Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

If this librul windbag says it's a stupid idea, do it.. LMAO

If you ever wonder how a complete fuck-up like Obama can beat the GOP, twice, just read LGS posts.

Gee, it had nothing to do with the THUG and his librul cohorts in Congress influencing elections by using the Federal government to harass and shut down speech with the IRS..

You're a joke.. and so are your posts.. just like the rest of the liberal goons on this site.. All of you lie, race bait.. it's all you have.. :)

Please don't tell me you really think the Weird Mormon Robot lost because some Tea Party group didn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

Here's why you lost

People like me stopped voting Republican.

If you ever wonder how a complete fuck-up like Obama can beat the GOP, twice, just read LGS posts.

Gee, it had nothing to do with the THUG and his librul cohorts in Congress influencing elections by using the Federal government to harass and shut down speech with the IRS..

You're a joke.. and so are your posts.. just like the rest of the liberal goons on this site.. All of you lie, race bait.. it's all you have.. :)

Please don't tell me you really think the Weird Mormon Robot lost because some Tea Party group didn't get a fraudulent tax exemption.

Here's why you lost

People like me stopped voting Republican.


Noes. Romney lost because gifts!
That's what the poster said and you're defending it. You're diaper is full. Need your binky?

Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.
That's what the poster said and you're defending it. You're diaper is full. Need your binky?

Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

You're moron, schmuck, and a putz, all wrapped into one person. :lol:
Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

You're moron, schmuck, and a putz, all wrapped into one person. :lol:

You forgot poopy pants. You're still a race hustler.
I believe there are scummier elements in the Republican Party who want to keep the poor from voting, since the poor are a big Democratic voting bloc. Since blacks are over-represented in the lower income demographic, anything which affects the ability of the poor to vote will disproportionately affect blacks.

Mr. Independent (self proclaimed.. we all know he's a flaming lefitst drone)- Your line of horseshit up there is just that. I'd love to see proof of the Tea Party stopping ANYONE from voting.. Cough it up.
Funny. A leftist defending corrupt republicans. The Tea Party is right. You're all corrupt.

It's not yourself admit it's totally legal. You're just a a kid losing a game and accusing their opponent of cheating.

Oh bull, you know the republicans used the race card with the poster. You guys are so disingenuous.

I'll pull a "you". Thanks for admitting that Republicans and conservatives do in fact play the race card.
It's not yourself admit it's totally legal. You're just a a kid losing a game and accusing their opponent of cheating.

Oh bull, you know the republicans used the race card with the poster. You guys are so disingenuous.

I'll pull a "you". Thanks for admitting that Republicans and conservatives do in fact play the race card.

These republicans are not conservatives. Idiot. The Tea Party are conservatives.
Is the poster covered under the First Amendment? Don't you believe in "The Constwitwution!"? :lol:

I'm am certainly defending the First Amendment rights of people who made that poster, unless the poster is proven to be libelous or slanderous. It's funny that you would ask me the stupid question about the "diaper" and "blanky", when you are the one who is acting like a child having a temper tantrum. Too funny!

You're a race hustler.

Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.

I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)
You're a race hustler.

Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.

I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

You defend the poster. The poster is race hustling and a lie. Therefore, You're a race hustler.
This election provides compelling evidence that TPM republicans do poorly at the state level, outside of their artificial bright red gerrymandered districts, exposed to a more inclusive, diverse voting population.

This is also why republicans failed to win the Senate in 2010 and 2012: because of TPM republicans who cost the GOP elections in states such as Nevada, Colorado, and Connecticut.

And democrats who voted in the primary actually did republicans a favor, increasing the chances the GOP will take the Senate later this year, as a TPM republican would have likely lost in November.
Well I guess the cheating at elections is definitely on the side of the far left and we just watched it happen in Mississippi.

So the (R)'s had to turn to the (D)'s in order to cheat an election, go figure that one.
You don't 'play' the race card in Mississippi; that card has been on the table for several hundred years.
How dare you acknowledge several hundred years of white supremacy?

How dare? Only in the last few decades has [parts of our gov't] (reluctantly) concede on voting rights.

[and the recently renewed VRA] [yeah Scalia ]

Why don't the Tea Partyers just admit they are fascist and stop trying to pose as conservatives? Why are they ashamed of their ideology? Shouldn't they allow their neo-nazi white supremacy and racist members free speech?
Oh bull, you know the republicans used the race card with the poster. You guys are so disingenuous.

I'll pull a "you". Thanks for admitting that Republicans and conservatives do in fact play the race card.

These republicans are not conservatives. Idiot. The Tea Party are conservatives.

LOL, you dolts are pretty amusing, you make assertions that are wrong, yet you mental midgets want to act like your incorrect assertions are "facts". :lol:

American Conservative Union rates Thad Cochran at 88%..................dumb fuck!
American Conservative Union Rating - Project Vote Smart

Yep.. Didn't take you long to see the same thing.. He was the same way over @ an unmentionable place too.. Has a major chip on his shoulder regarding race. Hell, maybe he's Al Sharpton.

I'm not a "race hustler", I just call you people on your shit, you cried about it over there and now you are doing it here. You can't even cite one valid example of me "race hustling", as usual I am responding to the thread made about race from you people. Once I demonstrate your hypocrisy (amongst other things) you little bigots call me a race hustler;same there and same here. The great thing about this forum, is that I can outright call you people on it and tell you to fuck off without getting banned by some psychotic, hypocritical, bigot. ;)

You defend the poster. The poster is race hustling and a lie. Therefore, You're a race hustler.

Seek help!!!! You people are bat shit crazy! You are basically a bunch of liars. For the third time: I support their First Amendment right to make such a poster unless it is slanderous or libelous. It seems that you have a problem with people exercising their First Amendment rights................."You're a great American." . You are probably another hannitard like LGS. :)

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