Coldest Winter in 100 Years

A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.
Miami folks dying from the cold.

Global warming indeed...

Miami's First Cold Weather Death Confirmed
Cold temps and no heat led to hypothermia for an elderly man

Miami's First Cold Weather Death Confirmed | NBC Miami

"algore and his scientist pals tell us global temperature increases track/follow CO2 increases - CO2 Causes Global Warming. I assume, since we're still running our SUV's CO2 has not diminished and is in fact increasing every moment.
Now we've got algore and his scientist pals telling us we're experiencing the "Global cooling effect of Global warming".

Wasn't there a line in some movie where the guy says "Don't p1ss on my head and tell me it's raining" ?
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Average wise stupid fuck. Even Old Rocks will admit that there has been no temperature rise on average since 1998. You are not to good with math are you?
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Why is it the warmest decade?

1. Scientists took raw data and increased the temperature results.
2. Assuming you can believe any data at this point, it peaked in 1998 and has been on a cooling trend since then.
3. ALL of the consequneces we are suppose to be suffering from due to warming are not happening.
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

Chris, you mentioned the Sun in a Warmer post, that's a big fucking no-no and is going to get you excommunicated from the East Anglia Glee Club.
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.

Chris, you mentioned the Sun in a Warmer post, that's a big fucking no-no and is going to get you excommunicated from the East Anglia Glee Club.

The symbol for the East Anglia GLee Club is a giant letter "L."

Those AGW Faithers do tend to all be a bunch of brainwashed Losers, so the symbol is appropriate.

Thank me.
EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Average wise stupid fuck. Even Old Rocks will admit that there has been no temperature rise on average since 1998. You are not to good with math are you?

Whoa, back up!!!!!

There has not been a warmer single year, although 2005 was very close.

The running 5 year mean is still rising. So one has a good case for the 'average' rising.

And watch what happens in 2010.
EXCEPT for the 15 years between 1984 and 1999 the warmers have INSISTED the Sun had nothing to do with the warming. Now all of a sudden it DOES have an effect and it is cooling the planet?

Further dumb ass CO2 is still rising and we have seen no increase in temps worldwide since 1998. And then there is that matter of historical record that shows CO2 does not lead temperature rise it FOLLOWS it.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Why is it the warmest decade?

1. Scientists took raw data and increased the temperature results.
2. Assuming you can believe any data at this point, it peaked in 1998 and has been on a cooling trend since then.
3. ALL of the consequneces we are suppose to be suffering from due to warming are not happening.


So you are stating that the scientists in Australia, South Africa, Russia, Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, Argentina, and every other nation that has scientists, are falsifing information?

I have some nice tin hats that you might want to buy.:lol:
I'm down here in Central Florida and I could sure use a little GW. Its been in the 20's every night for the last week. Way unusual for Florida baby.
Ah yes - the global warming will cause cooling mantra.

They got ALL the bases covered!! :)
A lot of foolishness in this thread.

It is cooler now because the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

CO2 has increased by 40%, so we are still warming the earth within the context of the Sun's activity.

The overall trend for the last 60 years has been toward warming.

One of the reasons that Antarctica hasn't warmed as much is because we created a hole in the ozone with CFCs.
And 40% of 0.03% is significant how?

Oops, I dropped an extra grain of salt in the ocean! It's too salty! We're all gonna dieeeeeee!!!

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One major prediction of global warming is wider and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall warming trend.

Such a "trend" can only be observed upon closely examining the cooked data and suppressing contrary data, however.

Meanwhile, a man died of hypofuckingthermia in FLORIDA this week, in fact, it was in MIAMI!

Yeah, overall, it sure helped him to live during these roasting days of Global Warming.

There is a REASON nobody with a functioning brain takes you Global Warming Faithers seriously anymore.

You brought it on yourself.

Tell algore to fuck off, please.
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So you are stating that the scientists in Australia, South Africa, Russia, Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, Argentina, and every other nation that has scientists, are falsifing information?

John is a scientist.
John believes in Global Warming
All Scientists believe in Global Warming.

Tis a crock o shit... and it stinketh.
Tis NOT a container of fertilizer that will promote growth.

Your hyperventilating at us calling your crackpot mad scientists who bought into the hoax liars doesn't change the fact... you're still lying.
Well there you go again, telling the same lie you got caught lying about on another thread.

When CON$ get caught lying they just keep on lying. The decade from 1999 to 2008 was WARMEST decade in the history of direct instrument measurement.

Why is it the warmest decade?

1. Scientists took raw data and increased the temperature results.
2. Assuming you can believe any data at this point, it peaked in 1998 and has been on a cooling trend since then.
3. ALL of the consequneces we are suppose to be suffering from due to warming are not happening.


So you are stating that the scientists in Australia, South Africa, Russia, Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, Argentina, and every other nation that has scientists, are falsifing information?

I have some nice tin hats that you might want to buy.:lol:

What kind of idiot owns multiple tin hats? I am stating that all your scientist buddies were using the same manipulated data set. See how that causes a problem?
Why is it the warmest decade?

1. Scientists took raw data and increased the temperature results.
2. Assuming you can believe any data at this point, it peaked in 1998 and has been on a cooling trend since then.
3. ALL of the consequneces we are suppose to be suffering from due to warming are not happening.


So you are stating that the scientists in Australia, South Africa, Russia, Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, Argentina, and every other nation that has scientists, are falsifing information?

I have some nice tin hats that you might want to buy.:lol:

What kind of idiot owns multiple tin hats? I am stating that all your scientist buddies were using the same manipulated data set. See how that causes a problem?

It is a form of heresy and blasphemy to the AGW Faithers to suggest that their religion is based on a fraud.

Either Edthesickdick and Olde Fossil are too obtuse to grasp the fact that manipulated data sets provide no rational basis for ANY valid scientific conclusions OR, if they are smart enough to grasp that obvious fact, then they are revealed as simply being too dishonest to admit it.
Observations of Global Energy Budget Changes
The following graph shows the variations in the Earth’s global-average radiative energy balance as measured by the CERES instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite. These are variations in the imbalance between absorbed sunlight and emitted infrared radiation, the most fundamental quantity associated with global warming or global cooling. Also show (in red) are theoretically calculated changes in radiative forcing from increasing carbon dioxide as measured at Mauna Loa.


Spencer: Clouds Dominate CO2 as a Climate Driver Since 2000 « Watts Up With That?

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