Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Of course you close the primaries....duh. Thad's problem is that any Rat who voted in the RAT primary is disqualified to vote in the GOPer primary....this ain't over yet.



Can't blame the Tea Partiers for being pissed off about this, it stinks to high heaven.

I also suspect the lefties who think it's funny wouldn't be laughing if the same thing happened on their side as blatantly as this did.


What's wrong with it? You don't officially register in any party in MS, and you get one vote in the primary, one in the runoff if they have one. So lots of people who could still vote who preferred Cochran over McDaniel came out and exercised their right.

Get over it.

Yes, that's the standard spin. You're a good and obedient little partisan soldier.

And there's nothing for me to "get over". I don't care one way or the other.

Grow up.

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The national groups that funded McDaniel were told early on he had a racist history. They preferred that to an old guy who should have retired. The State party establishment wanted neither a racist nor a fire breathing tea partier. In the end, McDaniel had a Todd Akin moment when he evoked the image of white "poll watchers" in black districts. He imploded.

Missisisppi's perhaps more unique in race. I think in most places, if you have one candidate who literally says the federal govt should not provide any money for education, and somehow that guy gets the nomination of one of the party's, the other party is gonna bang him over the head. WTF is the TPM trying to do? Student loans need reforming, and education needs reforming. But you can't win elections with stances like that. Moreover, an educated workforce is pretty critical for commerce and defense.
The national groups that funded McDaniel were told early on he had a racist history. They preferred that to an old guy who should have retired. The State party establishment wanted neither a racist nor a fire breathing tea partier. In the end, McDaniel had a Todd Akin moment when he evoked the image of white "poll watchers" in black districts. He imploded.

Missisisppi's perhaps more unique in race. I think in most places, if you have one candidate who literally says the federal govt should not provide any money for education, and somehow that guy gets the nomination of one of the party's, the other party is gonna bang him over the head. WTF is the TPM trying to do? Student loans need reforming, and education needs reforming. But you can't win elections with stances like that. Moreover, an educated workforce is pretty critical for commerce and defense.

My gut tells me that with the massive ego this McDaniel dude has, he will be back, running again.
No, you actually made me laugh, just like you are doing now. I challenge you to show me one post that I have made where I stated: "RACISTTTT BOOOGEYMAN OMG.. SAVE ME".

Where did I make that assertion in the first place?

This is another demonstration as to how fucked in the head you people are. You have to outright LIE to try to win an argument or debate. :lol:

Hey Stoopid (Knocks on his head) you told Iben in this very thread that you believe the Tea Party stops black people from voting.. Now based upon your unicorn make believe mindset, show me where this has ever happened to justify your whacko thought process???!!!! THAT'S A RACIST BOOGEYMAN

I would LOVE you to show me where I ALLEGEDLY stated such a thing. I am willing to bet that you can't back up another falsehood of yours. I'll be waiting...... :)

Still NOTHING..................... :lol:
For every dollar Mississippians send to the Washington, $3 comes back to our state. ....

Post a valid rebuttal to any of it.

That makes me sick to my stomach.

Spending three times as much as one collects in revenues is called "deficit spending", massively so, and I don't see how anyone who claims to be a Republican could be for that.

The State of Mississippi has a law that requires them to balance the budget every year just as many other states do. Apparently you don't know the difference between a state budget and federal funding of military bases, medicaid, food stamps etc.
For every dollar Mississippians send to the Washington, $3 comes back to our state. ....

Post a valid rebuttal to any of it.

That makes me sick to my stomach.

Spending three times as much as one collects in revenues is called "deficit spending", massively so, and I don't see how anyone who claims to be a Republican could be for that.

The State of Mississippi has a law that requires them to balance the budget every year just as many other states do. Apparently you don't know the difference between a state budget and federal funding of military bases, medicaid, food stamps etc.

I do know the difference. Apparently you do not know that Cochran is responsible for federal spending and revenues, not the state budget. And if three times as much federal money is being spent in his state than federal revenues are being collected from his state, then that is deficit spending.

We have a $17 trillion FEDERAL debt, and THAT kind of shit is why.
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That makes me sick to my stomach.

Spending three times as much as one collects in revenues is called "deficit spending", massively so, and I don't see how anyone who claims to be a Republican could be for that.

The State of Mississippi has a law that requires them to balance the budget every year just as many other states do. Apparently you don't know the difference between a state budget and federal funding of military bases, medicaid, food stamps etc.

I do know the difference. Apparently you do not know that Cochran is responsible for federal spending and revenues, not the state budget. And if three times as much federal money is being spent in his state than federal revenues are being collected from his state, then that is deficit spending.

It's only deficit spending if the dollars aren't made up elsewhere, but I understand your point that the deficits are not under control. But Miss got the same split when the budget was briefly balanced back in the late 90s.
The State of Mississippi has a law that requires them to balance the budget every year just as many other states do. Apparently you don't know the difference between a state budget and federal funding of military bases, medicaid, food stamps etc.

I do know the difference. Apparently you do not know that Cochran is responsible for federal spending and revenues, not the state budget. And if three times as much federal money is being spent in his state than federal revenues are being collected from his state, then that is deficit spending.

It's only deficit spending if the dollars aren't made up elsewhere,

True. However, it means others in other states have to pay for their government gifts, and you know how much Republicans claim to hate that. Cochran has made Mississippi a net burden on American taxpayers. And his supporters actually BRAG about it.

This is hypocrisy.
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Hey Stoopid (Knocks on his head) you told Iben in this very thread that you believe the Tea Party stops black people from voting.. Now based upon your unicorn make believe mindset, show me where this has ever happened to justify your whacko thought process???!!!! THAT'S A RACIST BOOGEYMAN

I would LOVE you to show me where I ALLEGEDLY stated such a thing. I am willing to bet that you can't back up another falsehood of yours. I'll be waiting...... :)

Still NOTHING..................... :lol:

Well I went back through the thread where we started posting and I couldn't find what I thought you said so I will publicly apologize for attributing a comment to you that you did not make , as noted above ^^ You have my apology.

Can't blame the Tea Partiers for being pissed off about this, it stinks to high heaven.

I also suspect the lefties who think it's funny wouldn't be laughing if the same thing happened on their side as blatantly as this did.


but that's kind of the problem with a two-party system overall.

The Democrats had no real chance in the general election, so the best they could hope for was to pick the least bad of the two choices. and in this case, it was Cochrane.

Now here's the thing. the GOP Establishment wants to TeaBaggers to go down just as bad as the Democrats do. They've already cost them too many winnable seats.

And its' not like the Teabaggers could form their own party.
I would LOVE you to show me where I ALLEGEDLY stated such a thing. I am willing to bet that you can't back up another falsehood of yours. I'll be waiting...... :)

Still NOTHING..................... :lol:

Well I went back through the thread where we started posting and I couldn't find what I thought you said so I will publicly apologize for attributing a comment to you that you did not make , as noted above ^^ You have my apology.

Pos rep coming your way. You have showed some integrity. Well done.

Can't blame the Tea Partiers for being pissed off about this, it stinks to high heaven.

I also suspect the lefties who think it's funny wouldn't be laughing if the same thing happened on their side as blatantly as this did.


The left doesn't have a bunch of radical fucking idiots splitting their ranks like the GOP.

We're about the business of kicking out the corruption in our party. You're comfortable with it. Spin, spin, spin.
I would LOVE you to show me where I ALLEGEDLY stated such a thing. I am willing to bet that you can't back up another falsehood of yours. I'll be waiting...... :)

Still NOTHING..................... :lol:

Well I went back through the thread where we started posting and I couldn't find what I thought you said so I will publicly apologize for attributing a comment to you that you did not make , as noted above ^^ You have my apology.

Thank you, great form.
I bet you don't even realize what an incredibly racist statement that is.

I am not surprised a racist retard believes the only reason the GOP loses these days is "because free stuff!"

It can't possibly have anything to do with making really stupid racist statements like yours and putting up whackadoo candidates. Oh hell no! :lol:

The truth is the truth. The masses vote who they think will give them the most in handouts.

A moment ago it was the blacks, not the masses.
Yeah well it's poor people black and white.
His name Al Gore. Turn off your radio and learn to think for yourself.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

Cochran has a lifetime 88% conservative rating from the ACU, the American Conservative Union,

and yes, oddly enough, that is now 'liberal' to the radical rightwing fringe.

You'd think they'd learn after enough of their 'conservative enough' candidates lose elections how truly fringe they are.

If Democratic Senators had an 88% Liberal rating I would be ecstatic!

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