Collectivism (group think) vs Individual Rights


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Who does not want to make the world a better place? With so much sorrow and suffering, poverty and plunder, cynicism and corruption in far too many places, nearly everyone, if asked, will usually say that if he could he would try to make this shared planet of ours a safer, prettier, more prosperous, and less unjust shared domicile on which we all live. The problem is, what are the best means to that end?

The answer to that question has plagued mankind for a very long time, going back to the ancients. With all the nuances and distinctions that have been discussed and debated, I would suggest that it all comes down to a decision between force and freedom. For most of human history, the implied or articulated presumption has been that human beings left to their own personal devices will bring about a world of cruelty, injustice, and societal harm.

The presumption that people need paternalism

In other words, human beings in general need someone or something to control and command them, to restrain their harmful proclivities and direct them into the ways of living and interacting that ensure degrees of harmony and fairness in the relationships between them. Conquerors and kings, as well as democratically elected politicians or populist demagogues hungry only for power, have all insisted that they want authority over others for the good of those over whom they wish to assert and impose their rule.

Collectivism Breeds Indifference to the Loss of Liberty

MY OPINION: I've spent many words denouncing the collective, here and other forums, and I stand by my assertion; Group think (collectivism) is disrespectful to the Individual. Yet, it seems, the group mentality advocate acolytes (the woke crowd types) demand they be respected- they have no clue about respect, or how it's gained- when all else fails, they resort to force- and no matter what excuse is used, the initiation of force is immoral-

You can slam me or call me names or use any pejorative your shallow mind can conceive, (be sure to check with you betters about the correct one) but no amount of denial will change the fact- N.O.T. O.N.E.
Fuck the idea of "For the Greater Good"
That has never been the answer for anything and has only been the foot in the door for communism. At this point in time people need only care about themselves and their families. The government does not care about them. Otherwise that would not have declared you non essential and put you out of work again for the "Greater Good"
Nobody is stepping into your personal life telling you what to do.
WTF world do you live in? Declaring you or business non essential basically putting you out of work, telling you to wear a mask, can't eat indoors when you go to a restaurant, in your feebler mind i is not stepping into your personal life?
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Trump Nazis.
Thanks for the personal illustration of the point- look in a mirror or look at where the 3 fingers are pointing back to when you point a finger- Trump has 0 to do with it, stupid.

After you get past your self-righteous pretense, maybe reading the article would help you form a more cogent response as your reaction is quite predictable of exactly what you quoted- both times.
Fuck the idea of "For the Greater Good"
That has never been the answer for anything and has only been the foot in the door for communism. At this point in time people need only care about themselves and their families. The government does not care about them. Otherwise that would not have declared you non essential and put you out of work again for the "Greater Good"
The Greater Good resides in the Individual's ability to act in Liberty- without Individual action nothing takes place, which is what the collectivist refuse to recognize- nor do they respect the effort of the Individual who called them to arms or lead them astray or brainwash them- it's always someone else's fault- not the group they patronize-

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