Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

Staph, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

It left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time.

And when you guys turn on your own for not being crazy enough, that's kind of telling.

The GOP will probably go the way of the Whigs if it doesn't get its head out of its ass, then we will get to the dreaded European Socialism a lot sooner.

"...[GOP] left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time."

Shows how out of touch you are.
Either that...or you just make stuff up.

" .... Obama doesn’t go to union halls to host fundraisers; he goes to posh Wall Street townhomes, the Hollywood hills, or to Tom Steyer’s house in Pacific Heights. Steyer, a billionaire investor and wannabe George Soros, is the perfect model of today’s rich liberal, and shows where the balance of power on the Left rests today. Organized labor wants the Keystone pipeline built; Steyer, who imbibes deeply the green Kool Aid, is adamantly against Keystone.
Note who Obama is siding with."

His point was not about Obama it was about Republicans. Republicans want to widen the gap between rich and poor, or rich and not rich if you prefer.

Virtually every one of their economic policies attempts to further this desire.
Funny shit you all write.

A desperate to win "mainstream" Republican uses EXACTLY the same tactics that you Republicans hate Democrats for; promises to not take away benefits from poor people.

And gets Democrats to vote for him. And he wins.

You just can't make this shit up.

All this in the poorest, most corrupt state in the union. LMAO.
Idiot. Blacks even admitted to being paid to vote cochran. Don't let the truth get in the way of you sucking obamashitforbrains you know what.
Let me get this straight. The Democrats have a primary where anyone can vote but only Democrats are on the ballot so you call it the Democrat Primary. The Republicans have a primary where anyone can vote and only Republicans are on the ballot and you call it the Mississippi runoff.

Did I finally get it right?

Well, uh, because it IS a runoff.


And again, for those who are comprehension-impaired:

Mississippi does not, I repeat, does NOT do voter registration by party identification, which means that officially, on paper, on the side of the state, there is no earthy way to know who is a Democrat and who is a Republican. Now, there are Democrats and Republicans in MS, make no doubt about it, but they are not officially registered to vote as such, and so:

In primaries, voters for either side can vote for a candidate from the "other" party, but are only allowed to vote in one primary.

This means that "Republican" voters can vote in the Democratic primary that year, and "Democratic" voters can vote in the Republican primary that year.

However, if it comes to a runoff for one party, voters who already voted in the primary for the other party are not allowed to vote in the runoff. Were this to have been a Democratic runoff instead of a Republican runoff, then that would mean that any Republican voters who already voted in the Republican primary would not be eligible to vote in a Democratic runoff.

That is the case in the Cochran-McDaniel runoff, only in reverse colors. However, voters from "the other party" who have not yet voted in a primary that year ARE eligible to vote in a runoff for the very same reason why it doesn't matter which primary you vote in: because Mississippi does not officially do VR by party affiliation.

It has nothing to do with corruption. It has to do with Mississippi's laws for "electioneering".

Really, this concept is not that difficult to grasp.

correct except for your next to last sentence.

The REASON that black dems voted in the GOP run off was corruption, bribery, and lying.

thats the issue, not how the system is designed.

The lesson on Mississippi election laws had nothing to do with the question I posed to another poster. How dare you criticize Mr Condescending know it all!

What you call corruption, bribery and lying is what most politicians do for a living. They call it politics as usual and the bribery is called 'walking around money."
Okay. Explain it.
The debt ceiling is the limit of Treasury spending to pay for debts already incurred, not to enable more spending.

Not raising the debt ceiling is like going out to eat in a restaurant and then not wanting to pay for your meal.

That means the government would have to prioritize what they pay for and actually eliminate some programs that are duplicates or worthless.

Sounds good to me.

You can skip the dessert and pay for the meal.

Yup. Like tanks that the Pentagon says are unneeded, overseas bases that are redundant, subsidies to corporations that are experiencing record profits, etc. :)
I not only won't deny it I will admit that I have done so when we had open primaries.

The point is you finally admitted there was a Democratic Primary but insist on being a dickhead and calling the Republican runoff a Mississippi runoff.

I call it the Democratic Primary because it's the one where only Democratic candidates can run - not where only Democratic voters can vote. :lol:

Let me get this straight. The Democrats have a primary where anyone can vote but only Democrats are on the ballot so you call it the Democrat Primary. The Republicans have a primary where anyone can vote and only Republicans are on the ballot and you call it the Mississippi runoff.

Did I finally get it right?

No, it's the Republican Primary. I just wasn't going along with your insistence that only Republicans can vote in it.

So in that spirit, they are both Mississippi Primaries. Only the candidates are bound to one or the other.

I hope that clears it up for you! :)
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

They hate the Tea Party because the Tea Party can't be reasoned with.

Because they will turn on you on a moment's notice if they can get someone just a little crazier in office.

If Conchran were a squish RINO like McCain or Lindsey Grahmn, you guys might have an argument.

But the guy got 88% rating from the American Conservative Union.

The issue is not how Cochran voted or his conservative rating. The issue is the corrupt way that he stole the election and the disenfranchisement of a majority of the GOP voters in the run off.

I explained earlier why the establishment wanted Cochran to win, so they could appoint his replacement when he retires next year. Thats what this was about. political corruption.

Bullshit. If the issue isn't how conservative Cochran is then why did a teabagger primary him in the first place, getting so much support from the big money groups?
Well, uh, because it IS a runoff.


And again, for those who are comprehension-impaired:

Mississippi does not, I repeat, does NOT do voter registration by party identification, which means that officially, on paper, on the side of the state, there is no earthy way to know who is a Democrat and who is a Republican. Now, there are Democrats and Republicans in MS, make no doubt about it, but they are not officially registered to vote as such, and so:

In primaries, voters for either side can vote for a candidate from the "other" party, but are only allowed to vote in one primary.

This means that "Republican" voters can vote in the Democratic primary that year, and "Democratic" voters can vote in the Republican primary that year.

However, if it comes to a runoff for one party, voters who already voted in the primary for the other party are not allowed to vote in the runoff. Were this to have been a Democratic runoff instead of a Republican runoff, then that would mean that any Republican voters who already voted in the Republican primary would not be eligible to vote in a Democratic runoff.

That is the case in the Cochran-McDaniel runoff, only in reverse colors. However, voters from "the other party" who have not yet voted in a primary that year ARE eligible to vote in a runoff for the very same reason why it doesn't matter which primary you vote in: because Mississippi does not officially do VR by party affiliation.

It has nothing to do with corruption. It has to do with Mississippi's laws for "electioneering".

Really, this concept is not that difficult to grasp.

correct except for your next to last sentence.

The REASON that black dems voted in the GOP run off was corruption, bribery, and lying.

thats the issue, not how the system is designed.

The lesson on Mississippi election laws had nothing to do with the question I posed to another poster. How dare you criticize Mr Condescending know it all!

What you call corruption, bribery and lying is what most politicians do for a living. They call it politics as usual and the bribery is called 'walking around money."

Yes, but should we continue to tolerate it or should we attempt to do something about it? Should we let elections be decided by bribery and corruption or should we demand accountability and open records?
They hate the Tea Party because the Tea Party can't be reasoned with.

Because they will turn on you on a moment's notice if they can get someone just a little crazier in office.

If Conchran were a squish RINO like McCain or Lindsey Grahmn, you guys might have an argument.

But the guy got 88% rating from the American Conservative Union.

The issue is not how Cochran voted or his conservative rating. The issue is the corrupt way that he stole the election and the disenfranchisement of a majority of the GOP voters in the run off.

I explained earlier why the establishment wanted Cochran to win, so they could appoint his replacement when he retires next year. Thats what this was about. political corruption.

Bullshit. If the issue isn't how conservative Cochran is then why did a teabagger primary him in the first place, getting so much support from the big money groups?

Same reason that Cantor will not be back in congress. The people get fed up with pork, lies, and corruption.

The truth is that Cochran lost the trust of a majority of conservatives in his state so he had to bribe black democrats to vote for him.
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.
The issue is not how Cochran voted or his conservative rating. The issue is the corrupt way that he stole the election and the disenfranchisement of a majority of the GOP voters in the run off.

I explained earlier why the establishment wanted Cochran to win, so they could appoint his replacement when he retires next year. Thats what this was about. political corruption.

Bullshit. If the issue isn't how conservative Cochran is then why did a teabagger primary him in the first place, getting so much support from the big money groups?

Same reason that Cantor will not be back in congress. The people get fed up with pork, lies, and corruption.

The truth is that Cochran lost the trust of a majority of conservatives in his state so he had to bribe black democrats to vote for him.

They got rid of pork years ago, dope. But Harry Reid wants to bring it back!

Harry Reid Wants To Revive Earmarks And Says A Top House Republican Does Too

Lies? I'll give you that one - all of the Republicans in Congress are liars.

Corruption? Probably, but there have been no allegations against Cantor.

Does this mean the teabaggers will go after the lying, corrupt Scott Walker?

Nah - you're hypocrites. :)

Cochran did court Blacks - why are you calling them Democrats?
The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The teabaggers are pro-union?
The debt ceiling is the limit of Treasury spending to pay for debts already incurred, not to enable more spending.

Not raising the debt ceiling is like going out to eat in a restaurant and then not wanting to pay for your meal.

That means the government would have to prioritize what they pay for and actually eliminate some programs that are duplicates or worthless.

Sounds good to me.

You can skip the dessert and pay for the meal.

Yup. Like tanks that the Pentagon says are unneeded, overseas bases that are redundant, subsidies to corporations that are experiencing record profits, etc. :)

Yep, exactly like those, and welfare payments to people who are able bodied but choose not to work. food stamps to people in this country illegally, foreign aid to dictators and tyrants, congressional perks, congressional "non-obamacare" insurance, govt funded abortions via planned parenthood.

There is a lot that could be cut.
More like anti-safety net, anti-regulations, anti-law enforcement, anti-ATF, anti-public education, anti-fiscal responsibility, anti-union, anti-climate change, anti-environment, anti-women, anti-immigrant, anti-Black, anti-diplomacy.

horseshit------are you really that ignorant? None of the "anti's" that you listed apply to the tea party. except anti man made global warming, because it is a lie and a hoax being used to take away more and more of YOUR freedoms.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The teabaggers are pro-union?

Uhhh, being against the AGW lie is pro union????? WTF?

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