Col Karen Kwiatkowski, USAF : Bush Lied About WMDs to Justify Iraq War !!!!!!!!!!!!!

--- which is exactly what the OP did linking this article; no sifting necessary. Goes right to it. So what are you afraid of?

It isn't "my" site. I just happen to know the difference between a web domain and a writer. And I happen to know Karen Kwiatkowski, who is what you and Pubcrawler can only dream of being: an honest Conservative.

Let's fact it, all you and Pusbus have done here is try to troll and derail. That sort of desperation cannot be more transparent.

Why I'll bet while I was writing this post, Pussius trolled another post about inventing the paper clip or some damn thing. See what I mean?

I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.

Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

That's interesting, as based on your posts I'd say I have a 105% chance of correctly calling you a partisan hack troll who has contributed absolutely nothing to this thread except to try to derail it -- and one might add, transparently so.

Mudwhistle's the only poster on this page, or perhaps in the entire thread, that's had the cojones to take it on at all. You ---- just watching and trolling.

Which is kinda pathetic.
--- which is exactly what the OP did linking this article; no sifting necessary. Goes right to it. So what are you afraid of?

It isn't "my" site. I just happen to know the difference between a web domain and a writer. And I happen to know Karen Kwiatkowski, who is what you and Pubcrawler can only dream of being: an honest Conservative.

Let's fact it, all you and Pusbus have done here is try to troll and derail. That sort of desperation cannot be more transparent.

Why I'll bet while I was writing this post, Pussius trolled another post about inventing the paper clip or some damn thing. See what I mean?

I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.


Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

Stop projecting.


I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.

Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

That's interesting, as based on your posts I'd say I have a 105% chance of correctly calling you a partisan hack troll who has contributed absolutely nothing to this thread except to try to derail it -- and one might add, transparently so.

Mudwhistle's the only poster on this page, or perhaps in the entire thread, that's had the cojones to take it on at all. You ---- just watching and trolling.

Which is kinda pathetic.

All of my posts are directly related to everything you post. I'm simply countering you one for one and letting you control the conversation. Partisan? perhaps. But the only ones derailing this post is you guys. Find a single post where I did not reply directly to the substance and the statement posted before me.

Now I am enjoying watching you guys make fools of yourselves. Sick? Perhaps, but fun nevertheless. Oh, and 105%? .. ... ... Never-mind.
Last edited:
I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.


Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

Stop projecting.



Wow. He knows what projecting is. I suppose all is not lost. Now if only he had the presence of mind to logically think things through when he makes such an accusation.
I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.

Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

That's interesting, as based on your posts I'd say I have a 105% chance of correctly calling you a partisan hack troll who has contributed absolutely nothing to this thread except to try to derail it -- and one might add, transparently so.

Mudwhistle's the only poster on this page, or perhaps in the entire thread, that's had the cojones to take it on at all. You ---- just watching and trolling.

Which is kinda pathetic.

That is the disinformation officer's modus operandi.

NOt afraid.

I am well aware that there is a real chance that something informative or smart might be said on that site.

I am not prepared to sift though the crap I have found there before on the off chance of stumbling across something worthwhile.

If something worthwhile is there, it will be repeated elsewhere, and I will catch it then.

--- which is exactly what the OP did linking this article; no sifting necessary. Goes right to it. So what are you afraid of?

You need to mischaracterize me as a coward for not having any respect for your site, is just you being a dick.

It isn't "my" site. I just happen to know the difference between a web domain and a writer. And I happen to know Karen Kwiatkowski, who is what you and Pubcrawler can only dream of being: an honest Conservative.

Let's fact it, all you and Pusbus have done here is try to troll and derail. That sort of desperation cannot be more transparent.

Why I'll bet while I was writing this post, Pussius trolled another post about inventing the paper clip or some damn thing. See what I mean?

I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Yeah, lets call him names. That will really show him how smart you are. He'll never see it coming. Ad hominems always make you look like a genius.
Pussius is an appropriate name for a person who make claims, but unlike the OP, can't back them up.
Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Completely and totally disagree.

If Nature's god created something better that pussy he kept it for himself. So no way we should connect this stupid fuck with that wonderful orifice.

Something tells me the last time you got close to such an orifice you found yourself at county jail calling your mom to bail you out so you could return to her basement. I suppose that when you found out "good touch bad touch" counts for siblings as well as strangers. What evidence do I have of this? Plenty. Simply read all of your posts in this thread. I would say I have a 95% chance of calling this one correctly.

That's interesting, as based on your posts I'd say I have a 105% chance of correctly calling you a partisan hack troll who has contributed absolutely nothing to this thread except to try to derail it -- and one might add, transparently so.

Mudwhistle's the only poster on this page, or perhaps in the entire thread, that's had the cojones to take it on at all. You ---- just watching and trolling.

Which is kinda pathetic.

That is the disinformation officer's modus operandi.


Yes, it benefits me sooo much to spread such disinformation around. I get paid a whopping $0 to spread disinformation and I get praise from 0 people for spreading disinformation. But evidently I have a "modus operandi." Indeed it is funny to see a conspiracy thread devolve into another conspiracy thread. The humor of it all is about the only thing I get from it.
--- which is exactly what the OP did linking this article; no sifting necessary. Goes right to it. So what are you afraid of?

It isn't "my" site. I just happen to know the difference between a web domain and a writer. And I happen to know Karen Kwiatkowski, who is what you and Pubcrawler can only dream of being: an honest Conservative.

Let's fact it, all you and Pusbus have done here is try to troll and derail. That sort of desperation cannot be more transparent.

Why I'll bet while I was writing this post, Pussius trolled another post about inventing the paper clip or some damn thing. See what I mean?

I happen to know what the phrase "unsubstantiated claim" means. I just happen to. Go figure.

Instead of using "publius1787" as your handle you should use marx1848.

Nah, I think he should go with "Pussius".

Seventy posts to try to bury an inconvenient story in every way that doesn't actually address its points --- that's what I call pussious.

Yeah, lets call him names. That will really show him how smart you are. He'll never see it coming. Ad hominems always make you look like a genius.
Pussius is an appropriate name for a person who make claims, but unlike the OP, can't back them up.

So all people who make claims are "pussies?" Wow! that's a lot of pussy!! And I can't back my claim that the author of the articles in the op has unsubstantiated claims? Well it's unsubstantiated, so ... uh ... I don't need to. it is incumbent on you to prove the claims are substantiated. Else the inevitable force of logic makes you look like a fool. Mr. logic has the tendency of doing that.
Awwww, no one is replying anymore. I guess I'll just take my ball and go home. It's been really fun ladies and gentlemen. Seriously, I had a great time. A real pleasure. I haven't had a laugh like that in a while. I knew there were some fairly ignorant people out there but you guys take the cake.
I read the entire article, and the colonel gave not a single piece of evidence that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

First, being wrong does not make one a liar. If it does, then there is not a single honest man/woman on this planet. God was wrong about His creation, so that would make God a liar as well.

Now, in order for something to be a 'lie', there has to be an existing truth, then in order for someone to be a 'liar', that person must know the truth but prefers to present something else.

Most of the public does not know that the UN sponsored WMD inspection regime in Iraq have this condition: That no American be a team leader.

There were two teams: UNSCOM (1997-1999) and UNMOVIC (1999-2007). The team leaders were Richard Butler (Australia), Hans Blix (Sweden), and Rolf Ekeus (Sweden). Americans could be senior team members, engineers, and other roles, but not team leaders. Both field inspection teams were supported and advised by internationally diverse experts.

For example, UNMOVIC:

UNMOVIC - College of Commissioners

Note that there was only one American, Robert Witajewski, on that body.

All data were sent to the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary General, not to the US, so that mean everybody had the same set of data. They may have different interpretations due to Saddam Hussein's intransigence, but there is no doubt that everybody, including the Iraqis, saw the same set of data. Those data includes testimonies from Saddam Hussein's chief nuclear scientist, Mahdi Obeidi, who wrote a memoir of his time in Iraq and in Saddam Hussein's employ. The Bomb in My Garden The Secrets of Saddam s Nuclear Mastermind 9780471741275 Mahdi Obeidi Books

The 'bomb' that Obeidi referred to were centrifuges that Saddam Hussein ordered Obeidi to hide in his home, so Obeidi buried the centrifuges in his garden. Obeidi revealed that he once went shopping for black market 'maraging steel', a type of alloy that is still under international watch/alert.

Maraging steel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
...monitored by international authorities because it is particularly suited for use in gas centrifuges for uranium enrichment; lack of maraging steel significantly hampers this process.

Richard Butler wrote of his time in Iraq:

The Greatest Threat Iraq Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Crisis of Global Security Richard Butler 9781586480394 Books

This would mean the conspiracy would have to go as high as the UN Security Council, the Office of the UN Secretary General, and literally thousands of people spanning dozens of countries. Everyone had to know the truth, that Iraq had no plans to acquire nuclear weapons, but for whatever reasons, want Iraq invaded and Saddam Hussein overthrow. The conspiracy would have to include Russia and China, pretty much enemies of the US on the Security Council.

So how could Bush 'lied' about WMD in Iraq ?
Pussius, it's late. Your silly assertions have been easily rebutted, and folks have other things to do than watch your head explode because you are unhappy.

Sleep well.

The new Pentagon papers

A high-ranking military officer reveals how Defense Department extremists suppressed information and twisted the truth to drive the country to war.

Karen Kwiatkowski

She was a Lieutenant Colonel which is an 0-5 in the AirForce. That's barely a field grade officer and well away from a general grade. So you can drop the term "high ranking" from your vocabulary. Most career officers achieve the ranks of major and lieutenant colonel. In the Air Force the rank is given out like candy. Likewise, Air Force intelligence deals with.. ... you got it !!!, Air threats, air assets, weather, and air capabilities. Good luck using her as an authority on Iraq.

What the fuck are you talking about? You don't think an O-5 is a high rank? Guess again. And you have got to be the first person in history to suggest that rank advancements in the Air Force are "handed out like candy." Of our five branches of the military the Air Force is probably the most difficult in which to attain higher ranks. The USAF is smaller than most other branches, so there are fewer opportunities for advancement. But it attracts more interested people than the USMC and the USCG, making the competition all the more difficult. There is a saying about joining the military; if you want high rank join the Army, if you want a comfortable lifestyle join the Air Force, if you want to die join the Marines, if you don't know what you want join the Navy.
Well, if it comes down to hurting people and society in general, then corporates and governments have an equal shareholding in human suffering.

Though, 9/11 conspiracy theories overate the competence of government, and place the Bush administration as the evil mastermind of a diabolical scheme to fake WMD's to invade Iraq. Full of holes, as more likely they had bad intelligence and believed Saddam still had them.
God Lord! A 11 year old article written by a mid-level munchkin (lieutenant colonel) carried by Salon?

I read the entire article, and the colonel gave not a single piece of evidence that Bush lied about WMD in Iraq.

First, being wrong does not make one a liar. If it does, then there is not a single honest man/woman on this planet. God was wrong about His creation, so that would make God a liar as well.

Now, in order for something to be a 'lie', there has to be an existing truth, then in order for someone to be a 'liar', that person must know the truth but prefers to present something else.

Most of the public does not know that the UN sponsored WMD inspection regime in Iraq have this condition: That no American be a team leader.

The fucktards never cease to amaze me

“United States officials said today that American spies had worked undercover on teams of United Nations arms inspectors,” the New York Times reported (1/7/99). According to the Washington Post (3/2/99), the U.S. “infiltrated agents and espionage equipment for three years into United Nations arms control teams in Iraq to eavesdrop on the Iraqi military without the knowledge of the U.N. agency.” Undercover U.S. agents “carried out an ambitious spying operation designed to penetrate Iraq’s intelligence apparatus and track the movement of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, according to U.S. and U.N. sources,” wrote the Boston Globe (1/6/99).
God Lord! A 11 year old article written by a mid-level munchkin (lieutenant colonel) carried by Salon?


The 9/11 attacks indeed played into the hands of US government officials who had long desired, and some would say, plotted, to turn a cold Iraq war – the dozen years of sanctions, no fly zone enforcement and occasional bombing of Iraq following the end of the 1991 [Persian] Gulf War – into a hot one. It was definitely used to justify both invasion of Afghanistan and of Iraq, and the propaganda justifying the Iraq invasion featured the US President and his staff claiming that there was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11, when in fact the intelligence community and the military knew that this was fabricated. I worked in the Office of The Secretary of Defense Near East South Asia Policy office between 2002 and 2003, and witnessed the political misuse of intelligence myself in this regard. As to the reasons why the US government felt the need to occupy Iraq and install a puppet regime there, I think it was meant to improve energy access and control, for continued petrodollar maintenance, and in response to encouragement by Israel to “get some skin in the game” so to speak, in the region, in order to facilitate geopolitical change in and beyond Iraq..

Col Karen Kwiatkowski, USAF, Retired

mid-level munchkin

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