Colin Powell: Iran nuclear deal is a "pretty good deal"

Once again...the world moves on and Teapublicans sit on the outside pouting
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Explain how

Otherwise, I will accuse you of rightwing fantasies
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
Yes it's a done deal, thing is, if it works as advertised they will not even remember there ever was an Iran deal in a few years.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Explain how

Otherwise, I will accuse you of rightwing fantasies
He signs the deal and claims death to America. Nothing wrong with that.
Give them a few years and they will take credit
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Explain how

Otherwise, I will accuse you of rightwing fantasies
He signs the deal and claims death to America. Nothing wrong with that.
Sorry...I missed the point where you support your wild claims
Yeah when Iran tests a nuclear bomb next year, we'll give all the credit to bath house Barry and his bubble headed ass kissing minions.

The world will be so much safer when Iran gets nukes, thanks to Barry and Kerry.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Explain how

Otherwise, I will accuse you of rightwing fantasies
He signs the deal and claims death to America. Nothing wrong with that.
Sorry...I missed the point where you support your wild claims
So the leader of Iran didn't say death to America? What rock have you been under?

Colin P loves him some death to America
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If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
They wanted something that looked very much like an unconditional surrender and a republican president at whose feet the Iranians would shamelessly grovel begging to recognize Israel for a lifting of sanctions. Never would have happened in a million years.
More nonsense from the right

If we follow your advice, they will have a weapon in a year. Obama just bought us ten years

Bullshit. Not only will Iran have nukes in a couple years, but so will Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and ISIS. This stupid deal will cause war in the mideast. Watch.
Explain how

Otherwise, I will accuse you of rightwing fantasies
He signs the deal and claims death to America. Nothing wrong with that.
Sorry...I missed the point where you support your wild claims
So the leader of Iran didn't say death to America? What rock have you been under?
Our conservative leaders and those in Israel have said similar things for a domestic audience for years giving Iran the very real fear we may just wake up and decide to bomb them one day. If all that tough talking sabre rattling you conservatives love so well were taken 100% seriously the world would be a dead radioactive cinder right now.
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
My question was if the deal does not work as promised will you blame Obama or try and pass it to someone else since you continue to dodge answering that question the logical thought is you will try and pass the blame.
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
They wanted something that looked very much like an unconditional surrender and a republican president at whose feet the Iranians would shamelessly grovel begging to recognize Israel for a lifting of sanctions. Never would have happened in a million years.
Pretty much true

Today's Republicans will not accept a win/win proposal because it allows the other guy to win also

Anything short of 100% surrender is unacceptable
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
My question was if the deal does not work as promised will you blame Obama or try and pass it to someone else since you continue to dodge answering that question the logical thought is you will try and pass the blame.
Just as much as you will shower praise on Obama when it does work
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
yes you are because ten yrs time has been wasted......just like with norks
Vs the ten years that has already been wasted

They are 80%there right now.....Republican plan lets them get to 100%
Talking point trooper posts talking points.......and then will act surprised when Iran has the bomb much sooner than his god promised
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
My question was if the deal does not work as promised will you blame Obama or try and pass it to someone else since you continue to dodge answering that question the logical thought is you will try and pass the blame.
Just as much as you will shower praise on Obama when it does work
If this deal works as advertised I will give him credit for it the question still remains if it does not will you give him the blame for it? A simple yes or no will suffice.
If this deal does not work as promised will you on the left blame Obama or will you somehow try and blame Bush?
If it doesn't work out.....we are no worse off than we are today
That really doesn't answer the question it simply dodges it.
I'm afraid it does answer your concern

What alternative do you propose?
My question was if the deal does not work as promised will you blame Obama or try and pass it to someone else since you continue to dodge answering that question the logical thought is you will try and pass the blame.
If the deal does not work it will be because Iran does not want it to work, right now they very badly want it to work and that is the best anyone could hope for. They have agreed to give up practically all the progress towards a nuclear weapon they have made, we will know before too long if they are actually serious. There is no shame in allowing your enemy an opportunity to exit the battlefield before the shooting starts.
Well, then, I guess that ends all debate, if Colin Powell says it's a pretty good deal. Never mind that there are no firm inspection provisions in the deal. Never mind that in some cases the Iranians get to do their own inspecting and just send us pictures. Never mind that the deal will allow hundreds of billions of dollars to flow into the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism. Never mind that Iran insisted on getting back their scientist whom we caught trying to get military secrets in CA but that we still don't have any of our hostages back. But, well, since Colin Powell says it's a pretty good deal, let's all play the part of the sheeple and say, "baah."

The expert on non nuclear proliferation have said this is good deal.

“It puts a gap between [Iran’s] ability to build a bomb and actually doing it, and the gap is big enough for us to do something about it if we detect them moving toward a bomb,” Lewis said. “At the highest macro level, I think that’s fantastic.”

As to critics who say a better deal should have been reached, Kingston Reif, director for disarmament and threat reduction policy at the Arms Control Association, puts it in simple terms: “A perfect deal was not attainable.

“Overall, it’s a very strong and good deal, but it wasn’t negotiations that resulted in a score of 100-0 for the US,” Reif said. “That’s not how international negotiations go.”

Added James Acton, co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program and senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment: “You can’t compare this to a perfect deal, which was never attainable."

Experts Praise Iran Deal, Despite Congressional Concerns

So Powell listens to experts, a voice of sanity...

This is again the GOP/Righties not listening to experts just spouting hype....Not the first time and probably not the last...
That is why Trump and Bush will not rip it up...

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