Colin Powell has endorsed Hillary Clinton

How do you like the fact that General Colin Powell endorsed Hillary?

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War mongers have to stick together

That is in fact a valid point.

A logical and intelligent case can be made to support that argument, given that it appears George Bush may even be voting for Hillary. All she needs now is Condi Rice on the bus.

I support Hillary Clinton, but I'm not unaware of the danger of war. My daughter is in the military.

Lol, you're not aware of what's about to transpire? You support at neocon. She will bring us into third WW.

She's running against a clown with no legislative experience and the temperament of a petulant child.

I'll take my chances with the adult. too!!!!! Who is the adult?? too!!!!! Who is the adult??[

The one that doesn't talk about grabbing pussy.

The one who covers for her husband and slanders the women who he had extramarital sex with? That adult? The one who was never sorry or remorseful? That adult.
Powell is a backstabbing traitor, he proved that.

Powell is a respected icon of the GOP, and this is further proof that Trump’s ‘candidacy’ goes beyond partisan politics, where Republicans of good conscience can’t support the likes of Trump.

Wrong again. Powell ceased being a Republican when he endorsed Obama twice. Period!
I tend to disagree, he could have maintained his Republican status if he would have voted for obama the first time around, it was the second time when he knew without doubt that obama was a total piece of shit not qualified to do much more than shine shoes at the bus stop that he lost his republican status and all respect from Americans.
obama didnt have enough history to really know how he would lead. hillary on the other hand has been screwing things up for over 20 years, there is no excuse for voting for her other than the voter being a total piece of shit to start with.

I agree with your conclusion, but still do not understand why Powell chose a piece of shit like Obama over a fellow warrior and former POW in 2008.
Lets look at McCain.
He first tried for the position when he ran against GW Bush in 1999. He lost to Bush because the voters didn't like him. He was for all purposes, just another liberal.
Why would the GOP think that running him again would be a good idea, then to top it off put Sarah Palin as the VP of the ticket. This was a disaster from the start. I would have gone 3rd party before I voted for him.
as far as that Hero status? He may well be, at the very least he did sacrifice for the country, but then, so did many others that have not been classified as hero's. I think he is trying to ride the hero angle just a tad too far.
So apparently the answer to my question "Is there a rock bottom to this place?" is "not so far."

Hey, weep for the little communist motherfuckers if you like...unless and until you ever see communism in person, you'll never get it and continue shitting on the GIs who didn't start that war and never got the chance to win it.
Big deal, the guy was never a true Republican. It's no surprise whatsoever that he would endorse Hillary.

Funny how he worked in the Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush two administrations. I think you would be wise to stop lying. The NSA is watching you subversives.

You better watch out, you better not lie
You better not lie, I'm telling you why
NSA is comin' to town, gather around
They're making a list and checking it twice
They're gonna find out who's naughty and nice
NSA is comin' to town
They see you when you're sleepin'
They know when you're awake
They know if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake
You better watch out, you better not lie
You better not lie, I'm telling you why
NSA is comin' to town
That is in fact a valid point.

A logical and intelligent case can be made to support that argument, given that it appears George Bush may even be voting for Hillary. All she needs now is Condi Rice on the bus.

I support Hillary Clinton, but I'm not unaware of the danger of war. My daughter is in the military.

Lol, you're not aware of what's about to transpire? You support at neocon. She will bring us into third WW.

She's running against a clown with no legislative experience and the temperament of a petulant child.

I'll take my chances with the adult. too!!!!! Who is the adult?? too!!!!! Who is the adult??[

The one that doesn't talk about grabbing pussy.

The one who covers for her husband and slanders the women who he had extramarital sex with? That adult? The one who was never sorry or remorseful? That adult.

Let me repeat this brother .. she's running against a clown with no legislative experience and with the temperament of a petulant child.

That's not an adult I would trust my daughter's life with, nor would I trust him with the lives and futures of any of my family.

With Clinton, she will at least seriously address the issue of police terrorism, Trump would only exacerbate the problem.

In spite of my reservations about Clinton, and war is at the top of that list .. she's a far superior choice than Trump. Even if I wasn't voting for Clinton, I would never vote for Trump in a billion years.
Powell is a backstabbing traitor, he proved that.

Powell is a respected icon of the GOP, and this is further proof that Trump’s ‘candidacy’ goes beyond partisan politics, where Republicans of good conscience can’t support the likes of Trump.

Wrong again. Powell ceased being a Republican when he endorsed Obama twice. Period!
I tend to disagree, he could have maintained his Republican status if he would have voted for obama the first time around, it was the second time when he knew without doubt that obama was a total piece of shit not qualified to do much more than shine shoes at the bus stop that he lost his republican status and all respect from Americans.
obama didnt have enough history to really know how he would lead. hillary on the other hand has been screwing things up for over 20 years, there is no excuse for voting for her other than the voter being a total piece of shit to start with.

I agree with your conclusion, but still do not understand why Powell chose a piece of shit like Obama over a fellow warrior and former POW in 2008.
Lets look at McCain.
He first tried for the position when he ran against GW Bush in 1999. He lost to Bush because the voters didn't like him. He was for all purposes, just another liberal.
Why would the GOP think that running him again would be a good idea, then to top it off put Sarah Palin as the VP of the ticket. This was a disaster from the start. I would have gone 3rd party before I voted for him.
as far as that Hero status? He may well be, at the very least he did sacrifice for the country, but then, so did many others that have not been classified as hero's. I think he is trying to ride the hero angle just a tad too far.

OK liar, explain why McCain is a liberal. Tell us from his quotes and voting records what makes him a liberal.
Alt-right neoCON tactics... whenever a Republican does the right thing he or she is a liberal. It seems that to atl-right CONS any Republican that is honest and moral is a liberal.

Att: CONS: While it is true that people in the center and on the left and paleo-Conservatives have high morals and Christian values, it does not automatically make them liberals. On the other hand.. you alt-righties and CONS really are immoral and deplorable by any standard.
Lol, you're not aware of what's about to transpire? You support at neocon. She will bring us into third WW.

She's running against a clown with no legislative experience and the temperament of a petulant child.

I'll take my chances with the adult. too!!!!! Who is the adult?? too!!!!! Who is the adult??[

The one that doesn't talk about grabbing pussy.

The one who covers for her husband and slanders the women who he had extramarital sex with? That adult? The one who was never sorry or remorseful? That adult.

Let me repeat this brother .. she's running against a clown with no legislative experience and with the temperament of a petulant child.

That's not an adult I would trust my daughter's life with, nor would I trust him with the lives and futures of any of my family.

With Clinton, she will at least seriously address the issue of police terrorism, Trump would only exacerbate the problem.

In spite of my reservations about Clinton, and war is at the top of that list .. she's a far superior choice than Trump. Even if I wasn't voting for Clinton, I would never vote for Trump in a billion years.

We're soon going to find out.

Powell is a respected icon of the GOP, and this is further proof that Trump’s ‘candidacy’ goes beyond partisan politics, where Republicans of good conscience can’t support the likes of Trump.

Wrong again. Powell ceased being a Republican when he endorsed Obama twice. Period!
I tend to disagree, he could have maintained his Republican status if he would have voted for obama the first time around, it was the second time when he knew without doubt that obama was a total piece of shit not qualified to do much more than shine shoes at the bus stop that he lost his republican status and all respect from Americans.
obama didnt have enough history to really know how he would lead. hillary on the other hand has been screwing things up for over 20 years, there is no excuse for voting for her other than the voter being a total piece of shit to start with.

I agree with your conclusion, but still do not understand why Powell chose a piece of shit like Obama over a fellow warrior and former POW in 2008.
Lets look at McCain.
He first tried for the position when he ran against GW Bush in 1999. He lost to Bush because the voters didn't like him. He was for all purposes, just another liberal.
Why would the GOP think that running him again would be a good idea, then to top it off put Sarah Palin as the VP of the ticket. This was a disaster from the start. I would have gone 3rd party before I voted for him.
as far as that Hero status? He may well be, at the very least he did sacrifice for the country, but then, so did many others that have not been classified as hero's. I think he is trying to ride the hero angle just a tad too far.

OK liar, explain why McCain is a liberal. Tell us from his quotes and voting records what makes him a liberal.

McCain is an illegal collaborating traitor who wants to give those murdering raping thugs amnesty.
How many stupid republican/teabaggers did "the donald" insult and they are voting for him.
You argument is stupid and doesn't hold water.
Try once again. if you have the intelligence to even make some real point.

Thats some funny shit right there!!!
She tried to throw him under the bus and now he's voting for her?
Just how bad is the shit the establishment is so desperately trying to hide?
Remember when Powell got labeled a racist by the usual suspects on the Right when he endorsed Barack Obama?

My question to those people, what color is Hillary Clinton?
As many ******* as she's hugged in the past's rubbed off.

bigoted hack
Hillary is not bigoted...she just uses blacks as stepping stones and crutches.

Given your comments I don't know why anyone would listen to you about bigotry.
You be pushin' it HJ? Hillary be munchin it......yo

push it lyrics
How many stupid republican/teabaggers did "the donald" insult and they are voting for him.
You argument is stupid and doesn't hold water.
Try once again. if you have the intelligence to even make some real point.

Thats some funny shit right there!!!
She tried to throw him under the bus and now he's voting for her?
Just how bad is the shit the establishment is so desperately trying to hide?
I know its hard to understand but, the fact that he isn't catering to people just to get their vote is actually a selling point to me.
Hillary is siding with terrorist groups like BLM in hopes of gaining the black support, she is willing to let as many illegals invade us as she can, just to get the Hispanic vote.
Trump on the other hand is telling it like it is, hoping that people will see that as a president He cant cater to everyone all the time.
She's running against a clown with no legislative experience and the temperament of a petulant child.

I'll take my chances with the adult. too!!!!! Who is the adult?? too!!!!! Who is the adult??[

The one that doesn't talk about grabbing pussy.

The one who covers for her husband and slanders the women who he had extramarital sex with? That adult? The one who was never sorry or remorseful? That adult.

Let me repeat this brother .. she's running against a clown with no legislative experience and with the temperament of a petulant child.

That's not an adult I would trust my daughter's life with, nor would I trust him with the lives and futures of any of my family.

With Clinton, she will at least seriously address the issue of police terrorism, Trump would only exacerbate the problem.

In spite of my reservations about Clinton, and war is at the top of that list .. she's a far superior choice than Trump. Even if I wasn't voting for Clinton, I would never vote for Trump in a billion years.

We're soon going to find out.

You mean you don't know that Trump has already lost?
How many stupid republican/teabaggers did "the donald" insult and they are voting for him.
You argument is stupid and doesn't hold water.
Try once again. if you have the intelligence to even make some real point.

Thats some funny shit right there!!!
She tried to throw him under the bus and now he's voting for her?
Just how bad is the shit the establishment is so desperately trying to hide?

Hmmm....he didnt insult me. And he didnt try and blame a criminal act on me either,unlike hillary did to Powell. too!!!!! Who is the adult?? too!!!!! Who is the adult??[

The one that doesn't talk about grabbing pussy.

The one who covers for her husband and slanders the women who he had extramarital sex with? That adult? The one who was never sorry or remorseful? That adult.

Let me repeat this brother .. she's running against a clown with no legislative experience and with the temperament of a petulant child.

That's not an adult I would trust my daughter's life with, nor would I trust him with the lives and futures of any of my family.

With Clinton, she will at least seriously address the issue of police terrorism, Trump would only exacerbate the problem.

In spite of my reservations about Clinton, and war is at the top of that list .. she's a far superior choice than Trump. Even if I wasn't voting for Clinton, I would never vote for Trump in a billion years.

We're soon going to find out.

You mean you don't know that Trump has already lost?
Trump lost 8 years ago.
Remember when Powell got labeled a racist by the usual suspects on the Right when he endorsed Barack Obama?

My question to those people, what color is Hillary Clinton?
If he voted for Obama, why should it come as any surprise that he endorsed the hildabeast?
He had to vote for obama just to prove he wasn't a racist,, oh wait, that's not right....
How many stupid republican/teabaggers did "the donald" insult and they are voting for him.
You argument is stupid and doesn't hold water.
Try once again. if you have the intelligence to even make some real point.

Thats some funny shit right there!!!
She tried to throw him under the bus and now he's voting for her?
Just how bad is the shit the establishment is so desperately trying to hide?

Hmmm....he didnt insult me. And he didnt try and blame a criminal act on me either,unlike hillary did to Powell.

Robert Scheer: Now Powell Tells Us

On Monday, former Secretary of State Colin Powell told me that he and his department’s top experts never believed that Iraq posed an imminent nuclear threat, but that the president followed the misleading advice of Vice President Dick Cheney and the CIA in making the claim. Now he tells us.

The harsh truth is that this president cherry-picked the intelligence data in making his case for invading Iraq and deliberately kept the public in the dark as to the countervailing analysis at the highest level of the intelligence community. While the president and his top Cabinet officials were fear-mongering with stark images of a “mushroom cloud” over American cities, the leading experts on nuclear weaponry at the Department of Energy (the agency in charge of the U.S. nuclear-weapons program) and the State Department thought the claim of a near-term Iraqi nuclear threat was absurd.


I queried Powell at a reception following a talk he gave in Los Angeles on Monday. Pointing out that the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate showed that his State Department had gotten it right on the nonexistent Iraq nuclear threat, I asked why did the president ignore that wisdom in his stated case for the invasion?

“The CIA was pushing the aluminum tube argument heavily and Cheney went with that instead of what our guys wrote,” Powell said. And the Niger reference in Bush’s State of the Union speech? “That was a big mistake,” he said. “It should never have been in the speech. I didn’t need Wilson to tell me that there wasn’t a Niger connection. He didn’t tell us anything we didn’t already know. I never believed it.”
Robert Scheer: Now Powell Tells Us: Robert Scheer
Remember when Powell got labeled a racist by the usual suspects on the Right when he endorsed Barack Obama?

My question to those people, what color is Hillary Clinton?
As many ******* as she's hugged in the past's rubbed off.

bigoted hack
Hillary is not bigoted...she just uses blacks as stepping stones and crutches.

Given your comments I don't know why anyone would listen to you about bigotry.
You be pushin' it HJ? Hillary be munchin it......yo

push it lyrics

That's neat. :booze:

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