Cochran primary won by Black Democrats

And just a mild-mannered note: should this thing get dragged out, it means more time and money that Cochran has to sink into something other than his GE campaign, which could make Childers more of a threat. Even so, it looks like a safe R seat in the election with inc. Cochran as the nominee.

Cochran and Childers are the same person. Cochran would be preferable only because he carries an R after his name. There is virtually no difference between them.
Yes, or as a write in candidate. Lieberman did it and won.

he did

i am not sure that McDaniels can pull it off

Completely different dynamic in MS than was in CT, and Lieberman was in incumbent Senator who then ran as an independent after losing his primary. Similar story for Murkowski in Alaska in 2010.

I don't recall a challenger who lost a primary end up winning a write-in vote in any kind of marquee election. Anyone aware of such a case? I am not.

there is always a first

but i would not bank on it

in this case
And just a mild-mannered note: should this thing get dragged out, it means more time and money that Cochran has to sink into something other than his GE campaign, which could make Childers more of a threat. Even so, it looks like a safe R seat in the election with inc. Cochran as the nominee.

Cochran and Childers are the same person. Cochran would be preferable only because he carries an R after his name. There is virtually no difference between them.

this is the chance to break the cycle

one way or another
Yes, or as a write in candidate. Lieberman did it and won.

he did

i am not sure that McDaniels can pull it off

Completely different dynamic in MS than was in CT, and Lieberman was in incumbent Senator who then ran as an independent after losing his primary. Similar story for Murkowski in Alaska in 2010.

I don't recall a challenger who lost a primary end up winning a write-in vote in any kind of marquee election. Anyone aware of such a case? I am not.

Nope, plus it would take a lot of money that McDaniels does not have. Corruption wins again--------------this should not be celebrated by either party.
Two things this shows is:

Democrats will do anything to get someone they want elected, Even a Republican

the Democrat base of voters don't care what their party does as long as they come out a winner so you all are now the proud owner of a Republican

ok thee things:
the one guy who said he was being Paid
doesn't speak well for Black people in this country when they can be LED by their party to deseive the people in this country into voting for someone they might not of voted for...So when they crow how 95% of blacks vote for Democrats they should just say , the Democrat party OWNS THEM

how sad
McDaniels should run third party

Sure, if he wants to guarantee a Democrat win and further alienate the GOP from the Tea Party nutters. He probably will run 3rd party...I have mixed feelings about that...lose a seat or let the teapers dig a deeper hole for themselves. I hate the tea party so much...I am willing to sacrifice that seat in exchange for Republicans dismissing the teapers and working to oust them from the GOP.

What specifically do you hate "so much" ? Be specific, no talking points or left wing lies. The teaparty platform is very clear. What about it do you hate?
Teaper hate. They are a racist bunch of goons whose only difference from a true conservative is hate, obstructionism, and anti-Government attitudes. Proof...look at the teaper posters on this very forum who spew racial nonsense on an hourly basis. Proof, vet McDaniel and learn about racist comments he made, learn about who supports him and who he has supported.
Do you hate it that they have taken on the corruption of the establishment in both parties?
How, give me some specific examples!

Do you hate it that they want the govt to follow the constituion?
How is the government NOT following the Constitution. How are the 3 estates any different now than before, under other Administrations.
Do you hate it that they want a balanced budget, secure borders, and a sane foreign policy?
Show me some examples instead of the empty rhetoric.
What exactly do you hate?
Teaper racism, obstructionism and their anti-Government attitude...taking up arms against the feds in the name of an idiot rancher who refused to pay his lawful bills.

Teapers don't offer leadership...they are racist, whining crybabies who would rather watch America fall and spew nonsense rather than work with their political foes. They say compromise is not an option and use Reagan as a calling card...showing their absolute ignorance of Reagan and what he stood for. Reagan was able to be successful because he DID compromise and he represented ALL of America. He restored faith in these United States and made Americans proud once again. Teapers want to destroy faith and destroy all that Reagan worked for...all because there is a black President.
Sure, if he wants to guarantee a Democrat win and further alienate the GOP from the Tea Party nutters. He probably will run 3rd party...I have mixed feelings about that...lose a seat or let the teapers dig a deeper hole for themselves. I hate the tea party so much...I am willing to sacrifice that seat in exchange for Republicans dismissing the teapers and working to oust them from the GOP.

if he wants to guarantee a Democrat win

those are the breaks

Cochran is a Rino, he might as well be a democrat.

Two things this shows is:

Democrats will do anything to get someone they want elected, Even a Republican

the Democrat base of voters don't care what their party does as long as they come out a winner so you all are now the proud owner of a Republican

ok thee things:
the one guy who said he was being Paid
doesn't speak well for Black people in this country when they can be LED by their party to deseive the people in this country into voting for someone they might not of voted for...So when they crow how 95% of blacks vote for Democrats they should just say , the Democrat party OWNS THEM

how sad

Yeah, your post makes no sense. Try again.
Sure, if he wants to guarantee a Democrat win and further alienate the GOP from the Tea Party nutters. He probably will run 3rd party...I have mixed feelings about that...lose a seat or let the teapers dig a deeper hole for themselves. I hate the tea party so much...I am willing to sacrifice that seat in exchange for Republicans dismissing the teapers and working to oust them from the GOP.

What specifically do you hate "so much" ? Be specific, no talking points or left wing lies. The teaparty platform is very clear. What about it do you hate?
Teaper hate. They are a racist bunch of goons whose only difference from a true conservative is hate, obstructionism, and anti-Government attitudes. Proof...look at the teaper posters on this very forum who spew racial nonsense on an hourly basis. Proof, vet McDaniel and learn about racist comments he made, learn about who supports him and who he has supported.

How, give me some specific examples!

How is the government NOT following the Constitution. How are the 3 estates any different now than before, under other Administrations.
Do you hate it that they want a balanced budget, secure borders, and a sane foreign policy?
Show me some examples instead of the empty rhetoric.
What exactly do you hate?
Teaper racism, obstructionism and their anti-Government attitude...taking up arms against the feds in the name of an idiot rancher who refused to pay his lawful bills.

Teapers don't offer leadership...they are racist, whining crybabies who would rather watch America fall and spew nonsense rather than work with their political foes. They say compromise is not an option and use Reagan as a calling card...showing their absolute ignorance of Reagan and what he stood for. Reagan was able to be successful because he DID compromise and he represented ALL of America. He restored faith in these United States and made Americans proud once again. Teapers want to destroy faith and destroy all that Reagan worked for...all because there is a black President.

This is confusion on steroids. The Tea Party Holds Reagan in high regard.
What specifically do you hate "so much" ? Be specific, no talking points or left wing lies. The teaparty platform is very clear. What about it do you hate?
Teaper hate. They are a racist bunch of goons whose only difference from a true conservative is hate, obstructionism, and anti-Government attitudes. Proof...look at the teaper posters on this very forum who spew racial nonsense on an hourly basis. Proof, vet McDaniel and learn about racist comments he made, learn about who supports him and who he has supported.

How, give me some specific examples!

How is the government NOT following the Constitution. How are the 3 estates any different now than before, under other Administrations.

Show me some examples instead of the empty rhetoric.
What exactly do you hate?
Teaper racism, obstructionism and their anti-Government attitude...taking up arms against the feds in the name of an idiot rancher who refused to pay his lawful bills.

Teapers don't offer leadership...they are racist, whining crybabies who would rather watch America fall and spew nonsense rather than work with their political foes. They say compromise is not an option and use Reagan as a calling card...showing their absolute ignorance of Reagan and what he stood for. Reagan was able to be successful because he DID compromise and he represented ALL of America. He restored faith in these United States and made Americans proud once again. Teapers want to destroy faith and destroy all that Reagan worked for...all because there is a black President.

This is confusion on steroids. The Tea Party Holds Reagan in high regard.

Exactly...why don't they follow Reagan principles? The truth, they pervert the name of Reagan to garner support...but they do nothing that upholds Reagan's success. Teapers are pretty good at deceiving their followers...but that is pretty easy when most of them are stupid hate mongers
Reagan wasn't an obstructionist like the teapers are today. Using Reagan as a crying call is an insult to Reagan and true conservatives everywhere.

from Reagan's Autobiography said:
When I began entering into the give and take of legislative bargaining in Sacramento, a lot of the most radical conservatives who had supported me during the election didn't like it. "Compromise" was a dirty word to them and they wouldn't face the fact that we couldn't get all of what we wanted today. They wanted all or nothing and they wanted it all at once. If you don't get it all, some said, don't take anything. I'd learned while negotiating union contracts that you seldom got everything you asked for. And I agreed with FDR, who said in 1933: 'I have no expectations of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average.' If you got seventy-five or eighty percent of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later, and that's what I told these radical conservatives who never got used to it.
Teaper hate. They are a racist bunch of goons whose only difference from a true conservative is hate, obstructionism, and anti-Government attitudes. Proof...look at the teaper posters on this very forum who spew racial nonsense on an hourly basis. Proof, vet McDaniel and learn about racist comments he made, learn about who supports him and who he has supported.

How, give me some specific examples!

How is the government NOT following the Constitution. How are the 3 estates any different now than before, under other Administrations.

Show me some examples instead of the empty rhetoric.

Teaper racism, obstructionism and their anti-Government attitude...taking up arms against the feds in the name of an idiot rancher who refused to pay his lawful bills.

Teapers don't offer leadership...they are racist, whining crybabies who would rather watch America fall and spew nonsense rather than work with their political foes. They say compromise is not an option and use Reagan as a calling card...showing their absolute ignorance of Reagan and what he stood for. Reagan was able to be successful because he DID compromise and he represented ALL of America. He restored faith in these United States and made Americans proud once again. Teapers want to destroy faith and destroy all that Reagan worked for...all because there is a black President.

This is confusion on steroids. The Tea Party Holds Reagan in high regard.

Exactly...why don't they follow Reagan principles? The truth, they pervert the name of Reagan to garner support...but they do nothing that upholds Reagan's success. Teapers are pretty good at deceiving their followers...but that is pretty easy when most of them are stupid hate mongers

OMG, your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity. Nothing you said has a lick of truth to it. Its total bullshit.

The teaparty scares the livin shit out of you doesn't it ? Why else would you libtards post lie after lie about it? Americans thinking for themselves is a real threat to you socialistic parasites.
The charge isn't that democrats voted for Cochran. It's that democrats who voted in the earlier primary voted for Cochran. They voted twice. The votes of everyone who had voted previously should be disqualified.

i might be confused on this

but lets say they find a voter

voted in the dem primary and has now voted in the repub primary

how to they know who the voter voted for

or does that not matter

they simply say that the election was so corrupted

that a re election needs to occur

In the example you gave, they would merely disqualify the vote.
Nope. It's a Mississippi runoff.

It was a Republican primary runoff election in the state of Mississippi.

...which was open to everyone in Mississippi who hadn't voted in the Democratic Primary.

I believe you just made my point unless you want to call the Democrat Primary the Mississippi state primary as well.

You remind me of a fellow that I watched in traffic court. He did a good job of defending himself and the Judge appeared to be leaning toward finding him not guilty. The Judge then gave him the option of making a closing statement. He proceeded to state, " When I ran that red light the officer was very discourteous and........." The Judge then interrupted and said "You just admitted you ran the red light and I find you guilty. Pay the court clerk."
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This is confusion on steroids. The Tea Party Holds Reagan in high regard.

Exactly...why don't they follow Reagan principles? The truth, they pervert the name of Reagan to garner support...but they do nothing that upholds Reagan's success. Teapers are pretty good at deceiving their followers...but that is pretty easy when most of them are stupid hate mongers

OMG, your ignorance is only exceeded by your stupidity. Nothing you said has a lick of truth to it. Its total bullshit.
Teaper denial or deception...either way, I pity you. Open your eyes and look around you. Tea Party events are nothing more than recruiting events for white hate groups. Every time the tea party is is usually because of some racist comment made by a Tea Party leader and EVERY issue, when it comes to a teaper is about race.

The teaparty scares the livin shit out of you doesn't it ? Why else would you libtards post lie after lie about it? Americans thinking for themselves is a real threat to you socialistic parasites.

I am not a liberal...I simply hate the Tea Party because they are racist, obstructionists and anti-Government.

BTW, I notice you didn't refute any of my statements. Just the typical teaper liberal...liberal media...personal on.

What has the tea party accomplished besides empty rhetoric and an armed stand off with the feds?
As frustrating as this is it's not any different than what millions of republicans did during the 08 Hillary/Obama primaries.

Guess the bottom line is do we want restrictions on who we can & can't vote for based on party affiliation?
The DNC isn't responsible for the actions of people who are registered as Democrats.

Of course they aren't. They never never never do anything that would rig anything. They are innocent angels among us....................Anything wrong that ever happens in this world is never the Dems fault............

Anyway, this would justify that the election is honest...............Cochran shouldn't fear the checks to ensure...............

So, you're convinced that the Democratic National Committee is involved with this, just because it feels right to you?
No, he's a retard.
Not Operation Chaos, LIES.. Pure lies and scare tactics... Lying to a segment of the poor black community.. Using them.. If you're proud of that- claim it and own it.

You mean like Republicans lying to the Rightwing, saying "elect us and we will repeal Obamacare" even though they know Obama would never sign the bill to overturn his legacy accomplishment?

That kind of "pure lies and scare tactics"?

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