colbert destroys hannity and other rightwinger losers on acorn videos

Colbert at least acknowledged up front that he had done some creative editing. And the end product was actually funny -- albeit smarmy typical liberal fare.

But, even so, where is there ANY credible evidence that the ACORN employees shown on the O'Keefe and Giles video were similarly misrepresented?

Personally, I see ZERO evidence that the actual things said by those ACORN employees constitutes in ANY way a misrepresentation of what they actually said as 'advice."

The fact that the Brooklyn DA saw fit not to after the ACORN folks is hardly proof that they should not have been prosecuted.
Colbert at least acknowledged up front that he had done some creative editing. And the end product was actually funny -- albeit smarmy typical liberal fare.

But, even so, where is there ANY credible evidence that the ACORN employees shown on the O'Keefe and Giles video were similarly misrepresented?

Personally, I see ZERO evidence that the actual things said by those ACORN employees constitutes in ANY way a misrepresentation of what they actually said as 'advice."

The fact that the Brooklyn DA saw fit not to after the ACORN folks is hardly proof that they should not have been prosecuted.

Would you, as a prosecutor, knowingly use a heavily edited video as a primary piece of evidence in a case you were trying?
Colbert at least acknowledged up front that he had done some creative editing. And the end product was actually funny -- albeit smarmy typical liberal fare.

But, even so, where is there ANY credible evidence that the ACORN employees shown on the O'Keefe and Giles video were similarly misrepresented?

Personally, I see ZERO evidence that the actual things said by those ACORN employees constitutes in ANY way a misrepresentation of what they actually said as 'advice."

The fact that the Brooklyn DA saw fit not to after the ACORN folks is hardly proof that they should not have been prosecuted.

Only the unedited tapes can tell the story. Where are they? If Acorn was so bad, they would still be everywhere. I suspect that evidence is "gone".
Colbert at least acknowledged up front that he had done some creative editing. And the end product was actually funny -- albeit smarmy typical liberal fare.

But, even so, where is there ANY credible evidence that the ACORN employees shown on the O'Keefe and Giles video were similarly misrepresented?

Personally, I see ZERO evidence that the actual things said by those ACORN employees constitutes in ANY way a misrepresentation of what they actually said as 'advice."

The fact that the Brooklyn DA saw fit not to after the ACORN folks is hardly proof that they should not have been prosecuted.

Would you, as a prosecutor, knowingly use a heavily edited video as a primary piece of evidence in a case you were trying?

As a GENERAL RULE, the obvious answer is "no." Your point is a fair one.

But the question is whether there was any actual editing of the crucial parts. I saw no evidence of that.

If I could use a fair portion of a video to establish that the suspect HAD actually conspired to offer advice to someone in the commission of mortgage fraud etc., I might explore the balance to see if there was any other interpretation before I decided to shit-can a case.

I would SURE as hell look into the records, too, to see if there had been any prior fishy mortgage type filings associated with ACORN.

And, yes, it is certainly possible that after a fair investigation I might have to come to the same conclusion as the Brooklyn DA's Office came to, all the same.
Colbert at least acknowledged up front that he had done some creative editing. And the end product was actually funny -- albeit smarmy typical liberal fare.

But, even so, where is there ANY credible evidence that the ACORN employees shown on the O'Keefe and Giles video were similarly misrepresented?

Personally, I see ZERO evidence that the actual things said by those ACORN employees constitutes in ANY way a misrepresentation of what they actually said as 'advice."

The fact that the Brooklyn DA saw fit not to after the ACORN folks is hardly proof that they should not have been prosecuted.

Only the unedited tapes can tell the story. Where are they? If Acorn was so bad, they would still be everywhere. I suspect that evidence is "gone".

I have no reason to believe that the actual unedited tapes (or discs) are gone. But maybe they are. I don't know. I'm pretty sure YOU don't know, either.

I will say this much (agreeing in part with you and Article): obtaining the unedited originals would be the primary thing I'd want to do before deciding how (or whether) to proceed.
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FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.
FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.


Nobody is doing more damage to America than the damnable uber-libs.

Your obsession with FoxNews is amusing. But you are completely lacking in ANY hint of credibility.
FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.
Partisanship and talking points of both the Rushpublicans and the MSDNCers are doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

You all are disgraces.

Yes, that means you too.


The Republican politicians are puppets for the banks and healthcare companies that are destroying America.

As Adlai Stevenson said, "When the Republicans stop lying about the Democrats, the Democrats will stop telling the truth about the Republicans."
FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.
Partisanship and talking points of both the Rushpublicans and the MSDNCers are doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

You all are disgraces.

Yes, that means you too.

* * * *

The Republican politicians are puppets for the banks and healthcare companies that are destroying America.

* * * *


I am more and more convinced that the complete jackass yutz known here as "Chris" would be utterly unable to put any sentence together if he was deprived of the use of cliche talking pointlesses from the liberal Democrat Parody.

FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.


Nobody is doing more damage to America than the damnable uber-libs.

Your obsession with FoxNews is amusing. But you are completely lacking in ANY hint of credibility.

what in God's name are you blathering about?

Who exactly are these 'uber-libs' that you're punting to? and what are they allegedly doing that the Enron generation didn't do 10x worse?
FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.


Nobody is doing more damage to America than the damnable uber-libs.

Your obsession with FoxNews is amusing. But you are completely lacking in ANY hint of credibility.

what in God's name are you blathering about?

Who exactly are these 'uber-libs' that you're punting to? and what are they allegedly doing that the Enron generation didn't do 10x worse?

Your inability to grasp simple concepts, "jiggs," does not change my statement into "blather." And I'm not "punting" anything, whateverthefuck you think that's supposed to mean in this context.

I qualified the group known as "libs" to refer instead (more properly) to "uber-libs" because, in fairness, not all libs are equally responsible for the damage being inflicted on our country.

There is no "Enron generation," either.

Your reference to Enron is as stupid as your post.

"Enron" was an example of corporate greed and of outright fraud and theft. That's not a generational matter, you bombastic partisan hack.

As for what the uber-libs (assholes like Soros, for example, who are fronted by the schmucks in Office, like President Obama , Shrieker of the House of Ill Repute Pelousy and that horrible cretin, Senate Majority "leader" Dingy Harry Reid) are doing to damage the nation, if you can't see it already, then you are studiously blind:

Let's get started on cluing you in.

By 2020, given the imbecile-in-chief's economic "planning," our Republic will be facing the suffocation of a 9.5 TRILLION dollar deficit:

National debt to be higher than White House forecast, CBO says

By Lori Montgomery
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 6, 2010

President Obama's proposed budget would add more than $9.7 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, congressional budget analysts said Friday. Proposed tax cuts for the middle class account for nearly a third of that shortfall.

The 10-year outlook released by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is somewhat gloomier than White House projections, which found that Obama's budget request would produce deficits that would add about $8.5 trillion to the national debt by 2020.

The CBO and the White House are in relative agreement about the short-term budget picture, with both predicting a deficit of about $1.5 trillion this year -- a post-World War II record at 10.3 percent of the overall economy -- and $1.3 trillion in 2011. But the CBO is considerably less optimistic about future years, predicting that deficits would never fall below 4 percent of the economy under Obama's policies and would begin to grow rapidly after 2015.

Deficits of that magnitude would force the Treasury to continue borrowing at prodigious rates, sending the national debt soaring to 90 percent of the economy by 2020, the CBO said. Interest payments on the debt would also skyrocket by $800 billion over the same period.

* * * * [Emphases added.]

Our debt problem has already been found to be "unsustainable." (Do you even know who made that determination?) But the damn uber-libs blithely proceed with a compounded version of the same stupidity, as though anyone actually believes that their lunacy is a rational response to our economic plight. :cuckoo: Do any of the stupid libs of this generation grasp the import of a DEBT constituting 90% of the economy within only 10 years? I see very little evidence of it, if any of you libs have begun to catch on.

The retarded uber-lib assholes must be stopped.
Your inability to grasp simple concepts, "jiggs," does not change my statement into "blather." And I'm not "punting" anything, whateverthefuck you think that's supposed to mean in this context.

Sure you're not punting, excitable one. Your post was vague con man pablum, the kind we've seen rehashed every hour here (and everywhere) since the "black man" was elected. You don't know what you're talking about.

People like goofy you have one set of ethics for liberal lawmakers and executives, and entirely another for con men. Tool.

I qualified the group known as "libs" to refer instead (more properly) to "uber-libs" because, in fairness, not all libs are equally responsible for the damage being inflicted on our country.

The damage inflicted upon this country was done by 28 years of corporate presidents. Obama, while flawed, is trying to jump start a dead fiat economy ruined by decades of deregulation and corporate FRAUD.

There is no "Enron generation," either.

Your reference to Enron is as stupid as your post.

Yeah, whatever, clown-and-a-half. You keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, back here in reality: the Enron scandal is axiomatic of everything that went on for a generation of pump and dump stock practices. An initiative that the Bush League ramped up to entire new levels of corporate theft and utter disregard for oversight. Make no mistake about it.

I don't need to remind you (or the forum) of Boy King's vast relationship with Ken Lay and Enron, as well as Enron's involvement with the Afghan pipeline plans. So yeah, I found it to be a fine label. Sorry if that upsets you, but the previous 28 years your heroes have run this country into the ground. Your sudden squawkings today ring rather hollow when YOU ALL created this mess. (and that includes the Clinton years, where nothing really changed in terms of corporate accountability).

Outsourcing, for the win! We can blame it on taxes!! Hooray! ... Same old, tired and typical rethuglican fraud.

Free market, Friedman economics made this bed, you can all lay in it.

"Enron" was an example of corporate greed and of outright fraud and theft. That's not a generational matter, you bombastic partisan hack.

Nuance is clearly lost on you, angry little con man. It's interesting that you can have your petty little labels for the left, but you all blow a gasket when the same is applied to your unethical camp. Hypocrite.

As for bombastic partisan hack, no greater irony has ever been uttered on this forum. Take your meds.

This country was doomed long before Obama entered this burning building. ... Your hero entered with a surplus, and created a disaster, and I'm quite sure you know it.

The difference between partisan hacks like yourself, and pragmatists like me is that we can acknowledge the short-comings and failings of the democrats, whereas you clowns can NEVER own up to the raping of this country by the beltway GOP and their cronies. You always have to blame the other side... whether it's gays, or blacks, or Mexicans, or communists, or just the other party. ... You never say anything bad about corporate, free market agenda (usually republican) that ships millions of jobs overseas and destroys the American middle class. Or, if you do, you try and twist it all into "liberal" blame. No one's buying it anymore, just like no one's buying the "death panels" lie and the "he's a Muslim!" fraud. ...

Here's a newsflash, loser: They are two factions of the same corporate entity. Time you woke up and stopped blaming the pluralists for everything, while giving a free pass to the party of repression, separation and class divide.

It never ceases to amaze me how fucking stupid the average uninformed con man truly can be.
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Our debt problem has already been found to be "unsustainable." (Do you even know who made that determination?) But the damn uber-libs blithely proceed with a compounded version of the same stupidity, as though anyone actually believes that their lunacy is a rational response to our economic plight. :cuckoo: Do any of the stupid libs of this generation grasp the import of a DEBT constituting 90% of the economy within only 10 years? I see very little evidence of it, if any of you libs have begun to catch on.

The retarded uber-lib assholes must be stopped.

Gawd, stfu. ... We catch on far better than goofy you... It's just that some of us see it for what it is: A desperate situation brought on by the end of cheap energy and decades of corporate fraud. ...

We'll let you stay over there blaming everything on the "black Muslim", and continue sounding like a crazy man who has barricaded himself inside of his own house. No one cares. ... We'll be over here trying to rationally discuss solutions to what is essentially Malthusian reality, not partisan nonsense.

Another angry, clueless con man put to bed. :eusa_shhh:
Your inability to grasp simple concepts, "jiggs," does not change my statement into "blather." And I'm not "punting" anything, whateverthefuck you think that's supposed to mean in this context.

Sure you're not punting, excitable one.

Why do fucking assholes such as you ALWAYS go with that trite rhetorical claim that any reply to YOUR stupidity makes the one responding "excitable?" Z. Goood Lord, you douchebags need new writers. Zzzzz.

Your post was vague con man pablum,

No. You are mistaken. Or lying. Yeah. Lying suits your type.

the kind we've seen rehashed every hour here (and everywhere) since the "black man" was elected. You don't know what you're talking about.

Speaking of assholes spouting stale dishonest rhetoric (hi, fucktard, Jiggs!), it should probably be noted that the only one making reference to President Obama's race is you, ya dishonest scumbag. No surprise. Fucking idiot scumbag douchebag liberoidal shit-eaters -- like you -- are plodding and predictable in your lying ways.

I can't be bothered to wade through the balance of your dishonest libtarded bullshit, ya dumbass douchebag shit-fucker.

Have a wonderful night, cockbite.
Your inability to grasp simple concepts, "jiggs," does not change my statement into "blather." And I'm not "punting" anything, whateverthefuck you think that's supposed to mean in this context.

Sure you're not punting, excitable one.

Why do fucking assholes such as you ALWAYS go with that trite rhetorical claim that any reply to YOUR stupidity makes the one responding "excitable?" Z. Goood Lord, you douchebags need new writers. Zzzzz.

Your post was vague con man pablum,

No. You are mistaken. Or lying. Yeah. Lying suits your type.

the kind we've seen rehashed every hour here (and everywhere) since the "black man" was elected. You don't know what you're talking about.

Speaking of assholes spouting stale dishonest rhetoric (hi, fucktard, Jiggs!), it should probably be noted that the only one making reference to President Obama's race is you, ya dishonest scumbag. No surprise. Fucking idiot scumbag douchebag liberoidal shit-eaters -- like you -- are plodding and predictable in your lying ways.

I can't be bothered to wade through the balance of your dishonest libtarded bullshit, ya dumbass douchebag shit-fucker.

Have a wonderful night, cockbite.

LOL... classic.

That's because you can't refute any of it, and once again have to PUNT to your little turrets-laiden meltdown.

Run along now, limited poster. Run along. You're overmatched and under informed.

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