Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Not Operation Chaos, LIES.. Pure lies and scare tactics... Lying to a segment of the poor black community.. Using them.. If you're proud of that- claim it and own it.

You mean like Republicans lying to the Rightwing, saying "elect us and we will repeal Obamacare" even though they know Obama would never sign the bill to overturn his legacy accomplishment?

That kind of "pure lies and scare tactics"?

I don't know of any great American statesman who had to lie to us to get their legacy accomplishment shoved down our throats.

I'd say Ronald Reagan's promises to balance the budget would fit that description.
Both Parties are corrupt disgraces at this point. This is just more proof. They're the problem, not the solution. We desperately need an alternative.

The problem in Washington will never be solved by sending people to Washington, no matter who they are. Secession is the only solution.

lol, all you'd get with secession is two Washingtons, one with a different name.
Both Parties are corrupt disgraces at this point. This is just more proof. They're the problem, not the solution. We desperately need an alternative.

The problem in Washington will never be solved by sending people to Washington, no matter who they are. Secession is the only solution.

lol, all you'd get with secession is two Washingtons, one with a different name.

That's easily possible. The ultimate solution is to abolish government altogether. However, secession by ever smaller units of government, until individual home-owners can secede from whatever government they suffer under, will eventually result in the end of government.
The problem in Washington will never be solved by sending people to Washington, no matter who they are. Secession is the only solution.

lol, all you'd get with secession is two Washingtons, one with a different name.

That's easily possible. The ultimate solution is to abolish government altogether. However, secession by ever smaller units of government, until individual home-owners can secede from whatever government they suffer under, will eventually result in the end of government.

Ahhh, welcome to the Libertarian Islands, where you can shoot anyone you want to!!!
Approve? No.

Is it beyond the scope of today's politics? No.

Have Rightwingers used inflammatory language in their attacks on Democrats? Yes.

I'm sick and tired of this kind of politics. How about you?
Yes, but the teabaggers are extreme ideologues, allergic to any compromise. So I don't expect it to change anytime soon.

and that reactionary post is from someone ready to compromise
Figures you wouldn't be bothered by what your party just did to help re-elect a republican
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I'm sick and tired of this kind of politics. How about you?
Yes, but the teabaggers are extreme ideologues, allergic to any compromise. So I don't expect it to change anytime soon.

and that reactionary post is from someone ready to compromise
Figures you wouldn't be bothered by what your party just did to help re-elect a republican

Well, first, Stephanie, sometimes you have really, really good posts, but then you ruin them with ad hominems that make no sense.

Second, whether the Democratic Party in Mississippi put Cochran over the top or not is pure speculation. I am sure that Mississippi Democrats who had not yet voted in a primary in 2014 may have helped, but as Bendog showed clearly, in many extremely white, extremely conservative counties, Cochran also made major gains.

Plus, we will never know for sure. Why? Because Mississippi does not do voter registration by party identification, which is why they have to have these laws about participation in primaries to begin with. This is exactly why Mississippi does not have closed primaries. It's impossible to have a closed primary without a bona-fide list of party identification.

So, the only smoke that is being blown here is Mississippi smoke, and it's been that way for a long, long time.
and that reactionary post is from someone ready to compromise
Figures you wouldn't be bothered by what your party just did to help re-elect a republican

Well, first, Stephanie, sometimes you have really, really good posts,





Wait, you weren't serious were you?

Actually, I meant it. Often, Stephanie DOES contribute a point really worth thinking about. And then she ruins it, as I mentioned, by attaching ad hominems afterward that make the posting then look totally ridiculous. In other words, she editorializes before even giving anyone a chance to respond in any way at all. She shows her hand too quickly. Hope you don't play poker, Stephanie. Then again, I hope you do... :D

I mean, I am here to be challenged from the "other side" in terms of ideas and also to fact check now and then.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled flaming. Oh, wait, wrong zone for that one... :lol:
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All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Yep. And BY a REPUBLICAN that used Democrat TRICK of the RACE CARD to paint the TEA Party as something they're NOT...and Cochran and his handlers are UNAPOLOGETIC... for being fucking DEMOCRATS.
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Yep. And BY a REPUBLICAN that used Democrat TRICK of the RACE CARD to paint the TEA Party as something they're NOT...and Cochran and his handlers are UNAPOLOGETIC... for being fucking DEMOCRATS.

The problem Republicans have now is to get those people they screwed over in the primary to vote for them in the general election. I have to wonder how well the Republicans will to do if those who believe as the Tea Party believes stay home in '14.
lol, all you'd get with secession is two Washingtons, one with a different name.

That's easily possible. The ultimate solution is to abolish government altogether. However, secession by ever smaller units of government, until individual home-owners can secede from whatever government they suffer under, will eventually result in the end of government.

Ahhh, welcome to the Libertarian Islands, where you can shoot anyone you want to!!!

What makes you think you could shoot anyone you wanted to? Do you think no one would be shooting back?
All of the rabid Kook liberals running around claiming the Tea Party was defeated in the race with McDaniels V/s Cochran .. willful lies. .. Even the NYTimes pinned it on BLACK DEMOCRAT voters SCARED in to voting yesterday by the NAACP.

Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Yep. And BY a REPUBLICAN that used Democrat TRICK of the RACE CARD to paint the TEA Party as something they're NOT...and Cochran and his handlers are UNAPOLOGETIC... for being fucking DEMOCRATS.

The problem Republicans have now is to get those people they screwed over in the primary to vote for them in the general election. I have to wonder how well the Republicans will to do if those who believe as the Tea Party believes stay home in '14.

Teapers staying home in 14...a chance to shut them up versus the possibility of a liberal in office. Then again, a silenced teaper means the GOP might be able to have an open discussion with dems and pull them over to the light and replace the wacko fringe...

Seems like a good gamble...please stay home in 14...but only if you promise to STFU too. We don't need you staying home and spewing your racist drivel too...unless it is the goal to destroy the GOP.
Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

Yep. And BY a REPUBLICAN that used Democrat TRICK of the RACE CARD to paint the TEA Party as something they're NOT...and Cochran and his handlers are UNAPOLOGETIC... for being fucking DEMOCRATS.

The problem Republicans have now is to get those people they screwed over in the primary to vote for them in the general election. I have to wonder how well the Republicans will to do if those who believe as the Tea Party believes stay home in '14.

Teapers staying home in 14...a chance to shut them up versus the possibility of a liberal in office. Then again, a silenced teaper means the GOP might be able to have an open discussion with dems and pull them over to the light and replace the wacko fringe...

Seems like a good gamble...please stay home in 14...but only if you promise to STFU too. We don't need you staying home and spewing your racist drivel too...unless it is the goal to destroy the GOP.

When you can show a post where I've "spewed racist drivel", then I'll replace the points that the neg cost you.
Why does your type call blacks who vote for a republican candidate "Uncle Toms"?

Because they are the kind who rip on their own trying to get the approval of white people?

'Shoo enough, boss, we sure is shiftless" - "Doctor" Ben Carson.

you really are full of hate. Why is it that you libs hate so much? You hate anyone and everyone who does not kowtow to obama, you hate everyone who does not buy into the liberal lies.

Is it a mental problem? Defective gene? Diseased brain? or is it because you were always the last one picked for the recess dodge ball game and little Sally Jones laughed at you when you asked her to the 8th grade dance?

Liberals are generally losers in life who want the government to bail out their sorry lives and make them into something that they are not.

I don't blame Carson for scamming you guys out of your money. You guys pay big bucks- probably more than most of you can afford - to hear him do his 21st Century equivalent to a Minstrel Show, and he goes home a much richer man.

Then again, Steppenfetchit was one of Hollywood's first millionaires.

And as I've said so many time, I used to be a Right Wing Republican, until I realized that the rich people who run the GOP (Goons of Plutocracy) don't give a fuck about folks like me who work for a living.
I believe you just made my point unless you want to call the Democrat Primary the Mississippi state primary as well.

You remind me of a fellow that I watched in traffic court. He did a good job of defending himself and the Judge appeared to be leaning toward finding him not guilty. The Judge then gave him the option of making a closing statement. He proceeded to state, " When I ran that red light the officer was very discourteous and........." The Judge then interrupted and said "You just admitted you ran the red light and I find you guilty. Pay the court clerk."
Look up open primary is you don't understand it.

Republicans were free to vote in the Democratic primary, also.

And if Mississippi was a Democratic/Liberal state and the mainstream Democratic incumbent was being primaried by a Liberal, you can bet that Republicans would be voting for the mainstream Democrat to keep the Liberal out of office.

Don't deny it.

I not only won't deny it I will admit that I have done so when we had open primaries.

The point is you finally admitted there was a Democratic Primary but insist on being a dickhead and calling the Republican runoff a Mississippi runoff.

I call it the Democratic Primary because it's the one where only Democratic candidates can run - not where only Democratic voters can vote. :lol:
I'm sick and tired of this kind of politics. How about you?
Yes, but the teabaggers are extreme ideologues, allergic to any compromise. So I don't expect it to change anytime soon.

and that reactionary post is from someone ready to compromise
Figures you wouldn't be bothered by what your party just did to help re-elect a republican

Someone quoted you, so I had to un-ignore this post to reply:

The Democratic Party didn't do a damn thing. Republican Thad Cochran appealed to Democrats to vote for him over a nutcase.

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