Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents


QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.
The far right reactionary cultural fascists who want to limit rights lost.

America cheers.
No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

You're the guy defending a racist campaign poster as free speech. Dishonest much?

I guess you are not a big supporter of the First Amendment. See, actually unlike some of you blowhard "conservatives", I actually support and stand by and defend the Bill of Rights, even if I disagree with the message. You guys, not so much. :)

Hiding behind the constitution isn't working. I can still smell your rotten stench.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Thanks for that article. I realize it must have GAGGED you to quote the NYT but it bit your lame ass anyway. Just a small detail you must have overlooked before you posted. The election was legal:

"""Their high numbers came despite pledges by conservative political action committees to monitor turnout in Democratic areas targeted by Mr. Cochran’s campaign. Both the N.A.A.C.P. — which sent its own poll watchers — and the United States Justice Department expressed concerns about the possible intimidation of black Democrats, but no irregularities were reported to Mississippi election officials.

The state has no party registration, and anyone could vote in the Republican runoff who had not voted in the Democratic primary, which was won by former Representative Travis Childers, 56."""

This is America, honey. Not Iraq or Russia. You should be happy that these kinds of elections happen. It's called the will of the people.

It's called rigging elections.

Problem for you is, the Dems will not win the seat anyway.
As the caller on Mark Levin said.... Remember Mississippi. He was referencing the future demise of the Republican Party. They fought McDaniel with more despicable attacks than they could ever muster over Benghazi, debt ceiling and Obama care just to name a few.

You see, the Republican Party is crumbling. They no longer have a stance on anything. Their willingness to give Obama a free pass but to pile on their own party was the straw that broke the camels back. I fired the Republican Party because they allowed Obama care to survive.

Just my 2 cents

Well, McDaniel was about as dirty as you can get. One of his operatives broke into Cochran's wife's nursing home and took pictures. McDanial denied it, but before it was made public, so how did he know so far in advance of it being made public if he was not involved? The first ad Mcdaniel's PAC ran brought up Cochran's "enjoyment" of far animals.

They are both typical dirty Republicans if you ask me.
When someone calls the constitution the "enemy", then that person needs to be investigated thoroughly.
When someone calls the constitution the "enemy", then that person needs to be investigated thoroughly.

When democrats call racist campaign posters "free speech", they are taking us back to the times of democrat Jim Crow days. Congratulations.
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Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

They missed this quote!

June 25, 2014
RUSH: He did not win this seat.* It's a Republican primary.* If left to Republican votes, he didn't win it.* He needed Democrat crossovers.* He needed Uncle Toms crossing the aisle to vote for him.*
Notice how everything comes down to skin color with liberals?? They even have contrived numbers.. they must google their chunky fingers off daily in order to look up anything to do with race.

Like when Republicans call Obama "tar baby" and "boy" or say he's "uppity" or when Republicans throw peanuts to a black CNN camerawoman and say "This is how we feed the animals"? Like that?

Limbaugh: McDaniel's Loss Because Of 'Uncle Toms' - Business Insider

They missed this quote!

June 25, 2014
RUSH: He did not win this seat.* It's a Republican primary.* If left to Republican votes, he didn't win it.* He needed Democrat crossovers.* He needed Uncle Toms crossing the aisle to vote for him.*

Is this the part where you play dumb?
You're the guy defending a racist campaign poster as free speech. Dishonest much?

I guess you are not a big supporter of the First Amendment. See, actually unlike some of you blowhard "conservatives", I actually support and stand by and defend the Bill of Rights, even if I disagree with the message. You guys, not so much. :)

Hiding behind the constitution isn't working. I can still smell your rotten stench.

You are pretty pathetic but amusing. How is supporting the First Amendment allegedly "hiding behind the Constitution"?

You and that other dolt are examples why people like you will always be on the fringe and outcast by more intelligent Americans of many different political persuasions and parties. You people really need some mental help. You also should better your own lives so you don't have to have the need for scapegoats to make you feel better and blame all of your problems on them.

If there's any "stench", it's coming from the rotten, hateful, attitudes that you and your cohorts have. I'm glad your boy got beat in this primary, the voters there decided that Cochran was the lesser of two evils. Get over it. :)
I guess you are not a big supporter of the First Amendment. See, actually unlike some of you blowhard "conservatives", I actually support and stand by and defend the Bill of Rights, even if I disagree with the message. You guys, not so much. :)

Hiding behind the constitution isn't working. I can still smell your rotten stench.

You are pretty pathetic but amusing. How is supporting the First Amendment allegedly "hiding behind the Constitution"?

You and that other dolt are examples why people like you will always be on the fringe and outcast by more intelligent Americans of many different political persuasions and parties. You people really need some mental help. You also should better your own lives so you don't have to have the need for scapegoats to make you feel better and blame all of your problems on them.

If there's any "stench", it's coming from the rotten, hateful, attitudes that you and your cohorts have. I'm glad your boy got beat in this primary, the voters there decided that Cochran was the lesser of two evils. Get over it. :)

Is this the part where you play dumb? Seems to be an epidemic. People like me play by the rules and demand clean honest government and campaigns without race baiting posters. Go fuck yourself.
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There's a pretty good article below. :)


"What the Cochran campaign did was open up the tent," said Jackie Bland, an insurance agent from Madison who is African American and campaigned door-to-door for Mr. Cochran before the runoff election for the GOP Senate nomination. "I have formed a relationship and alliance with Republicans I never had before."

"Speaking to his supporters Tuesday night, Mr. McDaniel accused Mr. Cochran of betraying the party "by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."

"It's very good for our party, and very good for our state," said Mr. Barbour. "I want to have a bigger, broader Republican party but one that is grounded in conservative principles.''

Cochran's Outreach Effort to Black Voters Draws Criticism, Cheers - WSJ
Hiding behind the constitution isn't working. I can still smell your rotten stench.

You are pretty pathetic but amusing. How is supporting the First Amendment allegedly "hiding behind the Constitution"?

You and that other dolt are examples why people like you will always be on the fringe and outcast by more intelligent Americans of many different political persuasions and parties. You people really need some mental help. You also should better your own lives so you don't have to have the need for scapegoats to make you feel better and blame all of your problems on them.

If there's any "stench", it's coming from the rotten, hateful, attitudes that you and your cohorts have. I'm glad your boy got beat in this primary, the voters there decided that Cochran was the lesser of two evils. Get over it. :)

Is this the part where you play dumb? Seems to be an epidemic. People like me play by the rules and demand clean honest government and campaigns without race baiting posters. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah sure............................

You are pretty pathetic but amusing. How is supporting the First Amendment allegedly "hiding behind the Constitution"?

You and that other dolt are examples why people like you will always be on the fringe and outcast by more intelligent Americans of many different political persuasions and parties. You people really need some mental help. You also should better your own lives so you don't have to have the need for scapegoats to make you feel better and blame all of your problems on them.

If there's any "stench", it's coming from the rotten, hateful, attitudes that you and your cohorts have. I'm glad your boy got beat in this primary, the voters there decided that Cochran was the lesser of two evils. Get over it. :)

Is this the part where you play dumb? Seems to be an epidemic. People like me play by the rules and demand clean honest government and campaigns without race baiting posters. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah sure............................


Yes, sure......... calling a race baiting lying campaign poster free speech. Sick piece of shit.
Is this the part where you play dumb? Seems to be an epidemic. People like me play by the rules and demand clean honest government and campaigns without race baiting posters. Go fuck yourself.

Yeah sure............................


Yes, sure......... calling a race baiting lying campaign poster free speech. Sick piece of shit.

If it's a "lie" then McDaniel should sue the people who made it and get it deemed as a lie. Until then, yes it is a First Amendment issue. Just because freaks like you deem it as a "lie" or "race baiting" doesn't make it so. I'll look forward to seeing a court case title McDaniel vs. The RNC.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.
Hummmmm ..... Black voters helped Cochran get elected. SO .................
Recall that in the past rush limbaugh was urging republican voters to go to the primaries and vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Obama. The powers in the republican party thought they would have an easier time beating Hillary. What you saw in the Cochran race was the same thing limbaugh called for. Payback is a bitch. Did you really think something like that would not come back and bite you in the ass?
When someone calls the constitution the "enemy", then that person needs to be investigated thoroughly.

When democrats call racist campaign posters "free speech", they are taking us back to the times of democrat Jim Crow days. Congratulations.

You back up: good. The racist campaigning was by the far right against "free speech" clearly against blacks. Calling it out was American values not racism.

The TeaP peep creeps never get to define racism.
Hiding behind the constitution isn't working. I can still smell your rotten stench.

You are pretty pathetic but amusing. How is supporting the First Amendment allegedly "hiding behind the Constitution"?

You and that other dolt are examples why people like you will always be on the fringe and outcast by more intelligent Americans of many different political persuasions and parties. You people really need some mental help. You also should better your own lives so you don't have to have the need for scapegoats to make you feel better and blame all of your problems on them.

If there's any "stench", it's coming from the rotten, hateful, attitudes that you and your cohorts have. I'm glad your boy got beat in this primary, the voters there decided that Cochran was the lesser of two evils. Get over it. :)

Is this the part where you play dumb? Seems to be an epidemic. People like me play by the rules and demand clean honest government and campaigns without race baiting posters. Go fuck yourself.

The stench of Iben's lies get stronger.

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