Colin Kaepernick compares NFL Draft process and training camp to slavery.

but yet, the anti-AMERICAN piece of shit went through it for the $$, and NOW, its just no good....this shit stain needs to go whine in china
He loves Nike because of their use of children as slave labor.
What an outrage that Netflix (whatever that is) is presenting such a flattering portrait of that ingrate.


Maybe censorship is not such a bad idea after all!
If he thinks NFL training camp is like slavery, he should try military basic training especially if you were drafted, In a given year, the average annual salary of a NFL football player was $189,000 with a standard deviation of $20,500 does not sound much like slavery to me
Just when we thought the American left couldn't possibly be any dumber after the election of aoc and biden (wasn't elected) this moronic hypocrite who got paid $40 million from the NFL and $50 million dollars from Nike whose labor practices are what they are with their factories in Vietnam and Pakistan.....

He of course attacks the NFL. Not any of other sports like the NBA and hockey or soccer. It's the NFL cause well the NFL is really truly exclusively American while those others are WORLDLY.


Let Armageddon begin. Then after all of it we will see what is what with the remnant left facing the throne of Christ.

I don't know if I will ever have close to the strength to face that pure love and righteousness on my judgement.

Really don't know. Pray 🙏
Why don't leftists care that he collects $50 million dollars from a company with those well documented labor practices while claiming to be a victim and then claiming the NFL is like the slave trade when every negro playing in the NFL (unlike you know, slaves) are AAAALLLLLLL millionaires?

That not offensive to any leftists eh? Wonder why we call all of you pathological hypocrites?

That really a challenge for you? Do any of you have any ability to have independent thought that isn't part of the divide and conquer strategy of marxists as they use their useful idiots to do it like they always do?
Horrific having people try to offer you $5.1M a year for 4 years.

I have a solution. Never draft another black player.....because it's slavery after all.
Let them all tryout as undrafted FAs.
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Horrific having people try to offer you $5.1M a year for 4 years.

Colin Kapaernick is a prime example of a wasted mind and life. Raised in the lap of white privilege, this hypocrite takes full advantage of the benefits of the NFL and then wrongfully claims he has been oppressed. I believe karma will not be good for this loser.
Colin Kapaernick is a prime example of a wasted mind and life. Raised in the lap of white privilege, this hypocrite takes full advantage of the benefits of the NFL and then wrongfully claims he has been oppressed. I believe karma will not be good for this loser.

He was clear that it was not about him.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem

I can only assume that you are unable to understand the idea of how not everything must personally be about you.
He was clear that it was not about him.

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."

Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem

I can only assume that you are unable to understand the idea of how not everything must personally be about you.
You’d think with all of those millions of dollars he’s been oppressed with by being in America he could relocate to a better nation.

A fantasy nation no Leftist will ever tell us about because all Leftists are just America haters without a better place to go to.
You’d think with all of those millions of dollars he’s been oppressed with by being in America he could relocate to a better nation.

A fantasy nation no Leftist will ever tell us about because all Leftists are just America haters without a better place to go to.

It's really stupid and ignorant to think people should leave. No, what you do is work to make things better.
It's really stupid and ignorant to think people should leave. No, what you do is work to make things better.
#1 reason for migration is better opportunity elsewhere. Probably the only reason. Pretty hilarious of you to call me moronic and ignorant.
Colin Kapaernick is a prime example of a wasted mind and life. Raised in the lap of white privilege, this hypocrite takes full advantage of the benefits of the NFL and then wrongfully claims he has been oppressed. I believe karma will not be good for this loser.
Yeah, I wish someone would oppress me by giving me millions to play a game.

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