CODA: Yeah.... I don't get it.

I'm not a huge fan of capital punishment ... but the only just punishment for re-making a perfect movie is a slow and painful death...

"Point Break"
"The Day The Earth Stood Still"

-- to name just a few of the souless cash grabs that sullied the name of really good movies.
Let It All Hang Out

I liked Cannonball Run 2 a lot more than Cannonball Run 1. After the success of the first one, Burt Reynolds was given the go-ahead to do anything he wanted. That is usually the formula for disaster, but in this case it liberated his comic genius.
I haven't seen this movie, but I will say that movies in general today are cookie cutter. Much like music today and auto-tune. I read an article somewhere that older music from the 60s and 70's was outselling new music in online downloads. This should suggest that a growing generation is unhappy with their options. The music today doesn't connect with them on a human level.

White working-class music from artists like Frankie Avalon and Del Shannon was the first thing affected by the Preppy Progressives' cancel culture. Notice that the original Beatles' hairstyle was the mophead adopted by Affluenzists of that time, so the Fab Four were traitors to their class from Liverpool. Then the spoiled Preppy pukes adopted long hair and the Beatles slavishly imitated them.
I liked Cannonball Run 2 a lot more than Cannonball Run 1. After the success of the first one, Burt Reynolds was given the go-ahead to do anything he wanted. That is usually the formula for disaster, but in this case it liberated his comic genius.

A sequel isn't the same as a remake ... but, as a general rule, sequels (particularly "two" movies) are throw-aways compared to the original. There are exceptions, of course. But, generally speaking, producers of two-movies know they have a built in audience and will still make money even if they phone it in.

As for Burt Reynolds being a comic genius ...

"No! There's only been one genius in this business, and that was Señor Wences! A little lipstick, some hair, and his hand, and the guy had a career for eighty-five years!"

A sequel isn't the same as a remake ... but, as a general rule, sequels (particularly "two" movies) are throw-aways compared to the original. There are exceptions, of course. But, generally speaking, producers of two-movies know they have a built in audience and will still make money even if they phone it in.

As for Burt Reynolds being a comic genius ...

"No! There's only been one genius in this business, and that was Señor Wences! A little lipstick, some hair, and his hand, and the guy had a career for eighty-five years!"

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Joe the Joker

Did Señor Wences rule the Ukraine before Zellyjelly? Being a comedian seems to be the main qualification for holding office there. In fact, it also has political capital in the formerly United States.
To be honest, I wasn’t impressed with any of the Best Picture nominations

Didn‘t see CODA and really wasn’t interested.

I saw Power of the Dog and it was one of the worst movies I ever watched. Nothing happens. Westerns are not supposed to be boring.

King Richard was a typical sports movie. Like you said, it’s been done a thousand times. Watchable but hardly Best Picture
Many of these movies were made when Covid was raging in 2020 and 2021. Just as Covid effected our lives it certainly effected the movie making business. They too had problems raising funds, getting the people they needed when they needed them, stars, casts, and crews. Many productions were shelved and films that were too bad to be released a few years ago were distributed. All in all, 2020 and 2021 were not good years. Hopefully, they will improve this year.

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