Coldest winter in history...WTF?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
I heard someplace that there has never been a below zero temperature recorded in history in the lower 48 states during the month of April. Is that true? Granted Mt. Washington has the harshest climate but it recorded -2 below zero this week. How could the oceans be rising when there is a foot of snow in the mid west two weeks before May? The Washington D.C. cherry blossom festival was delayed two weeks because of the cold.
I heard someplace that there has never been a below zero temperature recorded in history in the lower 48 states during the month of April. Is that true? Granted Mt. Washington has the harshest climate but it recorded -2 below zero this week. How could the oceans be rising when there is a foot of snow in the mid west two weeks before May? The Washington D.C. cherry blossom festival was delayed two weeks because of the cold.

blame bush
Back when the Progs had a media monopoly they could get away with the "Global Warming/Climate Change" Switcheroo without anyone noticing

Now they just look like the pathological liars they are
The magnetic field of the Earth has shifted and is now stronger in the areas that are colder. Which shows that the weakening magnetic field has more to do with climate change and "Global Warming" than any of the false flags the AGW/far left programmed crowd can understand.
Here's the global January temperature differences via NSA. The blue and white represents below average temperatures, the yellow, gold and red represents above average temperatures.
As we can see, only the eastern US and Siberia had below average temperatures. It's a Big World out there and the US isn't the center of the universe.


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It is record breaking cold weather for the South. This is mid April and it is very cold outside. Very strange weather..
The last time we had a really cold winter in the east, midwest, and south, it was followed by a summer of record heat. Should we get the predicted El Nino, we may see the same pattern again.
From Kiwiman's post;

Here's the global January temperature differences via NSA. The blue and white represents below average temperatures, the yellow, gold and red represents above average temperatures.
As we can see, only the eastern US and Siberia had below average temperatures. It's a Big World out there and the US isn't the center of the universe.
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The last time we had a really cold winter in the east, midwest, and south, it was followed by a summer of record heat. Should we get the predicted El Nino, we may see the same pattern again.

What El Nino compared to the 2, 3, or 5 PPM increase we had in CO2 this past year?

El Nino


You ignore the knob controlling power of modern CO2 at your peril. In the past CO2 was a laggard, following changes in temperature on both the upside and downside (Yeah, why would it ever come down if it's a driver?) This Modern CO2 is sweeping the ocean just like the Mud Shark
From Kiwiman's post;

Here's the global January temperature differences via NSA. The blue and white represents below average temperatures, the yellow, gold and red represents above average temperatures.
As we can see, only the eastern US and Siberia had below average temperatures. It's a Big World out there and the US isn't the center of the universe.
Attached Thumbnails

Lots of blue there on that chart, Sparky. So it's not global and it's not warming

If CO2 is driving temperature why is it always lagging changes in temperature?

If it's a driver and spawns positive feedback loops how can it ever decline? Yet, there it is consistently rising and declining. Not leading or driving, but sitting quietly in the back of the climate bus following the route determined by tempersture
Coldest winter in history...WTF?
Extremes in temperatures – record lows in the winter, record highs in the summer – are indicators of GCC.

Only an ignorant rightwing putz would believe ‘global warming’ means no more cold winters.


It's colder therefore, Global warming

What is happening is the atmosphere is becoming more unstable. Rather than a steady moving in of winter and moving out of summer and then winter to summer. It jerks around, throwing the highs in the summer higher, lows in the winter lower, freak snow storm late in spring, floods, droughts, Indian summers. It is like the bonds between the parts are severed and there is no resistance to a change in direction.

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