Collateral damage by design?


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Islam doesn't regard civilians and other non-combatants a protected class in war. Why should Israel?

Perhaps the killing of civilians in Gaza is a message to a generation that might seek to continue the militancy of HAMAS. As was voiced in the movie "Avatar" this war might affect their 'collective consciousness' for generations to come.
Islam doesn't regard civilians and other non-combatants a protected class in war. Why should Israel?

Perhaps the killing of civilians in Gaza is a message to a generation that might seek to continue the militancy of HAMAS. As was voiced in the movie "Avatar" this war might affect their 'collective consciousness' for generations to come.

The rules of war in the Koran forbid the killing of women, children, old people and livestock.

It's not like God telling the Jews to kill all the Canaanites.

You're ignorant.
Non-Combatant Immunity - Principle of Distinction in Islamic Law.

This means that non-combatant enemies should not be attacked and any attack against helpless women, children, elderly etc is an act of aggression that angers the Almighty God.

The Prophet ﷺ’s principle of non-aggression not only prevents unjust wars from starting, it also prevents injustice from occurring once war has already been declared. We now turn our attention to how Islam established rules, based upon non-aggression, to minimize the harms of warfare as much as possible.

The old, the weak, [non-combatant] women, children, monks, laborers, and other civilians cannot be targeted unless they forfeit that immunity by fighting themselves. Mutilation and torture are strictly prohibited.


For education:

Compatibility between Modern IHL and Principles of Islamic Law of Conduct of War: A Comparative Analysis

The article explores the fact that the regulation of the behavior of combatants during an armed conflict has a very old Islamic history as compared to the modern-day IHL practices. Its acknowledgment of the notion of military necessity is emphatically conjoined with the observance of elementary considerations of humanity that are the sine qua non for mitigating the unnecessary harm to combatants on one hand and any harm at all to civilians on the other.

Non-Combatant Immunity - Principle of Distinction in Islamic Law.

This means that non-combatant enemies should not be attacked and any attack against helpless women, children, elderly etc is an act of aggression that angers the Almighty God.

The Prophet ﷺ’s principle of non-aggression not only prevents unjust wars from starting, it also prevents injustice from occurring once war has already been declared. We now turn our attention to how Islam established rules, based upon non-aggression, to minimize the harms of warfare as much as possible.

The old, the weak, [non-combatant] women, children, monks, laborers, and other civilians cannot be targeted unless they forfeit that immunity by fighting themselves. Mutilation and torture are strictly prohibited.


For education:

Compatibility between Modern IHL and Principles of Islamic Law of Conduct of War: A Comparative Analysis

The article explores the fact that the regulation of the behavior of combatants during an armed conflict has a very old Islamic history as compared to the modern-day IHL practices. Its acknowledgment of the notion of military necessity is emphatically conjoined with the observance of elementary considerations of humanity that are the sine qua non for mitigating the unnecessary harm to combatants on one hand and any harm at all to civilians on the other.


Woodznutz just assumed Muslims could kill non combatants.
Islam doesn't regard civilians and other non-combatants a protected class in war. Why should Israel?

Perhaps the killing of civilians in Gaza is a message to a generation that might seek to continue the militancy of HAMAS. As was voiced in the movie "Avatar" this war might affect their 'collective consciousness' for generations to come.
Israel lost the moral high ground
The rules of war in the Koran forbid the killing of women, children, old people and livestock.

It's not like God telling the Jews to kill all the Canaanites.

You're ignorant.

The barbaric Hamas terrorists don't understand the Koran?

That's awful!
Islamic extremists don't follow those rules. ;)

Criminals never do.

He said: “Eighty percent of the incidents worked like this: we would send tractors to plow in an area of little use, in a demilitarized zone, knowing ahead of time that the Syrians would shoot. If they didn’t start shooting, we would tell the tractors to advance until the Syrians would get aggravated and start shooting. We used artillery and later the air force became involved.”

Dayan said this was the policy for years and that former northern military commanders, later including Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, consistently used such tactics.

He said that after the 1948 war of independence, Israel was unhappy with the cease-fire lines and wanted to change them “through military actions that were not quite at the level of war. The idea was to seize an area and hold on to it until the enemy despairs and gives it to us.”
My POINT is that the "moral high ground' is like "good intentions:" They can both pave the road to hell.
The rules of war in the Koran forbid the killing of women, children, old people and livestock.

It's not like God telling the Jews to kill all the Canaanites.

You're ignorant.

The G-d of Israel ordered first calling out to peace, even to 'Amalek.

On 7th Oct. not only Israel,
but the entire world was reminded
why, morally, that option is impossible.

Non-Combatant Immunity - Principle of Distinction in Islamic Law.

This means that non-combatant enemies should not be attacked and any attack against helpless women, children, elderly etc is an act of aggression that angers the Almighty God.

The Prophet ﷺ’s principle of non-aggression not only prevents unjust wars from starting, it also prevents injustice from occurring once war has already been declared. We now turn our attention to how Islam established rules, based upon non-aggression, to minimize the harms of warfare as much as possible.

The old, the weak, [non-combatant] women, children, monks, laborers, and other civilians cannot be targeted unless they forfeit that immunity by fighting themselves. Mutilation and torture are strictly prohibited.


For education:

Compatibility between Modern IHL and Principles of Islamic Law of Conduct of War: A Comparative Analysis

The article explores the fact that the regulation of the behavior of combatants during an armed conflict has a very old Islamic history as compared to the modern-day IHL practices. Its acknowledgment of the notion of military necessity is emphatically conjoined with the observance of elementary considerations of humanity that are the sine qua non for mitigating the unnecessary harm to combatants on one hand and any harm at all to civilians on the other.

Islam - expansion wars of Arab imperialism

The G-d of Israel ordered first calling out to peace, even to 'Amalek.

On 7th Oct. not only Israel,
but the entire world was reminded
why, morally, that option is impossible.

Most hadiths came out of Persia 250 after the death of Muhammad. You're still ignorant.
Hey, just because the muslims raped and killed their way thru
that land doesn't mean...umm...err...

However, you must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy them – the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite ….” (Deut. 20:16-18)

“Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, infants and nursing babies, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Sam 15:3)

I will send [panic] in front of you, and they will drive out the Hivites, Canaanites, and Hethites away from you.” (Ex. 23:29)

“Do not defile yourselves by any of these practices, for the nations I am driving out before you have defiled themselves by all these things.” (Lev. 18:24)

“You must drive out all the inhabitants of the land ….” (Num. 33:52)
However, you must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy them – the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite ….” (Deut. 20:16-18)

“Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, infants and nursing babies, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.” (1 Sam 15:3)

I will send [panic] in front of you, and they will drive out the Hivites, Canaanites, and Hethites away from you.” (Ex. 23:29)

“Do not defile yourselves by any of these practices, for the nations I am driving out before you have defiled themselves by all these things.” (Lev. 18:24)

“You must drive out all the inhabitants of the land ….” (Num. 33:52)
It would likely be a better world if Israel had done this.

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