihadist to boost their numbers. There aren't enough plain stupid white folks to fill their ranks. It leaves them in a dilemma and they haven't figured out how to deal with it, hence, Mississippi.
Why don't the Tea Partyers just admit they are fascist and stop trying to pose as conservatives? Why are they ashamed of their ideology? Shouldn't they allow their neo-nazi white supremacy and racist members free speech?

Why would they admit that? The Tea Party does not advocate nor support racism. Most importantly, it does not advocate nor support fascism and it's obvious that you don't know what fascism means.

Fascism is where private property is allowed, but the government is supreme and the country is all-encompassing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body of the Government. Fascism is a Leftist concept and the best example of it today is Barack Obama's administration and his "I have a phone and a pen" ideas to get around Congress.

Keep your hateful comments to yourself and you won't appear so stupid in the future.
That's what the poster said and you're defending it. You're diaper is full. Need your binky?

Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

Blurting out 'race hustler' is just one of the right's own race cards being played.

Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

Funny to see this troller make all those claims and then put a link to an article that proves NONE of the claims he made.

What a clown...he should be in the circus.
I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.

No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

You're the guy defending a racist campaign poster as free speech. Dishonest much?
Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

you forgot when they post pictures of the president and first lady as simians

such charmers

Yet it was perfectly acceptable and funny to call President Bush "Curious George" and post pictures of him as a monkey...seems your criticism is hollow.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents

I cried?? I gave you shit moron.. that's not crying.. If anyone cries, it;'s you .. constantly with, "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME.. :lol: Idiot

Where's your proof of any Tea Party member stopping you or any democrat from voting??? There is NONE.. You're a fucking headcase.. seek help.

No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

You're the guy defending a racist campaign poster as free speech. Dishonest much?

I guess you are not a big supporter of the First Amendment. See, actually unlike some of you blowhard "conservatives", I actually support and stand by and defend the Bill of Rights, even if I disagree with the message. You guys, not so much. :)
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McDaniel won't run 3rdparty because it would elect a Dem.

The GOP will buy him off; that's how it is done there.

I had to laugh at Porky today, he was pissed over the loss, and he even admitted the GOP were tricking the Tea Bag Brotherhood, deceiving them, but he still wanted them to vote GOP. He is a GOP shill from top to bottom and nixed a 3rd Party and he didn't want the people he said Cochran called RACISTS to stay home. He still wants the Tea BAg Brotherhood to fully and faithfully and blindly vote for the GOP.

In spite of that loyalty to Cochran, he couldn't resist letting his nasty side out, no matter how much the GOP butters his bread!

June 25, 2014
RUSH: "Old Thad Cochran had a farm, E-I-E-I-O! And on the farm he had a pig. Oh, wow, did he!"
Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

Blurting out 'race hustler' is just one of the right's own race cards being played.

You're damn dishonest. That campaign poster is racist and a lie. All you sick twits care about is defeating the Tea Party and you'll lie and throw racist lies to do it. This is exactly the sick crap the Tea Party is against. Shame on you.

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