Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

There's a pretty good article below. :)


"What the Cochran campaign did was open up the tent," said Jackie Bland, an insurance agent from Madison who is African American and campaigned door-to-door for Mr. Cochran before the runoff election for the GOP Senate nomination. "I have formed a relationship and alliance with Republicans I never had before."

"Speaking to his supporters Tuesday night, Mr. McDaniel accused Mr. Cochran of betraying the party "by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."

"It's very good for our party, and very good for our state," said Mr. Barbour. "I want to have a bigger, broader Republican party but one that is grounded in conservative principles.''

Cochran's Outreach Effort to Black Voters Draws Criticism, Cheers - WSJ

I have no problem with what happened if those folks became Republicans and voted in the primary. I have a problem with Democrats selecting the Republican candidate for office that will run against a Democrat.

I believe that primaries should be closed.

Well the problem here is simply race, and I don't mean racism necessarily. McDaniel is, imo, a racist. The simple fact is that whomever won the gop primary was most likely the next senator. The chances of a dem winning are nearly non-existent. Had McDaniel won, and then went on to have a Todd Akin's moment and self-destruct, then the dems were maybe in business.

But, in effect, McDaniel is saying "African americans who will no doubt vote for childers in his losing primary election should not be able to vote against me, a racist, in a primary." I don't want any part of that.

And, personally I've voted in overwhelmingly dem districts for dems in local election primaries on the basis of "least bad option" and had absolutely no intention of giving them a vote in the primary election.
First Amendment, now if it's untrue which would be Libel and or Slander, then I wouldn't support it.

So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

No, this thread is about conservatives wishing that Democrats weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary. Race has nothing to do with it...except to small minded people.
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Oh, I'll do you one better than that. You know how Lieberman got elected as a Senator to begin with?

Bill Buckley, that's how.

We had a US Senator in Connecticut named Lowell Weicker. Weicker was a big time liberal, and Bill Buckley got sick and tired of him one day and asked us conservatives to vote for the Democratic candidate to get rid of him. And so we did.

When I say I have voted only once in my life for a Democrat, I am talking about Joe Lieberman. And I did it because Bill Buckley asked me to.

And that is how Lieberman was elected to his first term as a US Senator.

Then the voters of Connecticut turned around and did one of the most boneheaded things you ever saw. They elected Weicker as Governor two years later!

That bastard repaid the state by enacting a state income tax for the first time.

Fucking idiots.
So you believe the Tea Party wants to stop blacks from voting. You're corrupt trash.

Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

No, this thread is about conservatives wishing that Democrats weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary. Race has nothing to do with it...except to small minded people.

Simply not true, hunarcy. McDaniel himself crossed over in a 2002 or 3 primary to vote for Ronnie Musgrove for governor. It only became an issue for the tea party folks when crossing over denied them what looked like a sure win. Race is merely a part of it, but it's hypocrisy.
Hummmmm ..... Black voters helped Cochran get elected. SO .................
Recall that in the past rush limbaugh was urging republican voters to go to the primaries and vote for Hillary Clinton rather than Obama. The powers in the republican party thought they would have an easier time beating Hillary. What you saw in the Cochran race was the same thing limbaugh called for. Payback is a bitch. Did you really think something like that would not come back and bite you in the ass?

Republicans should NOT be allowed to vote in a Democratic Primary and select the candidate the Republicans want to run against. It's just as wrong as what happened in Mississippi. Glad you see it was wrong and wish you didn't believe that two wrongs make a right.

It's called an open primary.

You know, Ronald Reagan won 49 states. So here's an idea. Find some people who aren't whackadoos and who have broad appeal. And then run THOSE people for office.

When, oh when, will the GOP learn it is far past time to take out the trash which has piled up to the ceiling?

I know it's called an open primary. And, I think it, like the rest of your post, is stupid.
Isn't that what this thread is about - conservatives wishing that blacks weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary?

No, this thread is about conservatives wishing that Democrats weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary. Race has nothing to do with it...except to small minded people.

Simply not true, hunarcy. McDaniel himself crossed over in a 2002 or 3 primary to vote for Ronnie Musgrove for governor. It only became an issue for the tea party folks when crossing over denied them what looked like a sure win. Race is merely a part of it, but it's hypocrisy.

I certainly can't force you to see the truth, but race has absolutely nothing to do with the opposition I have to open primaries. And, I don't care if McDaniel crossed over to vote in a Democratic primary in 2002. In my opinion, no one should be allowed to vote in a primary unless the belong to the party that's holding the primary.
No, this thread is about conservatives wishing that Democrats weren't allowed to vote in a Republican primary. Race has nothing to do with it...except to small minded people.

Simply not true, hunarcy. McDaniel himself crossed over in a 2002 or 3 primary to vote for Ronnie Musgrove for governor. It only became an issue for the tea party folks when crossing over denied them what looked like a sure win. Race is merely a part of it, but it's hypocrisy.

I certainly can't force you to see the truth, but race has absolutely nothing to do with the opposition I have to open primaries. And, I don't care if McDaniel crossed over to vote in a Democratic primary in 2002. In my opinion, no one should be allowed to vote in a primary unless the belong to the party that's holding the primary.

I couldn't care less about your opposition to open primaries. Have whatever you want where you live; it's your biz. But don't tell me what my state can have, or try to tell me what motivated McDaniel supporters or the dems, black and white, who crossed over.
Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.

Another example of conservative hypocrisy.

Ahh look at Synthianna all wet in the panties over Thad Cochran and getting the vote out for this old white fossil. Isn't it touching how much libruls for care fo this republican? I feel a Kumbaiyah moment coming on..
I've spanked your ass again. :lol:

You haven't got the courage to address my post:

Wingnuts had NO PROBLEM with Republicans crossing over to re-elect Joe Lieberman in 2006 against his Liberal anti-war opponent, Ned Lamont.
Republicans should NOT be allowed to vote in a Democratic Primary and select the candidate the Republicans want to run against. It's just as wrong as what happened in Mississippi. Glad you see it was wrong and wish you didn't believe that two wrongs make a right.

It's called an open primary.

You know, Ronald Reagan won 49 states. So here's an idea. Find some people who aren't whackadoos and who have broad appeal. And then run THOSE people for office.

When, oh when, will the GOP learn it is far past time to take out the trash which has piled up to the ceiling?

I know it's called an open primary. And, I think it, like the rest of your post, is stupid.

Then get used to losing.
Thanks for that article. I realize it must have GAGGED you to quote the NYT but it bit your lame ass anyway. Just a small detail you must have overlooked before you posted. The election was legal:

"""Their high numbers came despite pledges by conservative political action committees to monitor turnout in Democratic areas targeted by Mr. Cochran’s campaign. Both the N.A.A.C.P. — which sent its own poll watchers — and the United States Justice Department expressed concerns about the possible intimidation of black Democrats, but no irregularities were reported to Mississippi election officials.

The state has no party registration, and anyone could vote in the Republican runoff who had not voted in the Democratic primary, which was won by former Representative Travis Childers, 56."""

This is America, honey. Not Iraq or Russia. You should be happy that these kinds of elections happen. It's called the will of the people.

I wonder how many of those black voters will vote for Thad Cochran in the general election. My prediction is 2 or 3.

Cochran had won the same predominantly black district in question by a very large margin in the initial primary vote before the appeal for more black voters in the runoff primary, so you are probably very wrong in your prediction.

We shall see how they vote in the general election before I will be proven wrong.
Not Operation Chaos, LIES.. Pure lies and scare tactics... Lying to a segment of the poor black community.. Using them.. If you're proud of that- claim it and own it.
Is it anything like the way Tea Party and NRA types tell the hillbillies that Democrats are going to take away their guns? Or is this election more like Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos? Enlighten us and point out the distinctions between the lies and scare tactics.
Yea, I have two threads going here on this , all day today where the liberal whackos melted down .. Cochran used posters that told Democrats the evil Tea Party would not let "blacks vote, will take away their food stamps." ITS DESPICABLE and right out of the librul playbook of scare tactics.

Here ya go....

Our View: Vote for Cochran on Tuesday
June 23, 2014 10:26:02 AM

Tuesday, voters will again go to the polls across the state to determine the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. Incumbent Thad Cochran faces tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in the Tuesday runoff with the winner facing former U.S. Representative Travis Childers in the November general election.

Polls show that McDaniel holds a narrow lead heading into the runoff. If those polls are accurate, it will be the first time since 1942 a sitting Mississippi senator has been defeated by a candidate from his own party.

Prior to the June 3 primary, we urged voters to cast their ballots for Cochran, who for 36 years has been an effective advocate for the people of Mississippi in the Senate. We have heard nothing to dissuade us from that position in the weeks since. In fact, it seems even more clear that Mississippians are making a huge, unnecessary gamble in sending the unproven McDaniel to the Senate in light of the positions he has built his campaign around.

Essentially, McDaniel is running on an anti-federal government platform. The government is too big, spends too much, imposes its will on the states too often and is an enemy of the suspiciously vague "traditional Mississippi values."

McDaniel seems more about buzzwords and catch phrases than ideas.

In painting Cochran as a "pork barrel" politician, McDaniel seems to have acquired the notion that the hundreds of millions of dollars that Cochran has helped steer to Mississippi has been a mistake.

Is it in the military installations we find from one end of our state to the other, including Columbus Air Force Base? Is it in the hundreds of millions of dollars the federal government provides annually for K-12 education? Is it in the millions in federal grants that go to our universities for research? Is it in federal highway funds that keep our roadways safe and help attract new industry?

You could make a reasonable argument against that kind of "pork" in some places, but in Mississippi that money is the difference between any real hope of a future for our citizens and a third-world existence. For every dollar Mississippians send to the Washington, $3 comes back to our state. ....

Post a valid rebuttal to any of it.
Why is any rebuttal needed? It's a powerful argument for re-election.
the country is going broke, or is broke, under pork barrel politics of people like Cochran.

Why does Mississippi need military bases across the state?

The same reason every single state has defense-related industry:

1) It makes it harder for any Congresscritter to vote against any Defense spending

2) It's a make-work program for all 50 states.

It's a forum you idiot.. a FORUM that debates politics and it was the number one news story being talked about yesterday on all media outlets that said the words BLACK -- DEMOCRATS-- You are brain damaged.. Honestly.. This is it in a nutshell-- People like Carby actually believe Conservatives aren't even allowed to talk about a news story if the word BLACK, RACE appear in it.. Go crawl back in to your self crucified race baiting cave.

Can you not understand the simple concept here, or are you just denying it because you've been caught redhanded?

You start a thread about race, then anyone who disagrees with you who mentions race gets called a race baiter,

that's your stock response. You sound ridiculous. Come out of the echo chamber of the idiots around here who agree with you and take an objective look at the ridiculousness of your stance.

Just because idiots praise what you're saying doesn't mean that what you said wasn't idiotic.

Caught listing a front page story from the NY Times about black voters giving Cochran the win and then actually discussing it on a POLITICAL FORUM??????????????? OMG.. Someone send the leftist gestapo.. The race baiter has determined that posting a news story on a political forum if it contains ANY WORD at all related to race is bad IF YOU'RE A CONSERVATIVE.. :eek: You truly are a mental case..
Then why are you objecting to anyone else mentioning race in this thread?

Is it your innate stupidity?
It's called an open primary.

You know, Ronald Reagan won 49 states. So here's an idea. Find some people who aren't whackadoos and who have broad appeal. And then run THOSE people for office.

When, oh when, will the GOP learn it is far past time to take out the trash which has piled up to the ceiling?

I know it's called an open primary. And, I think it, like the rest of your post, is stupid.

Then get used to losing.

LOL! You sound just like Rush Limbaugh when he was saying we need to keep a Liberal or 2 around to remind ourselves what they were like. Then, within a generation, the pendulum swung and the Democrats took power.

Chuck Todd recently said about Obama, “The public is saying, 'Hey buddy, your presidency is over.'” If Todd is right and the public is saying that, your view of who is losing is just as stupid as the previous post.
the country is going broke, or is broke, under pork barrel politics of people like Cochran.

Why does Mississippi need military bases across the state?

McDaniel didn't run on cutting military spending.

-- U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel disputes claims that Ingalls Shipbuilding and other industries would be in danger of losing contracts if he's elected in a Republican primary runoff election against incumbent Thad Cochran.

"They have a reached a moment of desperation in their campaign," McDaniel said at a press conference Monday at Gautier City Hall. "I am going to fight for Ingalls. I am going to fight for the industry. I am going to fight for the military."

Read more here: McDaniel makes South Mississippi stops, says he will fight for industry, military | Jackson County | The Sun Herald
So, his whole 'fiscal conservative' schtick is just a bunch of bullshit? I thought so.
Don't change the subject. Is McDaniel trying to disenfranchise a voting bloc that is mostly black or not?

Do you have any clue whatsoever about the racial history of Mississippi?


Now we have numbnuts who said this in the post prior:

" McDaniel was trying to deny black voters their vote? He IS trying. Isn't he fighting the result?"

Then after this leftist boob gets his stupidass caught in his own trap he then cries, "DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" :lol: You have to post on these forums to truly witness the character of the Zombie left.. It's fucking hysterical.. McDaniel is denying votes when he wants a recount but Algore isn't..

His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:
QFT! I left the Plantation after the Romney RINO fiasco.. Cannot stand the establishment.. They are liberals in drag and this proved what we've been saying over the past couple of years.. No, we will not forget.

Oh, come on.

the GOP Establishment is going to shove Jeb Bush down your throat, and you are going to enthusiastically vote for him.

You can hold me to this - I will NEVER vote for that lying dirtbag Jeb Bush. In fact, I will work tirelessly to make phone calls on behalf of anyone who runs against him in the primaries.. If he gets to the national stage for election and is the GOP establishment's candidate.. I can guarantee you that not ONE TRUE CONSERVATIVE will vote for that bastard.. the 3rd party vote will see higher numbers than usual .. I'm already planning on throwing my support behind the Libertarian candidate anyhow.. There isn't one person that I can think of right now who I would want to support for President on the national stage.

What "lie" from Jeb Bush has you so upset with him?

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