Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Straw man. Yes, of course, but that it not the point.

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries. I'm not advocating death penalties on this.

But you know that, and you're just being obtuse.

Maybe we can have an honest conversation here.


So you're complaint is strictly that scare tactics were used in political campaign commercials? Isn't that SOP?

Either you're still being obtuse or you really don't get it.

Whichever, never mind.


I only have your words to go by, Mac:

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries.
Fear of the other side is SOP in political commercials, so I do not get what you are so upset about.
Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.
So you're complaint is strictly that scare tactics were used in political campaign commercials? Isn't that SOP?

Either you're still being obtuse or you really don't get it.

Whichever, never mind.


I only have your words to go by, Mac:

It looks like they voted purely because they were scared into doing so, so that their candidate would not be facing the Tea Party guy in the general. As I said, this smells, and it's a good argument against open primaries.
Fear of the other side is SOP in political commercials, so I do not get what you are so upset about.

The argument you two are in has a simple resolution:

What's wrong with being afraid of having a rightwing fringe lunatic win a Senate seat in your state?
Nothing illegal or wrong going on in Mississippi , nothing at all.
Stop your whining but they you cannot. All you have is whine.

Listen to how disgusting this is from the article above:

"Roger Smith, a black Democrat who said he was being paid to organize for Mr. Cochran, said, “I don’t know too much about McDaniel other than what McDaniel’s saying: that he’s Tea Party, he’s against Obama, he don’t like black people.”
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.
Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broken and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.
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Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broke and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.
they're intransigent assholes. that's the problem with them. they'd rather burn the government to the ground on misguided principal than compromise and govern wisely.

that's the fear of tea partiers and there's nothing irrational about it.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

More disingenuous claptrap. I'm sure you're really concerned about how republicans can win.
Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broke and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.
they're intransigent assholes. that's the problem with them. they'd rather burn the government to the ground on misguided principal than compromise and govern wisely.

that's the fear of tea partiers and there's nothing irrational about it.

Why does it seem like it's always the right that needs to compromise?
Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broke and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.
they're intransigent assholes. that's the problem with them. they'd rather burn the government to the ground on misguided principal than compromise and govern wisely.

that's the fear of tea partiers and there's nothing irrational about it.

Why does it serm like it's always the right that needs to compromise?

because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

More disingenuous claptrap. I'm sure you're really concerned about how republicans can win.

Which part do you wish to refute?

1. ...that conservatives constantly preach that the key to success for the Republican Party is to move to the right?


2. ...that Cochran's win proves that theory wrong?
Very dirty Democratic tactic. These voters were obviously paid Democratic Party operatives. This is why we desperately need a Third Party. The Two-Party System is a corrupt farce. You can't trust either Party.

Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broke and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.

I would not have 'feared' the Tea Party had it emerged as centrist alternative based in fiscal conservatism and at least neutral on the social issues,

but that's not what is. The current Tea Party is nothing more than the traditional GOP right wing, with the Christian conservatives in control.
they're intransigent assholes. that's the problem with them. they'd rather burn the government to the ground on misguided principal than compromise and govern wisely.

that's the fear of tea partiers and there's nothing irrational about it.

Why does it serm like it's always the right that needs to compromise?

because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.

Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.
Yes. You need a Tea Party as the third party. Then Democrats can own the presidency and both houses of Congress.

Sorry, but i don't get your irrational fear of Tea Partiers. They fight for your rights and the Constitution. That hardly makes them an evil Boogeyman. But either way, this was a very dirty tactic. The Two-Party System is broke and can't be fixed. We need real change in this country.
they're intransigent assholes. that's the problem with them. they'd rather burn the government to the ground on misguided principal than compromise and govern wisely.

that's the fear of tea partiers and there's nothing irrational about it.

Some Tea Party groups are Neocon frauds. They're just as much for Big Government as average Communists/Progressives are. But other Tea Party groups are genuine. They are fighting for your rights and the Constitution. They're hardly the evil Boogeyman the usual suspect Communists/Progressives have made them out to be.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

More disingenuous claptrap. I'm sure you're really concerned about how republicans can win.

Which part do you wish to refute?

1. ...that conservatives constantly preach that the key to success for the Republican Party is to move to the right?


2. ...that Cochran's win proves that theory wrong?

You forgot #3. The Tea Party candidate in Mississippi would have won in a clean campaign. That's why the establishment turned dirty.
Why does it serm like it's always the right that needs to compromise?

because the right is a bunch of instansigent assholes.

compromise, by it's definition, involves both sides giving ground.

Uh huh. You must have been asleep when obamacare was being shoved down everyone's throat......."I won". Remember the closed door meetings? Get honest.

There you go again (-:. Cochran never voted for Obamacare. He did not agree with shutting down the govt. Cochran does have a pretty strong record of supporting federal tax dollars going to community health centers. The Mississippi gop is pretty adamant about not expanding Medicaid. And, while even a lot of small govt proponents down here find that position to be less than pragmatic, there's no doubt that even with the 90%plus federal match, it'd cost 500million, which would mean taxes have to go up.

Still, the senate primary was an election for a national office. If the gop proposed on a natl level to replace Obamacare with a system to provide walk in and preventative care for uninsured people, I think Cochran might support something along those lines, and they might find enough dems to accomplish that.

But instead, I think the reality of the TPM is that they find the fed govt has no power to spend money to provide healthcare. And that is not going to win elections.
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What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.
What's most distressing to the RWnuts here is that the Cochran win proves once again that the well worn conservative line that moving to the right is the best way to win elections

is a big fat myth.

No, what is most distressing is that a GOP candidate would appeal to democrats to win.

If he hadn't had their support he would not have won.

We'll fix that problem.

There is no reason for us to be distressed.

The fact that you morons keep blathering about how old the GOP is and yet we keep running 40 something's (conservative 40 somethings) only gives us heart and hope.

But you keep believing your little fairy tales.

gosh, that he might ask the people he's going to represent to support him? crazy.

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