Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

congress controls the purse strings? Isn't that what some people like to remind us?

The treasury borrows money to pay the bills that have resulted from congressional spending,

spending resulting from laws the congress passed.

The debt ceiling is designed to prevent the treasury from borrowing money that congress has not authorized;

money needed to pay bills the congress's laws have created is not in the 'not authorized' category.

When the debt ceiling is reached, it's the duty of congress to either raise it or pass spending reductions sufficient to avoid exceeding it.

true to a point. The vast majority of spending measures are authorized on an annual basis, there are very few multi year authorization bills.

When someone claims that the debt ceiling has to be raised to pay for spending that has already been authorized------they are either ignorant or lying.

"in fiscal year (fy) 2011, mandatory spending accounted for about 60 percent of the federal budget."

what you're suggesting is that congress could rightfully freeze the debt ceiling, but only if they refused to authorize most of the discretionary spending in the budget.

The debt ceiling is the limit of Treasury spending to pay for debts already incurred, not to enable more spending.

Not raising the debt ceiling is like going out to eat in a restaurant and then not wanting to pay for your meal.

That means the government would have to prioritize what they pay for and actually eliminate some programs that are duplicates or worthless.

Sounds good to me.

You can skip the dessert and pay for the meal.

Yup. Like tanks that the Pentagon says are unneeded, overseas bases that are redundant, subsidies to corporations that are experiencing record profits, etc. :)

Slash it all. Fire up the chainsaws and start cutting!
The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

He's not ignorant. He is LYING!
More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

He's not ignorant. He is LYING!

That's all the lies their masters on the left/Democrat party spews so they regurgitate them like good little subjects

"...[GOP] left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time."

Shows how out of touch you are.
Either that...or you just make stuff up.

" .... Obama doesn’t go to union halls to host fundraisers; he goes to posh Wall Street townhomes, the Hollywood hills, or to Tom Steyer’s house in Pacific Heights. Steyer, a billionaire investor and wannabe George Soros, is the perfect model of today’s rich liberal, and shows where the balance of power on the Left rests today. Organized labor wants the Keystone pipeline built; Steyer, who imbibes deeply the green Kool Aid, is adamantly against Keystone.
Note who Obama is siding with."/url]


WOrking people ain't going to get shit out of Keystone. few people will be involved building it, and when it's finished, it's going to be a pretty big danger to the environment.

Why do you think the Canadians haven't just built their own pipeline to the Pacific?

Fact is, every anti-worker thing that's happened in the last 30 years, the GOP has been behind.
That means the government would have to prioritize what they pay for and actually eliminate some programs that are duplicates or worthless.

Sounds good to me.

You can skip the dessert and pay for the meal.

Yup. Like tanks that the Pentagon says are unneeded, overseas bases that are redundant, subsidies to corporations that are experiencing record profits, etc. :)

Yep, exactly like those, and welfare payments to people who are able bodied but choose not to work. food stamps to people in this country illegally, foreign aid to dictators and tyrants, congressional perks, congressional "non-obamacare" insurance, govt funded abortions via planned parenthood.

There is a lot that could be cut.
Except that cutting the food stamps and welfare payments to poor people, and foreign aid, and Planned Parenthood won't make the tiniest difference in the debt, but will cause a lot of human misery.

Unlike cancelling the manufacture of new unneeded, unwanted tanks and other defense spending, which is a major part of the U.S. budget.
horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The teabaggers are pro-union?

Uhhh, being against the AGW lie is pro union????? WTF?

No, those two are separate. The laughing smilies are for your ignorant climate change remark.

But you said that was the only thing on the list, so I'm asking you if teabaggers support unionization. Do they?
More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

He's not ignorant. He is LYING!

Really? Which ones that I listed do teabaggers actually support?
The Watercooler ~ Scalawags and Scoundrels Abscond with the Vote | RedState

Volunteers working for tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in Mississippi say they have already found 20 percent of the invalid double-votes they need to cancel Sen. Thad Cochran’s business-funded runoff victory.

“We’re finished with Hinds County, and we’re up to 1,500” invalid votes, said Noel Fritsch, Daniel’s press aide.


Don't know what this means for the election.

What I do know is that people are not being educated on issues anymore here than if it were a lib and a con.
The Watercooler ~ Scalawags and Scoundrels Abscond with the Vote | RedState

Volunteers working for tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in Mississippi say they have already found 20 percent of the invalid double-votes they need to cancel Sen. Thad Cochran’s business-funded runoff victory.

“We’re finished with Hinds County, and we’re up to 1,500” invalid votes, said Noel Fritsch, Daniel’s press aide.


Don't know what this means for the election.

What I do know is that people are not being educated on issues anymore here than if it were a lib and a con.

I wonder if those same volunteers are the ones involved in breaking into an old folks home to take picture of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

I wonder if they will kill themselves if it is found out they are lying are stretching the truth.

Never trust a Teaper...they are racist liars who will do anything to tear apart America.
The Watercooler ~ Scalawags and Scoundrels Abscond with the Vote | RedState

Volunteers working for tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in Mississippi say they have already found 20 percent of the invalid double-votes they need to cancel Sen. Thad Cochran’s business-funded runoff victory.

“We’re finished with Hinds County, and we’re up to 1,500” invalid votes, said Noel Fritsch, Daniel’s press aide.


Don't know what this means for the election.

What I do know is that people are not being educated on issues anymore here than if it were a lib and a con.

I wonder if those same volunteers are the ones involved in breaking into an old folks home to take picture of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

I wonder if they will kill themselves if it is found out they are lying are stretching the truth.

Never trust a Teaper...they are racist liars who will do anything to tear apart America.

Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.
The Watercooler ~ Scalawags and Scoundrels Abscond with the Vote | RedState

Volunteers working for tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in Mississippi say they have already found 20 percent of the invalid double-votes they need to cancel Sen. Thad Cochran’s business-funded runoff victory.

“We’re finished with Hinds County, and we’re up to 1,500” invalid votes, said Noel Fritsch, Daniel’s press aide.


Don't know what this means for the election.

What I do know is that people are not being educated on issues anymore here than if it were a lib and a con.

McDaniel's camp is full of bullshiet. Two of the districts in which they assert have over 100 dems voting gop on June 27 had fewer than 50 dems vote on June 2. McDaniel is just trying to egg on his base with assertions the blacks took something from them, again.
The Watercooler ~ Scalawags and Scoundrels Abscond with the Vote | RedState

Volunteers working for tea party challenger Chris McDaniel in Mississippi say they have already found 20 percent of the invalid double-votes they need to cancel Sen. Thad Cochran’s business-funded runoff victory.

“We’re finished with Hinds County, and we’re up to 1,500” invalid votes, said Noel Fritsch, Daniel’s press aide.


Don't know what this means for the election.

What I do know is that people are not being educated on issues anymore here than if it were a lib and a con.

I wonder if those same volunteers are the ones involved in breaking into an old folks home to take picture of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

I wonder if they will kill themselves if it is found out they are lying are stretching the truth.

Never trust a Teaper...they are racist liars who will do anything to tear apart America.

Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.

I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.
I wonder if those same volunteers are the ones involved in breaking into an old folks home to take picture of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

I wonder if they will kill themselves if it is found out they are lying are stretching the truth.

Never trust a Teaper...they are racist liars who will do anything to tear apart America.

Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.

I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.


Did you pull that crystal ball out of your ass or someone else's ?

I am sure that any lying will be revealed.

What is not a lie is that Cochroach went after blacks to help him stay in office.

So, what say no once kills themselves. Can we count on you to kill yourself ?
I wonder if those same volunteers are the ones involved in breaking into an old folks home to take picture of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's.

I wonder if they will kill themselves if it is found out they are lying are stretching the truth.

Never trust a Teaper...they are racist liars who will do anything to tear apart America.

Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.

I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.
You know you picked the right pseudonym.
Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.

I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.


Did you pull that crystal ball out of your ass or someone else's ?

I am sure that any lying will be revealed.

What is not a lie is that Cochroach went after blacks to help him stay in office.

So, what say no once kills themselves. Can we count on you to kill yourself ?

Not cool. Seriously not cool. You need to chill.
Was there supposed to be something meaningful in your post ?

That would be a first...but I thought I'd ask.

I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.


Did you pull that crystal ball out of your ass or someone else's ?

I am sure that any lying will be revealed.

What is not a lie is that Cochroach went after blacks to help him stay in office.

So, what say no once kills themselves. Can we count on you to kill yourself ?

Actually, dickhead, I pulled that out of the y'all politics blog and the clarion ledger. And go fuck yourself.


you share a civil attitude with McDaniel supporters.
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I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.


Did you pull that crystal ball out of your ass or someone else's ?

I am sure that any lying will be revealed.

What is not a lie is that Cochroach went after blacks to help him stay in office.

So, what say no once kills themselves. Can we count on you to kill yourself ?

Not cool. Seriously not cool. You need to chill.

Cut him a break...he is a teaper. It isn't too difficult to illicit violent and racist reactions from these idiots.
I don't believe I stuttered, but I will dumb it down for being an idiot Teaper and all.

McDaniel's is a racist and a shady character who had his people break into an old folks home. One of the perpetrators already killed himself or was killed...more than likely because of his guilt. Given the fact that you cannot trust a Teaper when they lose to black people, it would not be a far stretch to believe that these 'volunteers' are lying. And when it is uncovered that these racist Teapers are lying, I am sure at least one will kill him or herself out of that guilt...or at least one will be Vince Fostered for threatening to tell the truth.


Did you pull that crystal ball out of your ass or someone else's ?

I am sure that any lying will be revealed.

What is not a lie is that Cochroach went after blacks to help him stay in office.

So, what say no once kills themselves. Can we count on you to kill yourself ?

Actually, dickhead, I pulled that out of the y'all politics blog and the clarion ledger. And go fuck yourself.

ps, College GOP chairman resigns, joining Democrats

you share a civil attitude with McDaniel supporters.

I was just asking.

I somehow seem to think that people will kill themselves over stuff that is pretty stupid.

If you think that is within human nature (in general.....after all you predicted "someone"), I am wondering if you feel it is within your nature to do the same.

IOW: Making such a claim was pretty frigging stupid.

So, if anyone is going to go have sex with can be you.

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