colbert destroys hannity and other rightwinger losers on acorn videos

* * * *

LOL... classic.

How would you know?

That's because you can't refute any of it,

Any of WHAT? You think you SAID something that is subject to refutation or worthy of an iota of effort? :lol: You're a retard. :cuckoo:

and once again have to PUNT to your little turrets-laiden meltdown.

You probably don't realize that your random collection of letters didn't amount to a sentence, a sentence fragment or even a genuine "thought." Did I mention that you are a retard? :lol::lol:

Run along now, limited poster. Run along. You're overmatched and under informed.

Oh? Are we giving directions? Fine. Here's a direction for you. Go fuck yourself, you shitforbrain loser. You lost before you began. :lol:

You stink, by the way. Literally. Yours is a familiar stench. Were you banned and are just making an unauthorized return visit by any chance?
* * * *

LOL... classic.

How would you know?

That's because you can't refute any of it,

Any of WHAT? You think you SAID something that is subject to refutation or worthy of an iota of effort? :lol: You're a retard. :cuckoo:

and once again have to PUNT to your little turrets-laiden meltdown.

You probably don't realize that your random collection of letters didn't amount to a sentence, a sentence fragment or even a genuine "thought." Did I mention that you are a retard? :lol::lol:

Run along now, limited poster. Run along. You're overmatched and under informed.

Oh? Are we giving directions? Fine. Here's a direction for you. Go fuck yourself, you shitforbrain loser. You lost before you began. :lol:

You stink, by the way. Literally. Yours is a familiar stench. Were you banned and are just making an unauthorized return visit by any chance?

No, I'm quite new here, con man. It's just that we experience your ilk in all walks of life. You're just the next item on a conveyor belt of RW fraud. Interchangeable parts.

What's telling is your curse-laiden, ineffectual meltdown. You'll notice I don't need to resort to the same. I have facts on my side. You have hatred.

Any time you wanna man-up, we can get down to brass tacks and cover the issues honestly. I'm right here, willing to put your pablum into proper perspective any time you wish.

But it looks like you've punted on 2nd down once again. Very well.

Run along, limited poster. Run along. ... Don't kick your dog, he didn't do anything wrong.
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* * * *

No, I'm quite new here, con man. * * * *

Oh, that's cute. The new liberoidal fucking retard with the standard boring liberoidal schtick called me a "con" man.

You are just so adorable when you're spluttering.

Ya fuckin' retard. :lol::lol::lol:
* * * *

No, I'm quite new here, con man. * * * *

Oh, that's cute. The new liberoidal fucking retard with the standard boring liberoidal schtick called me a "con" man.

You are just so adorable when you're spluttering.

Ya fuckin' retard. :lol::lol::lol:

that's right.... more substance-less reactionary pap.

It was clear you were overmatched in my original response to you. Because on the issues, you guys always hide and lose.

I'll let you get back to pretending, ironically, that I'm the "retard" between the two of us.

What a sad caricature you represent for a dying party of paranoia and hatred.
* * * *

that's right.... more substance-less * * * pap.

* * * *

I agree. You appear to be the libtarded expert on substance-less pap.

Some idiots come to a gun fight with a knife.

You come unarmed -- completely.

And it shows.

Now, hurry back with more of your extremely ineffectual efforts!

* * * *

that's right.... more substance-less * * * pap.

* * * *

I agree. You appear to be the libtarded expert on substance-less pap.

Some idiots come to a gun fight with a knife.

You come unarmed -- completely.

And it shows.

Now, hurry back with more of your extremely ineffectual efforts!


well, something good came of your white flag meltdown... you learned a new word from me and applied it to your vocabulary.

Gawd, do you ever suck at this.

Gun fight... That's a fitting analogy. Yes, i suppose i prefer hand-to-hand combat when I destroy my opponent.... Not shoot from a safe cowardly distance.

Again, when your meds kick in, any time you wanna be a man and discuss the issues themselves rather than act like a pre-pube ADHD sufferer, I'll be right here... Tool.
* * * *

Now, hurry back with more of your extremely ineffectual efforts!

* * * *

well, something good came of your white flag meltdown... you learned a new word from me and applied it to your vocabulary.

Gawd, do you ever suck at this.

Gun fight... That's a fitting analogy. Yes, i suppose i prefer hand-to-hand combat when I destroy my opponent.... Not shoot from a safe cowardly distance.

Again, when your meds kick in, any time you wanna be a man and discuss the issues themselves rather than act like a pre-pube ADHD sufferer, I'll be right here... Tool.

That was FAST! :clap2: I command you to hurry back with an ineffectual effort, and you PROMPTLY did so.

Good bitch!

That was FAST! :clap2: I command you to hurry back with an ineffectual effort, and you PROMPTLY did so.

Good bitch!


Well, it's official.

Your argument is bankrupt and this debate is over. You're easily manipulated. But worse, you don't have the stones to rise above your MTV-level intellect and discuss the national deficit with any substance or depth.

Rational thinkers: 1
Factually challenged hate mongers: 0

I'll let you get in the last smarmy word that insecure people like yourself so desperately crave. Have at it, chumpy. The forum knows that you got taken behind the woodshed anyway.
Yes it IS official. You are a moron and the total, complete loser.

You are a waste of oxygen and incapable of holding your own in any real debate.

then why is it that you've been challenged no less that 3 times in this exchange, and you absolutely refuse to tangle about the issues since the first response where you got taken behind the woodshed?

You have no balls and no brains.

It's official.

Your debate strategy is akin to plugging your ears, stomping your feet and yelling "nah nah nah nah!" in a circle.

You lost, as is always the case when you nail down a bloviating con man and challenge him to the real issues affecting America. You were just far easier than most, as you have nothing in your arsenal besides Fox News talking points and pre-pubescent hissy fits.

Like I said... Run along now, limited poster.
Yes it IS official. You are a moron and the total, complete loser.

You are a waste of oxygen and incapable of holding your own in any real debate.

then why is it that you've been challenged no less that 3 times in this exchange, and you absolutely refuse to tangle about the issues since the first response where you got taken behind the woodshed?* * * *

As you knew when you offered that lie, syphillis-brain, nobody here has taken me to any woodshed, least of all a dork like you. Your dishonest self-congratulation is without basis in reality.

I already addressed you concern in my first reply to you.

Nothing you've said since that reply has been worthy of any further discussion on that topic. You are incapable of meaningfully sticking to a topic. You are just a shrill, petty ineffectual poseur.

Now, go find your balls and play catch with yourself, shit-breath.
Yes it IS official. You are a moron and the total, complete loser.

You are a waste of oxygen and incapable of holding your own in any real debate.

then why is it that you've been challenged no less that 3 times in this exchange, and you absolutely refuse to tangle about the issues since the first response where you got taken behind the woodshed?* * * *

As you knew when you offered that lie, syphillis-brain, nobody here has taken me to any woodshed, least of all a dork like you. Your dishonest self-congratulation is without basis in reality.

I already addressed you concern in my first reply to you.

Nothing you've said since that reply has been worthy of any further discussion on that topic. You are incapable of meaningfully sticking to a topic. You are just a shrill, petty ineffectual poseur.

Now, go find your balls and play catch with yourself, shit-breath.

More Turrets. Sad. Get ahold of yourself, excitable one.

Actually, everything I said in that first response completely dismantled your lazy, "blame-liberals for everything" assessment. I know this, because you didn't counter any of it, specifically, and punted to personal ridicule. That's always a tell-tale sign.

You suck at this. Your hero entered office with a surplus, and destroyed it while greasing the skids for the elite to pump and dump America's investment in their corporations. This is all well documented, and no amount of whiney "liberal spending" nonsense counters that reality.

Like I said... the "Enron generation," is more aligned with your camp than mine. Just accept it.

Run along now.
Liability is one of the great jokes here, Jiggs, along with cmike and some others to the far, far loony reactionary right. The attack personally because they cannot refute objectively. You will get to simply smile then ignore them as many do here.
Liability is one of the great jokes here, Jiggs, along with cmike and some others to the far, far loony reactionary right. The attack personally because they cannot refute objectively. You will get to simply smile then ignore them as many do here.

JokeStarkey (a/k/a "Jokey") is the actual joke here. he is much like you. A liar and a fraud. For example, he has zero credibility and yet still professes (though of course not one thinking person buys his schtick) that he is a "Republican." :eusa_liar: He's not, of course. Just one of his more transparent deliberate lies.

As to his complete lack of objectivity, he just posted his petty-ass attack piece without ever noticing that JizzCasey is engaged in the personal attack shit just as much as I have been in this little chat, yet fuckedup hypocritical gasbags like Jokey can only "see" it when the side they dislike is doing it. This is another reason he will always be a Joke.

It is best to ignore worthless hypocritical dishonest trolls like Jokey, JizzCasey, but since you two are like each other's masturbatory sock-puppets, I doubt you will, Jizz.
* * * *

Actually, everything I said in that first response completely dismantled your lazy, "blame-liberals for everything" assessment. * * * *

More of your utterly worthless and dishonest self congratulation? :cuckoo: You couldn't dismantle an empty sandwich.

No child. You were and you still are nothing but a complete fail.

Now, go play in traffic.

Hurry along! :lol:
Liability is one of the great jokes here, Jiggs, along with cmike and some others to the far, far loony reactionary right. The attack personally because they cannot refute objectively. You will get to simply smile then ignore them as many do here.

FoxLies is doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

It's a disgrace.
Partisanship and talking points of both the Rushpublicans and the MSDNCers are doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

You all are disgraces.

Yes, that means you too.


The Republican politicians are puppets for the banks and healthcare companies that are destroying America.

As Adlai Stevenson said, "When the Republicans stop lying about the Democrats, the Democrats will stop telling the truth about the Republicans."

Yeah, Adlai Stevenson said that, but we all know how honest and "inteligent" that man was.
Partisanship and talking points of both the Rushpublicans and the MSDNCers are doing more damage to America than almost anyone else.

You all are disgraces.

Yes, that means you too.


The Republican politicians are puppets for the banks and healthcare companies that are destroying America.

As Adlai Stevenson said, "When the Republicans stop lying about the Democrats, the Democrats will stop telling the truth about the Republicans."

Yeah, Adlai Stevenson said that, but we all know how honest and "inteligent" that man was.

Indeed he was.

And nothing has changed since then.

Republicans call the Omnibus Spying bill "The Patriot Act."

And they call end of life counselling "Death Panels."

And they call taking care of sick people "Socialism."

And they call reconciliation "The Nuclear Option."

And they call bigotry against gays "Pro Family."

Lying is what they do best.

What they do worst is governing.

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