Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broken and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.

Their fear is not irrational. If the Left doesn't vilify the Tea Party and people realize that they are not radicals of hate, the people might listen and realize the Left's way is not working and the Tea Party methods would build a better nation
Why does it serm like it's always the right that needs to compromise?

because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.

Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.

To the Left, compromise means the Right gives up what they believe.
because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.

Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.

There you go again (-:. Cochran never voted for Obamacare. He did not agree with shutting down the govt. Cochran does have a pretty strong record of supporting federal tax dollars going to community health centers. The Mississippi gop is pretty adamant about not expanding Medicaid. And, while even a lot of small govt proponents down here find that position to be less than pragmatic, there's no doubt that even with the 90%plus federal match, it'd cost 500million, which would mean taxes have to go up.

Still, the senate primary was an election for a national office. If the gop proposed on a natl level to replace Obamacare with a system to provide walk in and preventative care for uninsured people, I think Cochran might support something along those lines, and they might find enough dems to accomplish that.

But instead, I think the reality of the TPM is that they find the fed govt has no power to spend money to provide healthcare. And that is not going to win elections.

You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.
Why does it serm like it's always the right that needs to compromise?

because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.

Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.

here's the honest part of that - republicans could have joined in and helped craft a better bill. they chose to object to the whole thing, even though the same basic idea was proposed by the heritage foundation some years earlier. and at the time, democrats didn't need to compromise. they had the seats and power to pass it without help from republicans.

when and if republicans ever control both chambers of congress and the presidency i fully expect them to run roughshod over the whims of the democrats.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Oh? How are you going to fix it?
Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.

There you go again (-:. Cochran never voted for Obamacare. He did not agree with shutting down the govt. Cochran does have a pretty strong record of supporting federal tax dollars going to community health centers. The Mississippi gop is pretty adamant about not expanding Medicaid. And, while even a lot of small govt proponents down here find that position to be less than pragmatic, there's no doubt that even with the 90%plus federal match, it'd cost 500million, which would mean taxes have to go up.

Still, the senate primary was an election for a national office. If the gop proposed on a natl level to replace Obamacare with a system to provide walk in and preventative care for uninsured people, I think Cochran might support something along those lines, and they might find enough dems to accomplish that.

But instead, I think the reality of the TPM is that they find the fed govt has no power to spend money to provide healthcare. And that is not going to win elections.

You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.

I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.
There you go again (-:. Cochran never voted for Obamacare. He did not agree with shutting down the govt. Cochran does have a pretty strong record of supporting federal tax dollars going to community health centers. The Mississippi gop is pretty adamant about not expanding Medicaid. And, while even a lot of small govt proponents down here find that position to be less than pragmatic, there's no doubt that even with the 90%plus federal match, it'd cost 500million, which would mean taxes have to go up.

Still, the senate primary was an election for a national office. If the gop proposed on a natl level to replace Obamacare with a system to provide walk in and preventative care for uninsured people, I think Cochran might support something along those lines, and they might find enough dems to accomplish that.

But instead, I think the reality of the TPM is that they find the fed govt has no power to spend money to provide healthcare. And that is not going to win elections.

You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.

I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Oh? How are you going to fix it?

Please explain to me why I would want to answer that question.
You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.

I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since BEFORE Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May. Additionally, you should probably consider that somewhere between 600 and 700K people typically vote for the gop senate nominee. It really surprised some down here that McDaniel was able to expand his vote past 150K to around 175K. It's certainly a wake up call. Whomever replaces Cochran eventually needs to be pretty concrete on what spending he's for and against.

And my clown car comment was about the TPM on a national level. They've got to do the same on specifics.
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I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May.

You're still ignoring the sleazy corrupt race baiting used by Cochran and democrats to win. That's the problem. That's what we're sick and tired of.
The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May.

You're still ignoring the sleazy corrupt race baiting used by Cochran and democrats to win. That's the problem. That's what we're sick and tired of.

See the above post. And, I'm not sure what you mean by race baiting. McDaniel's past ties to racist groups was no secret. I don't see what's wrong with Cochran telling African americans they may have an openly racist senator if they don't get out and vote. It's the TRUTH. Then McDaniel said he was sending in white poll watchers to just black districts. To Black leaders that was a declaration of war and smacked of Jim Crowe. His campaign ended right then.
No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Oh? How are you going to fix it?

Please explain to me why I would want to answer that question.
Because this is a discussion forum? Why wouldn't you want to answer it?
You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.

I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

More likely he's from one party yet is pretending to belong to the other.
You're deliberately muddying the water with half truths. The fact he voted to keep the government running and funding obamscare is why he would have lost in a clean campaign. This campaign was as sleazy and corrupt as it gets. That's why I am Tea Party. I'm sick of all you corrupt trash and your cancer in my government.

I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
There is nothing dirty about a candidate asking voters to vote for him.
I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
There is nothing dirty about a candidate asking voters to vote for him.

Funny to see you clowns defending a guy you supported because you hope you can turn around and defeat him in the fall.
The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
There is nothing dirty about a candidate asking voters to vote for him.

Funny to see you clowns defending a guy you supported because you hope you can turn around and defeat him in the fall.

Actually, hunarcy, the dems only hope was for McDaniel to win. Childers is a good guy, and he never voted for Pelosi, obamacare or the mandate. I'd have voted for him over McDaniel. There's a slim chance he could have won, but it probably hinged upon McDaniel pulling a Todd Akin or I'm not a Witch gaffe.

The facts were Cochran's supported community health centers and funding for historically black colleges. there is good will in the African American community.

Imo, we need to move past this Miss. election. There's too much race stuff. Or maybe the race stuff, and the gop's problem with latino voters (they just lost the Cuban vote, btw) is a wakeup. And we, and the TPM, need to say what funding we're FOR, and not just rail about Obamacare. A maj will vote to get rid of some portions of that law if there's an alternative.

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