Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

right, the will of the people only applies when the people support a liberal cause. case in point, the people of california voted down gay marriage twice, but gay marriage is now legal in that state.

That may happen. What you don't get is that the tea party movement is not a political party or a formal organization of any kind.

what it is is americans who are fed up with an unconstitutional government that is spending the country into massive debt, taking away individual freedoms, opening our borders, destroying our childrens futures, and turning the USA into a copy of failed european socialism.

McDaniel won the GOP vote in the run off. So, the GOP establishment found ways to bribe and lie to black dems to get their old guy back in------------so that they could control who replaced him when he retires early in his next term.

Thats what this was about. It was in no way a repudiation of the tea party, just the opposite.

You know what guy, this is BULLSHIT.

You Teabaggers had no problem with George W. Stupid turned surpluses into massive debts, endorsed torture, expanded the government by two huge new bureaucracies, and generally wrecked the country, and you all were fine with him because he was right with Jesus and didn't get a blowjob from an intern.

What has you upset about Obama is that he's black and in the White House. Period. So you let the Koch Brothers play you into thinking they really care about debt.

If you really cared about the debt, you'd support repealing tax cuts. If you really, really wanted to limit the size of government, actually make people pay for the amount of government they are getting.

Because, shit, dude, half the Wingnuts on this board are grabbing government benefits with both hands.
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

They hate the Tea Party because the Tea Party can't be reasoned with.

Because they will turn on you on a moment's notice if they can get someone just a little crazier in office.

If Conchran were a squish RINO like McCain or Lindsey Grahmn, you guys might have an argument.

But the guy got 88% rating from the American Conservative Union.
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

Staph, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

It left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time.

And when you guys turn on your own for not being crazy enough, that's kind of telling.

The GOP will probably go the way of the Whigs if it doesn't get its head out of its ass, then we will get to the dreaded European Socialism a lot sooner.

That may happen. What you don't get is that the tea party movement is not a political party or a formal organization of any kind.

what it is is americans who are fed up with an unconstitutional government that is spending the country into massive debt, taking away individual freedoms, opening our borders, destroying our childrens futures, and turning the USA into a copy of failed european socialism.

McDaniel won the GOP vote in the run off. So, the GOP establishment found ways to bribe and lie to black dems to get their old guy back in------------so that they could control who replaced him when he retires early in his next term.

Thats what this was about. It was in no way a repudiation of the tea party, just the opposite.

You know what guy, this is BULLSHIT.

You Teabaggers had no problem with George W. Stupid turned surpluses into massive debts, endorsed torture, expanded the government by two huge new bureaucracies, and generally wrecked the country, and you all were fine with him because he was right with Jesus and didn't get a blowjob from an intern.

What has you upset about Obama is that he's black and in the White House. Period. So you let the Koch Brothers play you into thinking they really care about debt.

If you really cared about the debt, you'd support repealing tax cuts. If you really, really wanted to limit the size of government, actually make people pay for the amount of government they are getting.

Because, shit, dude, half the Wingnuts on this board are grabbing government benefits with both hands.

oh, here we go with the dem talking points.

the debt-------yes, we were pissed when Bush let it grow, we also know that 9/11 had something to do with it.

the evil Koch brothers---------give it a rest, you have Soros who is doing everything he can with his money to destroy this country.

torture-----waterboarding is not torture. we do it to US soldiers in training. we did it to 3 muslim pieces of shit and it may have saved YOUR life.

wingnuts getting govt benefits-----------are all of the 40 million on foodstamps wingnuts? are all the illegals getting handouts wingnuts?

WTF is wrong with you?

The reason they hate the TP is because the TP is anti-establishment. Anti-status quo. Anti-big government. Anti what both sides of the aisle have shown they endorse. All the the left wingers that are praising what happen must like what is going on and want more of it. They want that old fart left in office because, they say, he is the only one who can deliver the pork.

Never the less the GOP supported McDaniel by about 60/40 percent. So I hope to hell I never hear another word from liberals about voter disenfranchisement.

They hate the Tea Party because the Tea Party can't be reasoned with.

Because they will turn on you on a moment's notice if they can get someone just a little crazier in office.

If Conchran were a squish RINO like McCain or Lindsey Grahmn, you guys might have an argument.

But the guy got 88% rating from the American Conservative Union.

The issue is not how Cochran voted or his conservative rating. The issue is the corrupt way that he stole the election and the disenfranchisement of a majority of the GOP voters in the run off.

I explained earlier why the establishment wanted Cochran to win, so they could appoint his replacement when he retires next year. Thats what this was about. political corruption.
Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

Staph, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

It left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time.

And when you guys turn on your own for not being crazy enough, that's kind of telling.

The GOP will probably go the way of the Whigs if it doesn't get its head out of its ass, then we will get to the dreaded European Socialism a lot sooner.

we're already there so just sit back and hate on the T.P
There's nothing Republicans can do for any of you that believes the government (us taxpayers) should take CARE of everything from (healthcare to what size soda cups you subjects should have) and then monitor (too fat, smoke, drink too much, wages, housing, student loans, etc) in your pathetic lives from cradle to grave... and if they don't bow to that and go the way of the Socialist/Democrat party, they and the rest of us can go to hell...
So of course people like you hate the Tea party because they are for less government Intrusions in our lives
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Congress controls the purse strings? Isn't that what some people like to remind us?

The Treasury borrows money to pay the bills that have resulted from Congressional spending,

spending resulting from laws the Congress passed.

The debt ceiling is designed to prevent the Treasury from borrowing money that Congress has not authorized;

money needed to pay bills the Congress's laws have created is not in the 'not authorized' category.

When the debt ceiling is reached, it's the duty of Congress to either raise it or pass spending reductions sufficient to avoid exceeding it.

True to a point. the vast majority of spending measures are authorized on an annual basis, there are very few multi year authorization bills.

When someone claims that the debt ceiling has to be raised to pay for spending that has already been authorized------they are either ignorant or lying.

"In fiscal year (FY) 2011, mandatory spending accounted for about 60 percent of the federal budget."

What you're suggesting is that Congress could rightfully freeze the debt ceiling, but only if they refused to authorize most of the discretionary spending in the budget.


And 55% of that discretionary spending is for defense:

The vote was close, the applicable law prohibits voting in both the June 3rd & June 24th primaries. Four Democrats ran on June 3rd; Mississippi has no recount procedure. While the fault lies with the state, McDaniel may have a valid question. I hope it does not result in litigation, but will not deny the convoluted voting laws, and circumstances could lead to just that.
Congress controls the purse strings? Isn't that what some people like to remind us?

The Treasury borrows money to pay the bills that have resulted from Congressional spending,

spending resulting from laws the Congress passed.

The debt ceiling is designed to prevent the Treasury from borrowing money that Congress has not authorized;

money needed to pay bills the Congress's laws have created is not in the 'not authorized' category.

When the debt ceiling is reached, it's the duty of Congress to either raise it or pass spending reductions sufficient to avoid exceeding it.

True to a point. the vast majority of spending measures are authorized on an annual basis, there are very few multi year authorization bills.

When someone claims that the debt ceiling has to be raised to pay for spending that has already been authorized------they are either ignorant or lying.

"In fiscal year (FY) 2011, mandatory spending accounted for about 60 percent of the federal budget."

What you're suggesting is that Congress could rightfully freeze the debt ceiling, but only if they refused to authorize most of the discretionary spending in the budget.


And 55% of that discretionary spending is for defense:


the term "mandatory" is misleading. Nothing in the federal budget is "mandatory". They could cut every spending line by 30% if they had the balls. Calling something mandatory is copout to keep from doing what needs to be done.
The issue is not how Cochran voted or his conservative rating. The issue is the corrupt way that he stole the election and the disenfranchisement of a majority of the GOP voters in the run off.

I explained earlier why the establishment wanted Cochran to win, so they could appoint his replacement when he retires next year. Thats what this was about. political corruption.

Or just not wanting a crazy person representing their state in the Senate.

Here's the real reason why the GOP hates the Teabaggers.


For every dollar that MS taxpayers send to Washington, they get $2.73 back in various government programs, grants and projects. (Compared to IL or TX, which get back .92 or .91 respectively.)

While you Red Staters all talk smack about wanting to cut government spending, the reality is you guys get more back than you put in.

Like it or not, MS does not have a closed primary only open to registered Republicans.

So there was nothing corrupt about appealing to independents and Democrats and saying, "Hey, do you guys really want this batshit crazy asshole to represent this state?"
Let me get this straight. The Democrats have a primary where anyone can vote but only Democrats are on the ballot so you call it the Democrat Primary. The Republicans have a primary where anyone can vote and only Republicans are on the ballot and you call it the Mississippi runoff.

Did I finally get it right?

Well, uh, because it IS a runoff.


And again, for those who are comprehension-impaired:

Mississippi does not, I repeat, does NOT do voter registration by party identification, which means that officially, on paper, on the side of the state, there is no earthy way to know who is a Democrat and who is a Republican. Now, there are Democrats and Republicans in MS, make no doubt about it, but they are not officially registered to vote as such, and so:

In primaries, voters for either side can vote for a candidate from the "other" party, but are only allowed to vote in one primary.

This means that "Republican" voters can vote in the Democratic primary that year, and "Democratic" voters can vote in the Republican primary that year.

However, if it comes to a runoff for one party, voters who already voted in the primary for the other party are not allowed to vote in the runoff. Were this to have been a Democratic runoff instead of a Republican runoff, then that would mean that any Republican voters who already voted in the Republican primary would not be eligible to vote in a Democratic runoff.

That is the case in the Cochran-McDaniel runoff, only in reverse colors. However, voters from "the other party" who have not yet voted in a primary that year ARE eligible to vote in a runoff for the very same reason why it doesn't matter which primary you vote in: because Mississippi does not officially do VR by party affiliation.

It has nothing to do with corruption. It has to do with Mississippi's laws for "electioneering".

Really, this concept is not that difficult to grasp.

correct except for your next to last sentence.

The REASON that black dems voted in the GOP run off was corruption, bribery, and lying.

thats the issue, not how the system is designed.


You have no evidence of that.

Democrats voted in the primary in accordance with state election laws, nothing more.
True to a point. the vast majority of spending measures are authorized on an annual basis, there are very few multi year authorization bills.

When someone claims that the debt ceiling has to be raised to pay for spending that has already been authorized------they are either ignorant or lying.

"In fiscal year (FY) 2011, mandatory spending accounted for about 60 percent of the federal budget."

What you're suggesting is that Congress could rightfully freeze the debt ceiling, but only if they refused to authorize most of the discretionary spending in the budget.


And 55% of that discretionary spending is for defense:


the term "mandatory" is misleading. Nothing in the federal budget is "mandatory". They could cut every spending line by 30% if they had the balls. Calling something mandatory is copout to keep from doing what needs to be done.

My point still stands despite your flipflopping.

It's the responsibility of Congress to either raise the debt ceiling to insure paying the bills Congress has incurred,

or Congress needs to pass the legislation necessary to end the spending that incurs the bills.

Simply freezing the debt ceiling does not satisfy that responsibility.
Well, uh, because it IS a runoff.


And again, for those who are comprehension-impaired:

Mississippi does not, I repeat, does NOT do voter registration by party identification, which means that officially, on paper, on the side of the state, there is no earthy way to know who is a Democrat and who is a Republican. Now, there are Democrats and Republicans in MS, make no doubt about it, but they are not officially registered to vote as such, and so:

In primaries, voters for either side can vote for a candidate from the "other" party, but are only allowed to vote in one primary.

This means that "Republican" voters can vote in the Democratic primary that year, and "Democratic" voters can vote in the Republican primary that year.

However, if it comes to a runoff for one party, voters who already voted in the primary for the other party are not allowed to vote in the runoff. Were this to have been a Democratic runoff instead of a Republican runoff, then that would mean that any Republican voters who already voted in the Republican primary would not be eligible to vote in a Democratic runoff.

That is the case in the Cochran-McDaniel runoff, only in reverse colors. However, voters from "the other party" who have not yet voted in a primary that year ARE eligible to vote in a runoff for the very same reason why it doesn't matter which primary you vote in: because Mississippi does not officially do VR by party affiliation.

It has nothing to do with corruption. It has to do with Mississippi's laws for "electioneering".

Really, this concept is not that difficult to grasp.

correct except for your next to last sentence.

The REASON that black dems voted in the GOP run off was corruption, bribery, and lying.

thats the issue, not how the system is designed.


You have no evidence of that.

Democrats voted in the primary in accordance with state election laws, nothing more.

Whoever the Mississsippians were who came out to vote for Cochran, they were most likely relatively moderate voters who did not want a Tea Party extremist in the Senate.
"In fiscal year (FY) 2011, mandatory spending accounted for about 60 percent of the federal budget."

What you're suggesting is that Congress could rightfully freeze the debt ceiling, but only if they refused to authorize most of the discretionary spending in the budget.


And 55% of that discretionary spending is for defense:


the term "mandatory" is misleading. Nothing in the federal budget is "mandatory". They could cut every spending line by 30% if they had the balls. Calling something mandatory is copout to keep from doing what needs to be done.

My point still stands despite your flipflopping.

It's the responsibility of Congress to either raise the debt ceiling to insure paying the bills Congress has incurred,

or Congress needs to pass the legislation necessary to end the spending that incurs the bills.

Simply freezing the debt ceiling does not satisfy that responsibility.

It's the responsibility of Congress to either raise the debt ceiling to insure paying the bills Congress has incurred,

Or maybe they just didn't want to put another crazy Teabagger in Congress.

Here's the real problem you Teabaggers have. The GOP hates you nearly as much as the Democrats do.

They are just waiting for you to run out of gas, and if they need to play a few tricks like this to foil you, so be it.

The thing is, the Teabagger solution is simple enough. Establish yourselves as a third party and run for office that way. You will still lose,a nd probably assure the election of a democrat, but at least you won't be taken for granted.

Do it, Baby!

Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

Staph, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

It left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time.

And when you guys turn on your own for not being crazy enough, that's kind of telling.

The GOP will probably go the way of the Whigs if it doesn't get its head out of its ass, then we will get to the dreaded European Socialism a lot sooner.

"...[GOP] left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time."

Shows how out of touch you are.
Either that...or you just make stuff up.

" .... Obama doesn’t go to union halls to host fundraisers; he goes to posh Wall Street townhomes, the Hollywood hills, or to Tom Steyer’s house in Pacific Heights. Steyer, a billionaire investor and wannabe George Soros, is the perfect model of today’s rich liberal, and shows where the balance of power on the Left rests today. Organized labor wants the Keystone pipeline built; Steyer, who imbibes deeply the green Kool Aid, is adamantly against Keystone.
Note who Obama is siding with."
Well, you got the hating down pat since becoming a ex-Republican

not only that but you've got the Democrat goosestep march down already too

Staph, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

It left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time.

And when you guys turn on your own for not being crazy enough, that's kind of telling.

The GOP will probably go the way of the Whigs if it doesn't get its head out of its ass, then we will get to the dreaded European Socialism a lot sooner.

"...[GOP] left me when it decided that it took the side of the wealthy over working people every time."

Shows how out of touch you are.
Either that...or you just make stuff up.

" .... Obama doesn’t go to union halls to host fundraisers; he goes to posh Wall Street townhomes, the Hollywood hills, or to Tom Steyer’s house in Pacific Heights. Steyer, a billionaire investor and wannabe George Soros, is the perfect model of today’s rich liberal, and shows where the balance of power on the Left rests today. Organized labor wants the Keystone pipeline built; Steyer, who imbibes deeply the green Kool Aid, is adamantly against Keystone.
Note who Obama is siding with."

speaking of making things up :eusa_whistle:

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