Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

This kind of speculation from "reasoned" leftists is very revealing.

I shudder to think of what else you morons spend time worrying about.

I wouldn't put it past a teaper lynching someone to prove a point. Maybe a shooting spree...we have already seen that. Then all of the racist teapers can say it is not a race crime and excuse it because of the knock out game.

Teapers are so pathetic.

Is your goal to keep digging a deeper hole with your moronic assertions ?

If so, you are being successful.

OK, Hobbit. Didn't a teaper couple just go on a shooting spree last month?
I wouldn't be surprised if one of these teabaggers lynched someone, just to show that they still can.

This kind of speculation from "reasoned" leftists is very revealing.

I shudder to think of what else you morons spend time worrying about.

I wouldn't put it past a teaper lynching someone to prove a point. Maybe a shooting spree...we have already seen that. Then all of the racist teapers can say it is not a race crime and excuse it because of the knock out game.

Teapers are so pathetic.

I see you fantasizing about the days of old and a good old liquored up Southern Democrat

But, carry on. I'm intrigued :popcorn:

This kind of speculation from "reasoned" leftists is very revealing.

I shudder to think of what else you morons spend time worrying about.

I wouldn't put it past a teaper lynching someone to prove a point. Maybe a shooting spree...we have already seen that. Then all of the racist teapers can say it is not a race crime and excuse it because of the knock out game.

Teapers are so pathetic.

I see you fantasizing about the days of old and a good old liquored up Southern Democrat

But, carry on. I'm intrigued :popcorn:


Southern Democrat or Teaper or Republican...a racist is a racist. Their political affiliation makes no difference to me. Regretfully, the racist du jour is the average teaper! You can see it by the Teapers on this forum.
Cochran appealed to black voters. Black voters now say they own him lock stock and barrel. He has just become a democrat. McDaniel should run as an independent. It worked for Joe Lieberman.

It worked for Lieberman because Republicans abandoned support for the Republican candidate to support Lieberman, who is moderate. For this to work the same way for McDaniel would require Democrats to drop support for the Democrat candidate in favor of McDaniel, who is far right.

In other words ... ain't gonna happen.
Cochran appealed to black voters. Black voters now say they own him lock stock and barrel. He has just become a democrat. McDaniel should run as an independent. It worked for Joe Lieberman.

I don't think it would work for McDaniel. He is too much of a polarizing figure and suspect when it comes to race. Cochran has opened the door to blacks voting Republican. Teapers and the GOP should take advantage of that instead of being divisive. This could be a new dawn for the GOP attracting black voters...regretfully, racist teapers will not allow that.

McDaniel should take the loss for a man and help the GOP become stronger. He should put aside his racism and bitterness and use his loss to create positive dialogue, not partisan crying, obstructionism and nonsense.

If McDaniel runs, the Democrat wins. This is not the same situation as Lieberman faced. And the Senate is too close to call that the GOP won't let McDaniel run for that reason.
I wouldn't put it past a teaper lynching someone to prove a point. Maybe a shooting spree...we have already seen that. Then all of the racist teapers can say it is not a race crime and excuse it because of the knock out game.

Teapers are so pathetic.

I see you fantasizing about the days of old and a good old liquored up Southern Democrat

But, carry on. I'm intrigued :popcorn:


Southern Democrat or Teaper or Republican...a racist is a racist. Their political affiliation makes no difference to me. Regretfully, the racist du jour is the average teaper! You can see it by the Teapers on this forum.

Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a member of the TEA Party.
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OMG you are such a fucking racist.

OMG I don't see how that makes her a racist.

Well, outside of the standard phony PC Police strategic hypersensitivity, of course.


I don't think you can deny that McDaniel is racist. I mean, he speaks to groups flying the confederate flag ...

ROFL! Sorry, but that doesn't prove someone is a racist. It's pretty much impossible to set the bar any lower than you have tried to set it. It's about the equivalent of saying that sneezing is proof that you're a racist. What it really proves is that you're an idiot.

But what's lost in this is that Cochran always did get some black support. You can go to y'all politics and read stuart stevens post yourself. After viewing McDaniel's statements about federal funding for education, and other things, I think it's probably safe to say some African Americans decided taking a chance on McDaniel winning was too big a risk. But allowing cross over voting to get the most broad based result on elections is something Mississippi has done for a long time. Grousing about it NOW, does say something, imo.


Did you have something to say that 10,000 other lame-brained Democrats haven't already said and thought themselves to be brilliant and wise?

And yeah I think permanent welfare is a cancer, and I'd prefer a gop candidate run on that. And that really didn't happen here.

You are a Democrat, which means you love permanent welfare. It's how Democrats get elected.
OMG I don't see how that makes her a racist.

Well, outside of the standard phony PC Police strategic hypersensitivity, of course.


I don't think you can deny that McDaniel is racist. I mean, he speaks to groups flying the confederate flag ... But what's lost in this is that Cochran always did get some black support. You can go to y'all politics and read stuart stevens post yourself. After viewing McDaniel's statements about federal funding for education, and other things, I think it's probably safe to say some African Americans decided taking a chance on McDaniel winning was too big a risk. But allowing cross over voting to get the most broad based result on elections is something Mississippi has done for a long time. Grousing about it NOW, does say something, imo.

And yeah I think permanent welfare is a cancer, and I'd prefer a gop candidate run on that. And that really didn't happen here.

Again, spoken like a true independent thinker devoid of partisanship. You are an example.

I agree with all of the above. Of course, the teapers are going to defend this guy like crazy and say he is not a of the reasons I believe the Teaper movement is mostly a racist movement. The support of racism and racists tells the much bigger story of the Teaper agenda.

On the other hand, I do think liberals are all a bunch of morons. You and Bendog are a case point.

Don't like my insulting tone?

Go fuck yourself, asshole. You earned it.
OMG I don't see how that makes her a racist.

Well, outside of the standard phony PC Police strategic hypersensitivity, of course.


I don't think you can deny that McDaniel is racist. I mean, he speaks to groups flying the confederate flag ... But what's lost in this is that Cochran always did get some black support. You can go to y'all politics and read stuart stevens post yourself. After viewing McDaniel's statements about federal funding for education, and other things, I think it's probably safe to say some African Americans decided taking a chance on McDaniel winning was too big a risk. But allowing cross over voting to get the most broad based result on elections is something Mississippi has done for a long time. Grousing about it NOW, does say something, imo.

And yeah I think permanent welfare is a cancer, and I'd prefer a gop candidate run on that. And that really didn't happen here.

How does speaking to groups that fly the confederate flag make you a racist. Most everyone I know from the south (who still fly the confederate flag) are all about the violation of state sovereignty and don't really care about race issues. They are all over the map just like people in other parts of the state (I have been told you can find a very active chapter of the KKK in Bellingham, WA).

It's the only thing they got? It allows them to brand millions of people as racists so they can feel smug and superior.

Why was his winning to big a risk ? He would go to D.C. and be a federal legislator. He would not be legislating in MS. Do you really think he was going to successfully push a racist agenda in D.C. ?

This is manufactured B.S.

That's the storyline they are going with. They are never going to admit that Chochran used the same tactics they are so famous for. They are never going to admit they use the accusation of racism to trump every other issue. They are never going to admit they are nothing but sleazy race-bating scumbags.
I see you fantasizing about the days of old and a good old liquored up Southern Democrat

But, carry on. I'm intrigued :popcorn:


Southern Democrat or Teaper or Republican...a racist is a racist. Their political affiliation makes no difference to me. Regretfully, the racist du jour is the average teaper! You can see it by the Teapers on this forum.

Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a ember of the TEA Party.

In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.
I don't think you can deny that McDaniel is racist. I mean, he speaks to groups flying the confederate flag ... But what's lost in this is that Cochran always did get some black support. You can go to y'all politics and read stuart stevens post yourself. After viewing McDaniel's statements about federal funding for education, and other things, I think it's probably safe to say some African Americans decided taking a chance on McDaniel winning was too big a risk. But allowing cross over voting to get the most broad based result on elections is something Mississippi has done for a long time. Grousing about it NOW, does say something, imo.

And yeah I think permanent welfare is a cancer, and I'd prefer a gop candidate run on that. And that really didn't happen here.

Again, spoken like a true independent thinker devoid of partisanship. You are an example.

I agree with all of the above. Of course, the teapers are going to defend this guy like crazy and say he is not a of the reasons I believe the Teaper movement is mostly a racist movement. The support of racism and racists tells the much bigger story of the Teaper agenda.

On the other hand, I do think liberals are all a bunch of morons. You and Bendog are a case point.

Don't like my insulting tone?

Go fuck yourself, asshole. You earned it.

I could care less about your 'tone.' You are just case in point that Teapers are a bunch of bitter idiots who can spew nothing but drivel because they can't defend or explain their platform. Bitterness and hate describes most Teapers. That is your tone. Thank you for proving my point.
Southern Democrat or Teaper or Republican...a racist is a racist. Their political affiliation makes no difference to me. Regretfully, the racist du jour is the average teaper! You can see it by the Teapers on this forum.

Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a ember of the TEA Party.

In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.

Uh . .. What I am saying, that seems to be unable to penetrate your thick skull, is that there is nothing inherently racist about the TEA party. There are probably some racists in any large group of people. The Democrat party is full of racists. I know that for a fact because my older brother is a racist and he's a registered Democrat.

The bottom line is that turds like you have virtually zero evidence that the TEA party is any more racist than the rest of American society. You've certainly tried hard to come up with evidence to the contrary, but you have consistently failed. However, you don't give a damn about the facts. You will brand the TEA party is racists no matter how convincing the evidence to the contrary. Because your attacks are nothing more than a sleazy political strategy.
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Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a ember of the TEA Party.

In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.

Uh . .. What I am saying that seems to be unable to penetrate your thick skull is that there is nothing inherently racist about the TEA party. There are probably some racists in any large group of people. The Democrat party is full of racists. I know that for a fact because my older brother is a racist and he's a registered Democrat.

The bottom line is hat turds like you have virtually zero evidence that the TEA party is any more racist than the rest of American society. You've certainly tried hard to come up with evidence to the contrary, but you have consistently failed. However, you don't give a damn about the facts. You will brand the TEA party is racists no matter how convincing the evidence to the contrary. Because your attacks are nothing more than a sleazy political strategy.

:lol: You just ignore the evidence or believe that there is no such thing as racism. You really think there are no racist teapers on this forum...that is absolutely ridiculous. There are many professed racists on this either refuse to see it or you don't care, because they are representative of YOU and YOUR beliefs.

The Tea Party is an affront to the GOP. They need to be outed and shown for what they really are. If you think that is 'sleazy political strategy' be it. But I will make every effort to preserve what true conservatism is about...and it is not about hate, obstructionism and anti-government nonsense. The teapers are racist and are contrary to the views of Reagan.
Again, spoken like a true independent thinker devoid of partisanship. You are an example.

I agree with all of the above. Of course, the teapers are going to defend this guy like crazy and say he is not a of the reasons I believe the Teaper movement is mostly a racist movement. The support of racism and racists tells the much bigger story of the Teaper agenda.

On the other hand, I do think liberals are all a bunch of morons. You and Bendog are a case point.

Don't like my insulting tone?

Go fuck yourself, asshole. You earned it.

I could care less about your 'tone.' You are just case in point that Teapers are a bunch of bitter idiots who can spew nothing but drivel because they can't defend or explain their platform. Bitterness and hate describes most Teapers. That is your tone. Thank you for proving my point.

I'm not really a member of the TEA Party, but explaining their platform is the easiest thing in the world. What's so hard to understand about balancing the budget, cutting spending, reducing the debt and cutting burdensome government regulation? The vast majority of Americans agree with the TEA party on all those issues. That's why conniving ignominious worms like yourself resort to accusations of racism. No one in their right mind would disagree with the TEA party platform.

It's so ironic that you accuse the TEA Party of hate when you and your ilk are doing everything in your power to brand them as racists. How is rightly calling you an asshole any more "hateful" than accusing millions of people of being racists?
On the other hand, I do think liberals are all a bunch of morons. You and Bendog are a case point.

Don't like my insulting tone?

Go fuck yourself, asshole. You earned it.

I could care less about your 'tone.' You are just case in point that Teapers are a bunch of bitter idiots who can spew nothing but drivel because they can't defend or explain their platform. Bitterness and hate describes most Teapers. That is your tone. Thank you for proving my point.

I'm not really a member of the TEA Party, but explaining their platform is the easiest thing in the world. What's so hard to understand about balancing the budget, cutting spending, reducing the debt and cutting burdensome government regulation? The vast majority of Americans agree with the TEA party on all those issues. That's why conniving ignominious worms like yourself resort to accusations of racism. No one in their right mind would disagree with the TEA party platform.
I agree with a lot of the Tea Party platform myself...but I did before the Teapers came into play and I will after they are gone. The Tea Party movement was created in defiance of a Black President. Teapers constantly spew nonsense and hate. They are anti-Government and obstructionists. They have done absolutely NOTHING advance their platform. They have passed no bills, given no alternative options, or even proposed any bills that are legitimate. The only thing they have done is obstruct. The Tea Party is an anti-black President is as simple as that. If not, why have they just emerged en masse?
It's so ironic that you accuse the TEA Party of hate when you and your ilk are doing everything in your power to brand them as racists. How is rightly calling you an asshole any more "hateful" than accusing millions of people of being racists?
They are branded as racists for a reason. You can blame it on the liberal media, black people, yellow people or the full moon...the fact of the matter is that MANY Americans believe Teapers to be racists because of THEIR ACTIONS AND THEIR WORDS!

As I said, all you need to do is look on this forum, and Teaper racism is evident. I have been to Teaper rallies...all they are are recruiting events for white nationalists and hate groups. You think it is some sort of conspiracy that people call Teapers racist. You don't see the racism because you aren't looking and probably wouldn't accept it as racism if it were right in front of your face. Perhaps you should open your eyes.

And call me liberal as much as you want...I am a proud conservative...I simply abhor racism and the stigma the Teapers put on conservatives ideals.
I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of these teabaggers lynched someone, just to show that they still can.

This kind of speculation from "reasoned" leftists is very revealing.

I shudder to think of what else you morons spend time worrying about.

Because there's no one left in Mississippi who would ever think of lynching someone? :lol:
Southern Democrat or Teaper or Republican...a racist is a racist. Their political affiliation makes no difference to me. Regretfully, the racist du jour is the average teaper! You can see it by the Teapers on this forum.

Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a ember of the TEA Party.

In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.
The T, Warrior, Steve McGarrett, HereWeGoAgain, Geaux4it, LadyGunSlinger, The Rabbi, ... how many more do you need?
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Really? Quote something racist from a member of this forum who claims to be a ember of the TEA Party.

In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.
The T, Warrior, Steve McGarrett, HereWeGoAgain, Geaux4it, LadyGunSlinger, The Rabbi, ... how many more do you need?

Exactly...and he wants me to waste my time quoting them...LOL, why would I waste my time when all you have to do is pay attention. Why would I waste my time when all they will say is 'that isn't racist' no matter what is said.

Teapers are a funny bunch.
In other words, what you are saying is that you don't believe anything is racist. Sort of telling. Its sort of like trying to point out a sound to a deaf person.
The T, Warrior, Steve McGarrett, HereWeGoAgain, Geaux4it, LadyGunSlinger, The Rabbi, ... how many more do you need?

Exactly...and he wants me to waste my time quoting them...LOL, why would I waste my time when all you have to do is pay attention. Why would I waste my time when all they will say is 'that isn't racist' no matter what is said.

Teapers are a funny bunch.

This teabagger isn't racist, either. Nope!


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