Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

What's wrong with it? You don't officially register in any party in MS, and you get one vote in the primary, one in the runoff if they have one. So lots of people who could still vote who preferred Cochran over McDaniel came out and exercised their right.

Get over it.

Yes, that's the standard spin. You're a good and obedient little partisan soldier.

And there's nothing for me to "get over". I don't care one way or the other.

Grow up.

Why doesn't "Why do you hate freedom" not apply here?

Shouldn't legit citizens of Miss. be able to vote ONCE for whomever they wish?

Straw man. Yes, of course, but that it not the point.

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries. I'm not advocating death penalties on this.

But you know that, and you're just being obtuse.

Maybe we can have an honest conversation here.

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“Tuesday evening the Republican primary in Mississippi was not decided by Republican voters. It was decided by 35,000 to 40,000 Democrats. That’s unprecedented and extraordinarily unusual… We’re looking into whether Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary crossed over into the Republican primary this Tuesday night. We’ve already found 1,000 examples of that in one county alone.“

[ame=]Chris McDaniel: We've Found 1,000 Invalidated Votes in One MS County Alone - YouTube[/ame]
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

The law in the state says that if you vote for the person in the primary you must intend on voting for in the election. Even though this law is not enforceable, we all know that the democrats who voted for Cochran will not vote for him in the election.

It is just another shining example of the continued lawless nature of progressives and their tyrannical nature that despises the democratic process.

McDaniel should run as an independent and see to it that Cochran loses.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

The law in the state says that if you vote for the person in the primary you must intend on voting for in the election. Even though this law is not enforceable, we all know that the democrats who voted for Cochran will not vote for him in the election.

It is just another shining example of the continued lawless nature of progressives and their tyrannical nature that despises the democratic process.

McDaniel should run as an independent and see to it that Cochran loses.

he certainly should run as an independent
just goes to show you how low the craven will go; big-spending repubs and left-wingers join in to keep the status quo

chains you can believe in
figures the Left would run to support a "right-wing" dinosaur that on any other day is someone who the Left would insist is against everything they hold near and dear

idiots and hypocrites
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

The law in the state says that if you vote for the person in the primary you must intend on voting for in the election. Even though this law is not enforceable, we all know that the democrats who voted for Cochran will not vote for him in the election.

It is just another shining example of the continued lawless nature of progressives and their tyrannical nature that despises the democratic process.

McDaniel should run as an independent and see to it that Cochran loses.

Now, wait a minute, [MENTION=40768]Votto[/MENTION]:

Who is in control of the Mississippi legislature?

Who is in control of the Governor's mansion in Mississippi?

Who controls the congressional delegation from Mississippi?

Why, that would be the GOP, indeed!

This is not an issue of Liberals or Conservatives, it is an issue of a loophole in an election law that is on the books in the state of Mississippi. Due to FEDERALISM, each state gets to decide how to do the actual nuts-and-bolts of electioneering.

You can feel free to blame Liberals all you want, but it is the Republicans in Mississippi who have kept those weird election laws on the books, most likely because Mississippi does not do voter registration by party affiliation, and for this reason, it is practically impossible for that state to hold a "closed" primary to begin with.

I went over all this stuff a long time ago in an epically-long thread I wrote over the nuts-and-bolts of electioneering:

And on a side note, in terms of election reporting and in terms of access to voting information, Mississippi is in my mind and without a doubt the worst state in the Union. It is MILES behind many other states, RED and BLUE and PURPLE.
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lots of voting irregularities here; i dont think this is over yet

And all of them brought to us by the Republican party. Thanks guys.

You dumb fucks seem to think that those Democrats took it upon themselves to go out and vote for a Repub.

Dumb asses. Repubs went out and solicited those votes. LMAO.
lots of voting irregularities here; i dont think this is over yet

And all of them brought to us by the Republican party. Thanks guys.

You dumb fucks seem to think that those Democrats took it upon themselves to go out and vote for a Repub.

Dumb asses. Repubs went out and solicited those votes. LMAO.

Yes, that's the standard spin. You're a good and obedient little partisan soldier.

And there's nothing for me to "get over". I don't care one way or the other.

Grow up.

Why doesn't "Why do you hate freedom" not apply here?

Shouldn't legit citizens of Miss. be able to vote ONCE for whomever they wish?

Straw man. Yes, of course, but that it not the point.

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries. I'm not advocating death penalties on this.

But you know that, and you're just being obtuse.

Maybe we can have an honest conversation here.


So you're complaint is strictly that scare tactics were used in political campaign commercials? Isn't that SOP?
“Tuesday evening the Republican primary in Mississippi was not decided by Republican voters. It was decided by 35,000 to 40,000 Democrats. That’s unprecedented and extraordinarily unusual… We’re looking into whether Democrats who voted in the June 3rd primary crossed over into the Republican primary this Tuesday night. We’ve already found 1,000 examples of that in one county alone.“

Chris McDaniel: We've Found 1,000 Invalidated Votes in One MS County Alone - YouTube

Maybe Blacks in Miss. will realize how much power they actually have.
Why doesn't "Why do you hate freedom" not apply here?

Shouldn't legit citizens of Miss. be able to vote ONCE for whomever they wish?

Straw man. Yes, of course, but that it not the point.

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries. I'm not advocating death penalties on this.

But you know that, and you're just being obtuse.

Maybe we can have an honest conversation here.


So you're complaint is strictly that scare tactics were used in political campaign commercials? Isn't that SOP?

Either you're still being obtuse or you really don't get it.

Whichever, never mind.

No shit!

I happened to catch a few minutes of the helium rant from Mark LEVin last night. He called Thad Cochran a "moderate-Liberal Senator". :lol:

Cochran has a lifetime 88% conservative rating from the ACU, the American Conservative Union,

and yes, oddly enough, that is now 'liberal' to the radical rightwing fringe.

You'd think they'd learn after enough of their 'conservative enough' candidates lose elections how truly fringe they are.

If Democratic Senators had an 88% Liberal rating I would be ecstatic!

Eric Cantor's lifetime conservative rating is 95% and the Tea Party says HE isn't conservative enough.

They define themselves as rightwing fringe extremists. They don't need any help in that regard.
Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Can't blame the Tea Partiers for being pissed off about this, it stinks to high heaven.

I also suspect the lefties who think it's funny wouldn't be laughing if the same thing happened on their side as blatantly as this did.


What's wrong with it? You don't officially register in any party in MS, and you get one vote in the primary, one in the runoff if they have one. So lots of people who could still vote who preferred Cochran over McDaniel came out and exercised their right.

Get over it.

Yes, that's the standard spin. You're a good and obedient little partisan soldier.

And there's nothing for me to "get over". I don't care one way or the other.

Grow up.


Partisan? If I was viewing this as a partisan issue I'd be rooting for McDaniel. The only possible chance the Democrats had for this seat, as slim a possibility as it was,

is if McDaniel won.

So fuck off with your retardation.

Can't blame the Tea Partiers for being pissed off about this, it stinks to high heaven.

I also suspect the lefties who think it's funny wouldn't be laughing if the same thing happened on their side as blatantly as this did.


What's wrong with it? You don't officially register in any party in MS, and you get one vote in the primary, one in the runoff if they have one. So lots of people who could still vote who preferred Cochran over McDaniel came out and exercised their right.

Get over it.

Yes, that's the standard spin. You're a good and obedient little partisan soldier.

And there's nothing for me to "get over". I don't care one way or the other.

Grow up.


Spin? What's the spin part? It's Mississippi state election law.

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