Cohen meet with Schiff for more then TEN hours to prep

There is already a thread on this
The prep was longer than the actual testimony....holy shit, that’s funny.

Schiff is so filthy.

Where is that Russian/Trump collusion, Schiff?

I wonder if that meeting was memorialized.
If you do not spend the time prepping someone to testify you won't know what to ask and what answers you will get.

Doesn't look good if you ask questions that you get no answer or an answer that does not fit the narrative.
You believe that he did? I'd look for more sources If I were you. But then, I'd also be
a moron who doesn't care about facts.
If you do not spend the time prepping someone to testify you won't know what to ask and what answers you will get.

Doesn't look good if you ask questions that you get no answer or an answer that does not fit the narrative.

Thanks. 10 hours is excessive to say the least.

So why have the hearing if you hold it in private before the meeting?
Sorry’s an old thread on a board I never go to.

Keep the board high and right my man!!!!
So what did Schiff’s staff and Cohen discuss for ten hours before Oversight testimony?

So what did Schiff's staff and Cohen discuss for ten hours before Oversight testimony?
Did Adam Schiff’s staff conduct a deposition with former Trump attorney Michael Cohen — or did they suborn perjury and coach the witness? House Intelligence Committee member Michael Turner (R-OH) wants to know what precisely happened in their ten-hour-plus of meetings with Cohen prior to his testimony last week to three House committees. Cohen had previously pled guilty to lying to Congress and faces a three-year prison sentence, and Republicans want him referred for more falsehoods from his latest testimony as well:
President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen told House investigators this week that staff for Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., traveled to New York at least four times to meet with him for over 10 hours immediately before last month’s high-profile public testimony, according to two sources familiar with the matter — as Republicans question whether the meetings amounted to coaching a witness. …​
If they coached Cohen on this specific testimony, then they could be accused of suborning perjury. We’re still quite a ways away from that yet, but the possibility exists. And it exists because Adam Schiff, Elijah Cummings, and other House Democrats chose to hitch their investigative wagons to a known perjurer and convicted fraudster. The next time Jim Jordan starts off a hearing warning about that choice, perhaps they’ll pay more attention.

I would be more interested in what testimony he offered as proof of wrong doing (or lack there of) Not hearsay, but actual proof. I suspect he offered non or it would have been leaked by now.
Hmm..., Ten hours of witness tampering, collusion, suborning perjury and Cohen's testimony was still a big fatty nothingburger. Sadly, Schiff won't comply with the request and the MSM by necessity won't even bring it up and is scrambling to bury this.
Meanwhile after all Schitf efforts to coach and suborn perjury, they still can’t keep Cohen's story straight and he lied once again to congress. Dumb and dumber. Cohen has no idea he is being played.
Schiff is such a piece of trash. Congress needs to open an ethics investigation into this fool.
he sure seemed to have a lot paper back up...


how many checks of trump's are there????

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen - Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics about Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) controversial communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses: Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer.
The complaint asks that Rep. Schiff, who is the new chairman of the House Intelligence Community, be investigated in connection with recent revelations that he met with Simpson in Aspen, Colorado, in July 2018 and that he and his staff coordinated with Michael Cohen on Cohen’s recent testimony to congressional committees. Cohen’s testimony is alleged to be false in several important respects.
Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules but the Committee has yet to take any public action on the complaint.

Hmm..., Where is the DOJ, Congress and the MSM watchdogs. Surely they were 'Johnny on the spot' to shout recusal for any Trump appointee or any witness called by the Congressional investigative Committees during the years of 2017 and 2018? Why hasn’t every Republican Member of the House already filed this complaint?
Really are four trips to see Michael Cohen four upwards of 14 hours is 10 hours normal to offer an invitation? How does that square with Schiff saying on the Sunday shows that they were in contact only to invite him to testify.
Did Schiff discuss family, grandchildren and golf scores with Glenn Simpson in Colorado before Simpson testified before Congress? Meanwhile Rep. Adam Schiff has blatantly violated Congressional and Legal ethics and is not being castigated by anyone for his actions.
Why is the media burying these exculpatory and under handed actions by Schiff and especially the Democrats?
Yes.... Questions and more questions, yet no real answers from the Media and the Republican Congress seems for the most part out to lunch.
Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen - Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics about Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) controversial communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses: Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer.
The complaint asks that Rep. Schiff, who is the new chairman of the House Intelligence Community, be investigated in connection with recent revelations that he met with Simpson in Aspen, Colorado, in July 2018 and that he and his staff coordinated with Michael Cohen on Cohen’s recent testimony to congressional committees. Cohen’s testimony is alleged to be false in several important respects.
Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules but the Committee has yet to take any public action on the complaint.

Hmm..., Where is the DOJ, Congress and the MSM watchdogs. Surely they were 'Johnny on the spot' to shout recusal for any Trump appointee or any witness called by the Congressional investigative Committees during the years of 2017 and 2018? Why hasn’t every Republican Member of the House already filed this complaint?
Really are four trips to see Michael Cohen four upwards of 14 hours is 10 hours normal to offer an invitation? How does that square with Schiff saying on the Sunday shows that they were in contact only to invite him to testify.
Did Schiff discuss family, grandchildren and golf scores with Glenn Simpson in Colorado before Simpson testified before Congress? Meanwhile Rep. Adam Schiff has blatantly violated Congressional and Legal ethics and is not being castigated by anyone for his actions.
Why is the media burying these exculpatory and under handed actions by Schiff and especially the Democrats?
Yes.... Questions and more questions, yet no real answers from the Media and the Republican Congress seems for the most part out to lunch.
Schiff should resign and then prosecuted for his crimes.
Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen

Judicial Watch Files Ethics Complaint Over Rep. Adam Schiff’s Contacts with Glenn Simpson and Michael Cohen - Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics about Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) controversial communications and contacts with two congressional witnesses: Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS and Michael Cohen, President Trump’s former personal lawyer.
The complaint asks that Rep. Schiff, who is the new chairman of the House Intelligence Community, be investigated in connection with recent revelations that he met with Simpson in Aspen, Colorado, in July 2018 and that he and his staff coordinated with Michael Cohen on Cohen’s recent testimony to congressional committees. Cohen’s testimony is alleged to be false in several important respects.
Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint on April 13, 2018, against Rep. Schiff and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) for improperly confirming classified information in violation of House rules but the Committee has yet to take any public action on the complaint.

Hmm..., Where is the DOJ, Congress and the MSM watchdogs. Surely they were 'Johnny on the spot' to shout recusal for any Trump appointee or any witness called by the Congressional investigative Committees during the years of 2017 and 2018? Why hasn’t every Republican Member of the House already filed this complaint?
Really are four trips to see Michael Cohen four upwards of 14 hours is 10 hours normal to offer an invitation? How does that square with Schiff saying on the Sunday shows that they were in contact only to invite him to testify.
Did Schiff discuss family, grandchildren and golf scores with Glenn Simpson in Colorado before Simpson testified before Congress? Meanwhile Rep. Adam Schiff has blatantly violated Congressional and Legal ethics and is not being castigated by anyone for his actions.
Why is the media burying these exculpatory and under handed actions by Schiff and especially the Democrats?
Yes.... Questions and more questions, yet no real answers from the Media and the Republican Congress seems for the most part out to lunch.
Doing the job Republican Deep Staters won’t do.

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