Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
There is nothing dirty about a candidate asking voters to vote for him.

Funny to see you clowns defending a guy you supported because you hope you can turn around and defeat him in the fall.

Besides, I'm not seeing where the right has the moral high ground on this?
The majority of Mississippians rebuked the Tea Party.


And the GOP was able to open dialogue with minorities and Democrats. The racist teapers are a blight on the GOP and are being denied all across America because of their racist and anti-government nonsense! It is time for the GOP to destroy and dismiss this teaper nonsense from our ranks.
I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.
There is nothing dirty about a candidate asking voters to vote for him.

Or the minority Party seeing the same thing the Tea Bag Brotherhood saw, that the place to influence the dominant Party that will represent them is the primary. Since the GOP will represent the minority Party no matter who they run against them, the place to influence who represents you is the GOP primary.
The majority of Mississippians rebuked the Tea Party.


And the GOP was able to open dialogue with minorities and Democrats. The racist teapers are a blight on the GOP and are being denied all across America because of their racist and anti-government nonsense! It is time for the GOP to destroy and dismiss this teaper nonsense from our ranks.

I dunno that is was open a dialogue. I do find it amusing that TPM in Miss, and on this board, call Cochran a RINO. Cochran hasn't changed in 30 years; it's the same ole Thad, nice guy bring home the bacon. Now he's not a Republican? Whatever. But then they get pissed when democrats (9 out of 10 of whom are African American) vote for him. LOL
I'm not obscuring anything. In MISSISSIPPI the common practice is to switch over and vote in primaries. We purposefully do not register as republican or democrat. Our only identity of being in one party or another is how we voted in the latest, previous election. I voted for Obama v. Hillary. And for McCain in the general.

Again, if you think a majority is going to vote for the fed govt having no role in funding HC for uninsured Americans, you are free to run on that platform. Personally, I'd prefer electing gopers, but if you want to whistle Dixie in the dark with guys in the clown car, that's your right.

The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since BEFORE Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May. Additionally, you should probably consider that somewhere between 600 and 700K people typically vote for the gop senate nominee. It really surprised some down here that McDaniel was able to expand his vote past 150K to around 175K. It's certainly a wake up call. Whomever replaces Cochran eventually needs to be pretty concrete on what spending he's for and against.

And my clown car comment was about the TPM on a national level. They've got to do the same on specifics.

What was the "ugly race factor in the McDaniel's campaign," the fact that he's white?
The majority of Mississippians rebuked the Tea Party.


And the GOP was able to open dialogue with minorities and Democrats. The racist teapers are a blight on the GOP and are being denied all across America because of their racist and anti-government nonsense! It is time for the GOP to destroy and dismiss this teaper nonsense from our ranks.

I dunno that is was open a dialogue. I do find it amusing that TPM in Miss, and on this board, call Cochran a RINO. Cochran hasn't changed in 30 years; it's the same ole Thad, nice guy bring home the bacon. Now he's not a Republican? Whatever. But then they get pissed when democrats (9 out of 10 of whom are African American) vote for him. LOL

Yeah, Teapers are the most ridiculous idiots to ever hit the political playing field. It is so obvious they are a hate group...but they have lied to themselves and everyone else so much, they are too stupid to see their own hate.
The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since BEFORE Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May. Additionally, you should probably consider that somewhere between 600 and 700K people typically vote for the gop senate nominee. It really surprised some down here that McDaniel was able to expand his vote past 150K to around 175K. It's certainly a wake up call. Whomever replaces Cochran eventually needs to be pretty concrete on what spending he's for and against.

And my clown car comment was about the TPM on a national level. They've got to do the same on specifics.

What was the "ugly race factor in the McDaniel's campaign," the fact that he's white?
Like I said, Teapers are too stupid and dishonest to realize what is right in front of their face. McDaniels could have lynched a black man...and these racists would say that McDaniels is not racist.
The guys in the clown car were going to win. That's why Cochran turned dirty. Either you're not getting it or you're ignoring the truth.

Well, there's half truth to what you're saying. Cochran's pre-runoff campaign was inept, and led by .... wait for it.... wait for it .... Stuart Stevens who ran Mittless Romney's campaign. After the June 3 election, Cochran woke up. He should have run the same campaign before June 3 that he ran after. Had he done so, he'd have buried McDaniel early.

Mississippi is a single party state, and has been since BEFORE Reconstruction. There's nothing new or unusual in voters chosing the least objectionable from the other party. What you are missing, and I'll assume it's unintentional, is the ugly race factor in the McDaniel campaign. 98% of blacks are dems, and the dem party is only 11% white. Cochran appealed to blacks to wake up and notice they were gonna be stuck with McDaniel if they didn't vote in the runoff. He should have been doing that back in April and May. Additionally, you should probably consider that somewhere between 600 and 700K people typically vote for the gop senate nominee. It really surprised some down here that McDaniel was able to expand his vote past 150K to around 175K. It's certainly a wake up call. Whomever replaces Cochran eventually needs to be pretty concrete on what spending he's for and against.

And my clown car comment was about the TPM on a national level. They've got to do the same on specifics.

What was the "ugly race factor in the McDaniel's campaign," the fact that he's white?

I ignore you as a waste of bandwidth.
And the GOP was able to open dialogue with minorities and Democrats. The racist teapers are a blight on the GOP and are being denied all across America because of their racist and anti-government nonsense! It is time for the GOP to destroy and dismiss this teaper nonsense from our ranks.

I dunno that is was open a dialogue. I do find it amusing that TPM in Miss, and on this board, call Cochran a RINO. Cochran hasn't changed in 30 years; it's the same ole Thad, nice guy bring home the bacon. Now he's not a Republican? Whatever. But then they get pissed when democrats (9 out of 10 of whom are African American) vote for him. LOL

Yeah, Teapers are the most ridiculous idiots to ever hit the political playing field. It is so obvious they are a hate group...but they have lied to themselves and everyone else so much, they are too stupid to see their own hate.

I don't think there was any intent for a racist message from the national groups like freedom works and club for growth that outspent Cochran in the election before 6-3. Most of his financial support dried up after that. I don't know why that was.

There was this notion down here, that 150K votes was maybe McDaniel's top out, but he did get another 25K or so, which certainly shows a dissatisfaction by some voters. There was no doubt that Cochran had failed to get his vote out, but there was a huge doubt that he could do it for the runoff. People who want federal funds for education came out and voted.

This whole education thing may be code speak too.
It takes a lot of money to convince people you aren't a racist scumbag...that is why McDaniel's money dried up. Apparently, Mississippians were smart enough to see through his hate. Teapers are failing all across America...their racist and anti-Government nonsense is coming to an end and the Tea Party will go down in history as a footnote...if that.
It takes a lot of money to convince people you aren't a racist scumbag...that is why McDaniel's money dried up. Apparently, Mississippians were smart enough to see through his hate. Teapers are failing all across America...their racist and anti-Government nonsense is coming to an end and the Tea Party will go down in history as a footnote...if that.

Well, look, those 175K folks who voted for McDaniel didn't get convinced he wasn't a racist. They were either racists themselves or just didn't think that fact was enough to outweigh his TPM views. That's the Mississippi angle on this.

Again, there's a lot I agree with the TPM on. Perpetual welfare and paying people to stay where there are no jobs. The military spending in Mississippi is obscene .... unless other states don't have bases, and we just get more of them. Which I doubt is the case.

But, you're right in a larger sense that the TPM seems to require a rigid and no compromise view. And that seems to attract Todd Akins Richard Mordoch and McDaniel types, who all have some extremist view.

I do think this election will nudge the state party on spending issues. But the state gop is committed to education and attracting jobs.
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Americans, too. Right? I made my point. You muddied the water.

Nope. It's a Mississippi runoff.

It was a Republican primary runoff election in the state of Mississippi. A runoff is the result of no candidate getting 50% plus 1 vote in the Republican primary election held on June 3rd.

Yes, indeed, it was a GOP primary runoff in a state that does NOT do voter registration by party affiliation and therefore cannot do closed primaries, so it has some really arcane rules on the books about who can vote.

This means that for the runoff, any Democrat who did not already vote in the DEM primary on June 3rd was theoretically eligible to vote in the runoff, precisely because this state does NOT do voter registration by party affiliation - which means the Mississipians do not have to declare a party when they register.

Your beef should not be with Mississippi Democrats. It should be with the downside of Federalism in this case.
It takes a lot of money to convince people you aren't a racist scumbag...that is why McDaniel's money dried up. Apparently, Mississippians were smart enough to see through his hate. Teapers are failing all across America...their racist and anti-Government nonsense is coming to an end and the Tea Party will go down in history as a footnote...if that.

Well, look, those 175K folks who voted for McDaniel didn't get convinced he wasn't a racist. They were either racists themselves or just didn't think that fact was enough to outweigh his TPM views. That's the Mississippi angle on this.

Again, there's a lot I agree with the TPM on. Perpetual welfare and paying people to stay where there are no jobs. The military spending in Mississippi is obscene .... unless other states don't have bases, and we just get more of them. Which I doubt is the case.

But, you're right in a larger sense that the TPM seems to require a rigid and no compromise view. And that seems to attract Todd Akins Richard Mordoch and McDaniel types, who all have some extremist view.

I do think this election will nudge the state party on spending issues. But the state gop is committed to education and attracting jobs.

The only views that are unique to the Tea Party are hate and ant-Government. Take away those two factors and you have a conservative Republican.
Nope. It's a Mississippi runoff.

It was a Republican primary runoff election in the state of Mississippi. A runoff is the result of no candidate getting 50% plus 1 vote in the Republican primary election held on June 3rd.

Yes, indeed, it was a GOP primary runoff in a state that does NOT do voter registration by party affiliation and therefore cannot do closed primaries, so it has some really arcane rules on the books about who can vote.

This means that for the runoff, any Democrat who did not already vote in the DEM primary on June 3rd was theoretically eligible to vote in the runoff, precisely because this state does NOT do voter registration by party affiliation - which means the Mississipians do not have to declare a party when they register.

Your beef should not be with Mississippi Democrats. It should be with the downside of Federalism in this case.

I don't really have a 'beef' with that since I used to vote (before they changed the state law) for the weakest Democrat in the primary hoping he would win and the Republican would then be able to defeat him. I try not to be a hypocrite.

My 'beef' is with the Mississippi counties that refuse to allow a check of the voting rolls to determine if any of the voters did vote in the Democrat primary and then violated state law and voted again in the Republican runoff.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Democrats voting for GW Bush in 2004 were the difference in Bush's win.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Nonsense, it's not 'distressing,' it's encouraging – democrats and republicans need to work together more often to realize a common goal; keeping an unqualified, reckless, rightwing extremist out of office is an excellent place to start.

Indeed, what's distressing is the increasing partisan divide, and the inability of lawmakers to pursue sound and responsible governance.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

Democrats voting for GW Bush in 2004 were the difference in Bush's win.


In fact, democrats elect presidents – something to GOP should keep in mind.

Of course, republicans are at liberty to move to the hard, extreme right and promote an agenda of fear, ignorance, and hate if they believe that best represents the party – but they won't be winning presidential elections.

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