Cognitive dissonance warning for Trumpleton's.

My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. .....

Trump supporter here, you droolling fucktard.

Anyhow. Every new plague, is "NEW". When it first appears, there are NO devices to test for it, and NO cures. Because it is "NEW".

Medically advanced nations, usually can quickly adapt or find ways, methods, kits, ect.

Do you know how many stupid fucks have claimed we should have had 350 million test kits the moment the first case was reported in China? So many people are so dumb.

I don't know. I turned off my cable years ago, and don't listen to these morons, unless I have the opportunity to yell back at them.

I'm done with having to hear their fucking stupidity, if I can't shout back.

The fucking assholes.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. .....

Trump supporter here, you droolling fucktard.

Anyhow. Every new plague, is "NEW". When it first appears, there are NO devices to test for it, and NO cures. Because it is "NEW".

Medically advanced nations, usually can quickly adapt or find ways, methods, kits, ect.

Do you know how many stupid fucks have claimed we should have had 350 million test kits the moment the first case was reported in China? So many people are so dumb.

I don't know. I turned off my cable years ago, and don't listen to these morons, unless I have the opportunity to yell back at them.

I'm done with having to hear their fucking stupidity, if I can't shout back.

The fucking assholes.

Here on the board. Numerous. Idiots who don’t know shit.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. .....

Trump supporter here, you droolling fucktard.

Anyhow. Every new plague, is "NEW". When it first appears, there are NO devices to test for it, and NO cures. Because it is "NEW".

Medically advanced nations, usually can quickly adapt or find ways, methods, kits, ect.

Do you know how many stupid fucks have claimed we should have had 350 million test kits the moment the first case was reported in China? So many people are so dumb.

I don't know. I turned off my cable years ago, and don't listen to these morons, unless I have the opportunity to yell back at them.

I'm done with having to hear their fucking stupidity, if I can't shout back.

The fucking assholes.

Here on the board. Numerous. Idiots who don’t know shit.

I caught some of it. I've been really enjoying this, to tell the truth. Work was rough, but then they shut down. So, I'm catching up on my shows, and some light reading, spending time with the kid, walking the dog in the park, great stuff.

I'm really tempted to take the opportunity to meet up with old friends, but I feel some hesitation in undermining society's quarantine steps, even though I think it is a complete overreaction.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. .....

Trump supporter here, you droolling fucktard.

Anyhow. Every new plague, is "NEW". When it first appears, there are NO devices to test for it, and NO cures. Because it is "NEW".

Medically advanced nations, usually can quickly adapt or find ways, methods, kits, ect.

Do you know how many stupid fucks have claimed we should have had 350 million test kits the moment the first case was reported in China? So many people are so dumb.

I don't know. I turned off my cable years ago, and don't listen to these morons, unless I have the opportunity to yell back at them.

I'm done with having to hear their fucking stupidity, if I can't shout back.

The fucking assholes.

Here on the board. Numerous. Idiots who don’t know shit.

I caught some of it. I've been really enjoying this, to tell the truth. Work was rough, but then they shut down. So, I'm catching up on my shows, and some light reading, spending time with the kid, walking the dog in the park, great stuff.

I'm really tempted to take the opportunity to meet up with old friends, but I feel some hesitation in undermining society's quarantine steps, even though I think it is a complete overreaction.

It’s nice to have less traffic. We are totally overreacting. Shutting down the global economy for the flu is ridiculous.
I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you! Who would have thought there would be shortages during a WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC?
Not the point, which I think you know. The point is we could have used to spread of the virus in China as a warning it would be coming here and have made preparations months ago to ramp up production of protective equipment for medical staff and test kits. WE DIDN'T. That failure to anticipate the inevitable need for more materials than we had and do something about it when the red lights were flashing was Trump's primary failing. It's something he should be held accountable for...............though I completely understand that Trump cultists hold him responsible for nothing while giving him undeserved credit for anything that goes right.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
How can a moderator use such disgusting language?
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.
Well considering it was the FDA blocking perfectly good tests from being used for bureaucratic reasons. They should be panicking. That’s the problem with over inflated big systems like the federal government. They cant react quickly, and they can’t adapt quickly. They only start to react and adapt, slowly, when they do come under fire from enough people, which is rare, because they are the authorities that spend their time telling what other people what to do...which is what the left seems to be in love with and want more of. The whole slow adapting and reacting thing is more of a self preservation thing than it is an altruistic thing.
Who can forget Hillary/Obama Benghazi and
Bill Clinton Mogadishu

both refused to arm Americans in the fight of their lives
Remind me how any of that relates to the Divider-in-Chief's abject failure in ensuring the country had enough medical supplies, like test kits, to handle the crisis? doesn't, but thanks for playing.
How many tests kits for H1N1 did Barry Hussein come up with before 12,000 Americans died from it?
A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded, Before Virus Outbreak
A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded, Before Virus Outbreak

WASHINGTON — The outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By then it was too late: 110 million Americans were expected to become ill, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,’’ was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.

The draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise. Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and local hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own way on school closings.

A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded, Before Virus Outbreak
A Cascade of Warnings, Heard but Unheeded, Before Virus Outbreak

WASHINGTON — The outbreak of the respiratory virus began in China and was quickly spread around the world by air travelers, who ran high fevers. In the United States, it was first detected in Chicago, and 47 days later the World Health Organization declared a pandemic. By then it was too late: 110 million Americans were expected to become ill, leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 586,000 dead.

That scenario, code-named “Crimson Contagion,’’ was simulated by the Trump administration’s Department of Health and Human Services in a series of exercises that ran from last January to August.

The simulation’s sobering results — contained in a draft report dated October 2019 that has not previously been reported — drove home just how underfunded, underprepared and uncoordinated the federal government would be for a life-or-death battle with a virus for which no treatment existed.

The draft report, marked “not to be disclosed,” laid out in stark detail repeated cases of “confusion” in the exercise. Federal agencies jockeyed over who was in charge. State officials and local hospitals struggled to figure out what kind of equipment was stockpiled or available. Cities and states went their own way on school closings.


We are not going to lose 500k to this virus.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
How can a moderator use such disgusting language?

I'm not a Mod, dummy.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

Too bad your democrat scum sent all manufacturing overseas.
I think there is plenty of guilt in both parties

but I notice its liberals who are defending china and the globalist ripoff of American workers now
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
How can a moderator use such disgusting language?

I'm not a Mod, dummy.
Were you not at one time. Still disgusting language.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
He's retarded, the retarded don't understand that they're retarded. He can't answer your question honestly
The retarded are always the last to know. :abgg2q.jpg:
The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies



The "US source" for your chart is the CDC, which does not count all tests in the US.
They only count the CDC tests and "public health lab tests". See this link:
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
They do not count:
Hospital lab tests
Millions of private industry tests, such as:
Doing now what patients need next

Thermo Fisher COVID-19 testing

Quest COVID-19 testing

LabCorp COVID-19 testing

Hologic COVID-19 testing
Facts tend to get in the way of the hysteria peddling and finger pointing.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
How can a moderator use such disgusting language?

I'm not a Mod, dummy.
Were you not at one time. Still disgusting language.

Sometimes it is important that the stupidity of a person or a post, be properly identified.

We can't be hampered by having to self censor ourselves to coddle ever persons feelings.

If some lib on this site, has a literal diagnosis of mental retardation, they will have to suck it up, and try to soldier on.

We can't build our lives around not offending everyone.
My sense is those afflicted with Trump Denial Syndrome still refuse to believe there is a shortage of anything needed to control COVID-19 and that there never was. So before you brain dead cultists read this be aware it does not conform to the Trumpist narrative you so eagerly adopt as gospel.

FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages
FDA turns to Twitter to help track testing supply shortages

The FDA is so desperate for information about shortages in coronavirus testing supplies that it is turning to an unlikely source of information: Twitter.

Wading into the Wild West of social media for help during a global pandemic may seem unsophisticated for an agency charged with regulating the nation’s drugs and medical devices. But thanks to a decades-old law, the FDA cannot require device manufacturers to report shortages in the same way it can for drugmakers.

You're retarded...aren't you.
How can a moderator use such disgusting language?

I'm not a Mod, dummy.
Were you not at one time. Still disgusting language.

Sometimes it is important that the stupidity of a person or a post, be properly identified.

We can't be hampered by having to self censor ourselves to coddle ever persons feelings.

If some lib on this site, has a literal diagnosis of mental retardation, they will have to suck it up, and try to soldier on.

We can't build our lives around not offending everyone.
Typical right winger who does not care about anyone but himself.

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