Cohen meet with Schiff for more then TEN hours to prep

Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.
What is your point? Investigators shouldn’t be allowed to interview defendants?
Absolutely but not prep them
Yes that is an imaginary thing you invented. Meanwhile, back in reality, investigators are allowed to interview the people they are investigating.
Yes not prepare him
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

It won't force him to recuse himself. The Dems have embraced the By Any Means Necessary agenda.

Y'all don't seem to understand what recusal is.

Dictionary result for recusal
the withdrawal of a judge, prosecutor, or juror from a case on the grounds that they are unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

HOW does this apply here? Aaaaaaaaaand GO.

It should apply. But as Schiff, as well as Nadler, has appointed himself Prosecutor, Judge and Jury, he won't.

As the Queen of Hearts once said:

“Sentence first; verdict afterwards."

Yyyyeeeahhh ummm..... Congress is not a court. It renders no "verdict". And perhaps to save time we should add that it also has no judges, prosecutors, juries, baliffs, robes, or sentences.

Thank you for admitting that this is just a Star Chamber Political Show Trial.
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

It won't force him to recuse himself. The Dems have embraced the By Any Means Necessary agenda.

Y'all don't seem to understand what recusal is.

Dictionary result for recusal
the withdrawal of a judge, prosecutor, or juror from a case on the grounds that they are unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

HOW does this apply here? Aaaaaaaaaand GO.

It should apply. But as Schiff, as well as Nadler, has appointed himself Prosecutor, Judge and Jury, he won't.

As the Queen of Hearts once said:

“Sentence first; verdict afterwards."

Yyyyeeeahhh ummm..... Congress is not a court. It renders no "verdict". And perhaps to save time we should add that it also has no judges, prosecutors, juries, baliffs, robes, or sentences.

Thank you for admitting that this is just a Star Chamber Political Show Trial.

Thank you for skipping remedial reading class. I just got done pointing out that it ISN'T a trial.
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.
What is your point? Investigators shouldn’t be allowed to interview defendants?
Absolutely but not prep them
Yes that is an imaginary thing you invented. Meanwhile, back in reality, investigators are allowed to interview the people they are investigating.
Yes not prepare him

Ah so you were there for this ten-hour meeting? Got notes? Videos? Transcripts?

And this may come as a shock but like anyone testifying in a hearing Cohen already has attorneys prepping him. They even sit there with the subject, right in the same room.

Who knew, right? Just parrot whatever your hair-on-fire partisan hack blog says without ever stopping to think it through.
Cohen hit every Schiff talking point several times during his testimony. He was well-trained. I wonder what they've offered him?
Not sure but Schiff should be in some hot water for this
Witness tampering ... Looks like Schiff gave him the script.. Schiff should be held in Contempt of Congress and expelled.
Cohen hit every Schiff talking point several times during his testimony. He was well-trained. I wonder what they've offered him?
Not sure but Schiff should be in some hot water for this
Witness tampering ... Looks like Schiff gave him the script.. Schiff should be held in Contempt of Congress and expelled.
To nice he needs to hang

Once AGAIN ------ for what?
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

Sounds like Collusion to me. Certainly cause enough to bring new street charges against Mr. Cohen. Hopefully, that goof will be in prison for life over this, serving his time like the rat and snitch he is.

Do you klowns EVER think anything through, anything at all?

**WHAT** would these "new street charges" ---- whatever those are, sounds like a toll road --- BE?

**WHAT** would one go to prison for over meeting with a Congresscritter's staff? Is "meeting with a Congresscritter's staff" illegal now?
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

Sounds like Collusion to me. Certainly cause enough to bring new street charges against Mr. Cohen. Hopefully, that goof will be in prison for life over this, serving his time like the rat and snitch he is.

Do you klowns EVER think anything through, anything at all?

**WHAT** would these "new street charges" ---- whatever those are, sounds like a toll road --- BE?

**WHAT** would one go to prison for over meeting with a Congresscritter's staff? Is "meeting with a Congresscritter's staff" illegal now?

"Street Charges "are criminal charges as opposed to institutional charges that one might get for violating penitentiary rules and require a new trial.

If Mr. Cohen was involved in "collusion", that's very serious. Mr. Schiff was involved with Russians you know. Russians called the congressman and found that he was very interested in doing anything to cooperate with them.
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

Sounds like Collusion to me. Certainly cause enough to bring new street charges against Mr. Cohen. Hopefully, that goof will be in prison for life over this, serving his time like the rat and snitch he is.

Do you klowns EVER think anything through, anything at all?

**WHAT** would these "new street charges" ---- whatever those are, sounds like a toll road --- BE?

**WHAT** would one go to prison for over meeting with a Congresscritter's staff? Is "meeting with a Congresscritter's staff" illegal now?

"Street Charges "are criminal charges as opposed to institutional charges that one might get for violating penitentiary rules and require a new trial.

If Mr. Cohen was involved in "collusion", that's very serious. Mr. Schiff was involved with Russians you know. Russians called the congressman and found that he was very interested in doing anything to cooperate with them.

You didn't answer either question.

Which is what I expected.
Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

If this doesn’t force him to recuse him self not sure what will!
Or a treason charge.

Sounds like Collusion to me. Certainly cause enough to bring new street charges against Mr. Cohen. Hopefully, that goof will be in prison for life over this, serving his time like the rat and snitch he is.
He just picked up 8 perjury charges all because Schiff hates trump dumb ass
for ten hours prior to his congressional hearing

Cohen Met With Team Schiff For TEN HOURS Before Hearing. Jim Jordan Has Questions.

President Donald Trump's ex-personal lawyer and former "fixer" Michael Cohen reportedly met with the team of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for a stunning ten hours before appearing before the House Intelligence Committee in February. The "unusual" meetings, as described by Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), has the GOP further questioning if Cohen was coached for the hearing.

No wonder Cohen recited the democrat talking points!

Time to bring both Cohen and Schitt and his staff before Congress!
You have to meet and coach otherwise how would the Democrats know what to ask about and how would they know what to expect for answers?

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