Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

This how low these politicians and the people running it will crawl to win folks
the disgusting radio ad at their site, you already saw the fliers

Shocking Audio of Race-Baiting Ads Used In #MSSEN Ra Posted by Bruce Carroll Friday, June 27, 2014 at 4:02pm

Racially charged ads played on African-American community radio stations in Mississippi
Cochran McDaniel

The Daily Mail has obtained three racially-charged radio ads placed by organizations that worked to help incumbent U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) stage his come from behind run-off victory this week.

[The ads] claimed that supporters of conservative McDaniel had connections to the Ku Klux Klan and that McDaniel had a ‘racist agenda.’ They also warned that black Democrats ‘could lose food stamps, housing assistance, student loans, early breakfast and lunch programs and disaster assistance’ if he were to become the Republican U.S. Senate nominee.

‘Vote against the tea party. Vote Thad Cochran,’ one ad said. ‘If the tea party, with their racist ideas, win, we will be sent back to the ’50s and ’60s.’

The Daily Mail also reports about bizarre political bedfellows — two radically leftist campaign operatives were apparently helping mastermind the race-baiting in support of the Republican incumbent.

ALL of it here:
Thad Cochran | Chris McDaniel | MS Senate

Live by the sword...die by the sword.

Conservatives might have a valid complaint if they were pure as the driven snow when it came to honestly projecting their own candidates and the opposition candidates in the political ads they themselves broadcast. That's clearly not the case since conservatives have a LONG and well-documented history of playing dirty and broadcasting unsubstantiated inflammatory ads. Everyone knows this. It's NOT a secret.

Consequently, the M.O. for campaigns is that pretty much anything goes short of outright slander and liable which is hard to prove when the targets are public figures, and the ads are often couched as "opinion," and the fact that political ads have the protection of the 1st Amendment. But even if a successful case could be brought against someone for slander, the campaign would long be over by the time the courts got involved.

Like I said, live by the sword...die by the sword.
The charge isn't that democrats voted for Cochran. It's that democrats who voted in the earlier primary voted for Cochran. They voted twice. The votes of everyone who had voted previously should be disqualified.

But how do you know who someone voted for in a secret ballot? You can't assume that everyone who voted Dem first voted for Cochran. McDanial is known for saying stupid things and you can be sure that there were many Dems who felt that he would be the most likely of the two to stick his foot in his mouth and blow the Senate seat, after all Cochran is a proven successful Senate campaigner and McDaniel is an unknown in the big race.

"The reason Canada is breaking out with brand new gun violence has nothing to do with the United States and guns, it has everything to do with a culture that is morally bankrupt. What kind of culture is that? It's called hip-hop."
- Chris McDaniel
You can see how a lot of the brainwashing Democrats and left wing hate sites put out and how it what some the left here regurgitates...

like the Tea party wanted us to default

that was A dnc talking point and there is NO WAY they prove that as a FACT....but yet they puke it back all over us

that is what's sad about the followers voting for Democrats and how a man like OBamA was able to dupe so many of them
Damn, another reason to suppress the vote. Can't have black democrats voting now, can we?

Scared? Not likely, a vote against the racist tea party is simply in the best interest of all minorities.

For the record. 'We' are not racist.

Your comments are incorrect and based on emotion. But I get it


Then why is the GOP 90% white?

What were two Republicans thinking, calling Obama 'tar baby' and 'boy'? - Christian Science Monitor
. Can't people comprehend what they read anymore? Obozo wasn't called a "tar baby" by any stretch.
and again, they don't care about the fact THEIR PARTY stepped up so much dirty politics and it was to ELECT a REPUBLICAN

where's all that loyalty now?

when they care more about defeating a group of people than care about the dirty by, the good ole Republican and Democrat establishment TEAMING UP and who is now fighting (We the people) as a TEAM...TYRANNY FOLKS, one party better wake
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...which was open to everyone in Mississippi who hadn't voted in the Democratic Primary.

I believe you just made my point unless you want to call the Democrat Primary the Mississippi state primary as well.

You remind me of a fellow that I watched in traffic court. He did a good job of defending himself and the Judge appeared to be leaning toward finding him not guilty. The Judge then gave him the option of making a closing statement. He proceeded to state, " When I ran that red light the officer was very discourteous and........." The Judge then interrupted and said "You just admitted you ran the red light and I find you guilty. Pay the court clerk."
Look up open primary is you don't understand it.

Republicans were free to vote in the Democratic primary, also.

And if Mississippi was a Democratic/Liberal state and the mainstream Democratic incumbent was being primaried by a Liberal, you can bet that Republicans would be voting for the mainstream Democrat to keep the Liberal out of office.

Don't deny it.

I not only won't deny it I will admit that I have done so when we had open primaries.

The point is you finally admitted there was a Democratic Primary but insist on being a dickhead and calling the Republican runoff a Mississippi runoff.
Both Parties are corrupt disgraces at this point. This is just more proof. They're the problem, not the solution. We desperately need an alternative.

This is yet another situation where I don't understand why people have to spin and bullshit when just being honest is fine.

The lefties here are playing little games about whether it was an open primary, or whether the people had the right to vote, or this or that, yada yada. All that work. Why not just be honest? Say something like "ha, tough shit conservatards, your primary got fucked up by people who wouldn't vote for you in the general in a thousand fucking years, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it! I'm lovin' this!" -- something like that.

I'm the first to admit I don't understand partisan politics, but it does seem that being dishonest requires more effort.


This is yet another situation where I don't understand why people have to spin and bullshit when just being honest is fine.

The lefties here are playing little games about whether it was an open primary, or whether the people had the right to vote, or this or that, yada yada. All that work. Why not just be honest? Say something like "ha, tough shit conservatards, your primary got fucked up by people who wouldn't vote for you in the general in a thousand fucking years, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it! I'm lovin' this!" -- something like that.

I'm the first to admit I don't understand partisan politics, but it does seem that being dishonest requires more effort.


They think they can rationalize it into something else by manufacturing controversy and splitting hairs over the truth.

This is yet another situation where I don't understand why people have to spin and bullshit when just being honest is fine.

The lefties here are playing little games about whether it was an open primary, or whether the people had the right to vote, or this or that, yada yada. All that work. Why not just be honest? Say something like "ha, tough shit conservatards, your primary got fucked up by people who wouldn't vote for you in the general in a thousand fucking years, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it! I'm lovin' this!" -- something like that.

I'm the first to admit I don't understand partisan politics, but it does seem that being dishonest requires more effort.


It's a knee-jerk 'Party Before Country' defend the indefensible response. Just like defending all of Obama/Bush's criminal abuses of power. It's all about Party loyalty nonsense. It's like gang warfare. 'My gang is better than your gang.' It's very silly and unproductive. The Two-Party System is failing the Country. The People desperately need an alternative.
I don't know of any great American statesman who had to lie to us to get their legacy accomplishment shoved down our throats.

"Saddam could arm a mobile WMD within 45 minutes"

"There is no doubt that Saddam is in possession of WMDs"

"It will be a quick war, paid for by oil"

You forget that the democrats voted to invade. No republicans voted for obamacare. Foiled again.

No they didn't. The Demcrats voted not to authorize the Iraq invasion.
Both Parties are corrupt disgraces at this point. This is just more proof. They're the problem, not the solution. We desperately need an alternative.

The problem in Washington will never be solved by sending people to Washington, no matter who they are. Secession is the only solution.

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