Colin Powell...Who Is He, Again?

the two of you guys certainly deserve each other.
I am glad you found one another.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.
the two of you guys certainly deserve each other.
I am glad you found one another.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.

I think it's beautiful that people of all political ideologies are being brought together in their sheer annoyance at this little fuck. Liberals, centrists and conservatives all don't like or agree with this little brain dead welching fuck. This could be the beginning of a beautiful bi-partisan golden age of understanding and it all began with this kid lying and welching.
the two of you guys certainly deserve each other.
I am glad you found one another.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.

I think it's beautiful that people of all political ideologies are being brought together in their sheer annoyance at this little fuck. Liberals, centrists and conservatives all don't like or agree with this little brain dead welching fuck. This could be the beginning of a beautiful bi-partisan golden age of understanding and it all began with this kid lying and welching.

typical liberal violence!!

If I'm mistaken about something please say exactly what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

I guess it is not your brain that is oversized. It is your head that is way too thick....

Let me put it to you this way....

It is not the validity of what you is how you say it.

In other words...

As you grow older, work on your approach. You will find less people will want to argue with you and more people will want to learn from you.
To be frank, I have not read any of your posts since realizing you were a child with way too much confidence.

As for my IQ.....I have enjoyed a very fruitful and successful life and have absolutely no regrets. A wife of 3 decades, 2 children that have grown into independant adults...and retired at the age of I guess whatever my IQ is, it did good by me...even if it is easily eclipsed by your oversized brain.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

I guess it is not your brain that is oversized. It is your head that is way too thick....

Let me put it to you this way....

It is not the validity of what you is how you say it.

In other words...

As you grow older, work on your approach. You will find less people will want to argue with you and more people will want to learn from you.

Typical liberal evasion!!!!

If I'm mistaken about something please say exactly what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

I guess it is not your brain that is oversized. It is your head that is way too thick....

Let me put it to you this way....

It is not the validity of what you is how you say it.

In other words...

As you grow older, work on your approach. You will find less people will want to argue with you and more people will want to learn from you.

Typical liberal evasion!!!!

If I'm mistaken about something please say exactly what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

I am a conservative....and I have not evaded. I have been quite frank with you.

I can not point out where you are mistaken for I have not read your I have already pointed out to you.

Perhpas if your approach were more mature, I would have read them and learned from them.

Thus why I offered you the advice in my previous post.

Time for dinner, son. Go wash your hands.
I guess it is not your brain that is oversized. It is your head that is way too thick....

Let me put it to you this way....

It is not the validity of what you is how you say it.

In other words...

As you grow older, work on your approach. You will find less people will want to argue with you and more people will want to learn from you.

Typical liberal evasion!!!!

If I'm mistaken about something please say exactly what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks

I am a conservative....and I have not evaded. I have been quite frank with you.

I can not point out where you are mistaken for I have not read your I have already pointed out to you.

Perhpas if your approach were more mature, I would have read them and learned from them.

Thus why I offered you the advice in my previous post.

Time for dinner, son. Go wash your hands.

If I'm mistaken about something please say what it is or admit you lack the IQ to do so. Thanks
This is deja vu of yesterday. This idiot gets destroyed in an argument. Then he runs off. Then he shows up the next day posting the exact same idiocy. What an annoying asshole.

I told you yesterday EdwardBaiamonte was about to highjack this thread. It is a rerun of the same ignorance he has spewed numerous times.
This is deja vu of yesterday. This idiot gets destroyed in an argument. Then he runs off. Then he shows up the next day posting the exact same idiocy. What an annoying asshole.

I told you yesterday EdwardBaiamonte was about to highjack this thread. It is a rerun of the same ignorance he has spewed numerous times.

Plus it's probably not really Ed that we're debating, since the 3 or 4 replies he posts, ad nauseum, speak to another force at work: care-giver pinned notes to his shirt, and he types what's on them.
It is a rerun of the same ignorance he has spewed numerous times.

of course libertarian ignorance is easy to defeat. Please show best example of where you have done this or admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to even attemp it.
The modern Republican Party had it roots in the Whig Party.

Formed from the Whig and Democrat party....the modern Republican Party was formed for the specific purpose of ending the ending slavery and segregation.....the cornerstones of the Democrat Party.
Looks like the GOP apologists have tossed the big tent propaganda under the bus. Colin Powell was a product of tokenism and affirmative action - LMAO you guys and gals on the right are hilarious.

Here's a couple not too subtle examples that even a thick partisan hack such as yourself should be able to grasp.



she was referring top "within the party"...

We all know there are people in everyday life that are racists.

Powell was referring to the racists WITHIN the party.

Who are they and where is the evidence?

I cited serious examples of racist comments made by those in the democratic party....but the best Powell came up with was some former GOP giovernor using the evil "L" if the word lazy has been known for years to refer to "do nothing black men".....gimme a break.

So when Donald Trump was going on about the citizenship question, that wasn't within the party? Especially when he became a surrogate for Mitt Romney? Who also joked about the whole birther thing?

So when Newt Gingrich rants about the anti-colonial mentality, that's outside the party as well?


Powell is a political opportunist. Kissing liberal ass is better for him now.

A political opportunist? How so? He's not IN office. He's not RUNNING for office. To my knowledge, he's not attempting to get appointed to any post.
That one didn't know what to say, but just knew she had to say something, anything, just gotta keep that jaw flapping.

A political opportunist? How so? He's not IN office. He's not RUNNING for office. To my knowledge, he's not attempting to get appointed to any post.

He's politically backing a demon crap.

A person isn't an 'opportunist' unless what he's doing somehow manages to help him further his goals or helps him realize an opportunity which he believes has presented itself. It's also generally understood that an 'opportunist' is someone who abandons his values or previously stated beliefs in some way in order to pursue that opportunity. From what I can tell, Powell has always held his personal integrity in far higher regard than the average politician who is all too willing to sell out for some kind of personal gain. If Iraq didn't prove that to you, I don't know what would. All Powell had to do to stay in the good graces of Bush, Cheney, and the GOP establishment is keep to himself his deeply held beliefs that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. But he felt compelled to eventually state his true beliefs after he left the administration prior to Bush's second term.

You guys are so out of touch with personal integrity that you can't even see it when it's right in front of you.
And that's not even the half.

Who is Colin Powell? A patriot. Something you are incapable of understanding.

1. Oh...yeah?????

2. you have the National Anthem on your iPod?????

1. Absolutely.

2. Note that being passively entertained by any music is not the stuff of being patriotic, as in actually serving in the defense of the nation, as a career.
The modern Republican Party had it roots in the Whig Party.

Formed from the Whig and Democrat party....the modern Republican Party was formed for the specific purpose of ending the ending slavery and segregation.....the cornerstones of the Democrat Party.

Whatever the Republican Party was back then, it sure as shit isn't today.
Colin Powell EARNED the positions he held. And he's earned respect. Instead of trying to smear the messenger, why not take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for your shortcoming and try to improve?

It certainly can't come as a shock to learn that racists have found safe harbor in the GOP? It's not like that is any surprise now is it?

actually it is the Democrats' Great Society and War on Poverty that amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

Yeah ... poll taxes, Jim Crow, no admittance to state universities, ... them sure were the good ol' days ....

That's why the GOP is known as the angry white guy party....always yearning for those good ol' days....
actually it is the Democrats' Great Society and War on Poverty that amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

Yeah ... poll taxes, Jim Crow, no admittance to state universities, ... them sure were the good ol' days ....

That's why the GOP is known as the angry white guy party....always yearning for those good ol' days....

dear those days were better than today's liberal days.Today there are more black men in jail than there were slaves in 1860. IS that a liberals idea of progress?

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