College degree required

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Send everyone to college, let them rack up $10s of thousand in debt, and they can get a good job at a law firm, as a messenger or a file clerk.

Yet, somehow, me pointing out that this is absurd means I hate education.

he college degree is becoming the new high school diploma: the new minimum requirement, albeit an expensive one, for getting even the lowest-level job.
Consider the 45-person law firm of Busch, Slipakoff & Schuh here in Atlanta, a place that has seen tremendous growth in the college-educated population. Like other employers across the country, the firm hires only people with a bachelor’s degree, even for jobs that do not require college-level skills.
This prerequisite applies to everyone, including the receptionist, paralegals, administrative assistants and file clerks. Even the office “runner” — the in-house courier who, for $10 an hour, ferries documents back and forth between the courthouse and the office — went to a four-year school.
“College graduates are just more career-oriented,” said Adam Slipakoff, the firm’s managing partner. “Going to college means they are making a real commitment to their futures. They’re not just looking for a paycheck.”
Economists have referred to this phenomenon as “degree inflation,” and it has been steadily infiltrating America’s job market. Across industries and geographic areas, many other jobs that didn’t used to require a diploma — positions like dental hygienists, cargo agents, clerks and claims adjusters — are increasingly requiring one, according to Burning Glass, a company that analyzes job ads from more than 20,000 online sources, including major job boards and small- to midsize-employer sites.
Forget college: learn a trade!
Yup, people really do underestimate both the income potential and job market for skilled trades.

Another underutilized avenue is community colleges for the first two years of school. They are way cheaper, can give students the opportunity to feel their way a bit more in terms of what they want to study, and if transfer to a university to complete the degree looks exactly the same as the kid who spent all four years at university.
The first line explains it perfectly A college degree is the new high school diploma. A high school diploma had real meaning, when high school actually taught something. It takes college, at least remedial junior college, before a person could be considered to have a basic education.
Libs have so dumbed down high school that you need a college degree to prove literacy. Plus liberals make a killing from the outrageous tuitions they charge. They of course can diflect blame by blaming the banks, and not their own tuition rates.
There is an over-abundance of college educated talent and a severe lack of billets for them to fill.

Right now anybody going into debt to study the social sciences or humanities who isn't also well connected enough to find one of those rare well paid billets, or wealthy enough that it doesn't matter, is kinda nuts.

America doesn't have a serious educational problem it has a serious industrialization problem.
Libs have so dumbed down high school that you need a college degree to prove literacy. Plus liberals make a killing from the outrageous tuitions they charge. They of course can diflect blame by blaming the banks, and not their own tuition rates.

Interesting. I see 'Conservatives' constantly bemoaning the state of public education, and posting nonsense that indicates that they haven't the faintest notion on how to do simple research on the wonder they are sending their posts on. Perhaps these 'Conservatives' should assume more personal responsibility for their education, instead of insisting that the state force feed them.
Forget college: learn a trade!

Yep. I agree with President Obama - all US citizens should have the opportunity to continue their education .. college, trade schools, apprenticeships .. it should be available to all of us.
Forget college: learn a trade!

Yep. I agree with President Obama - all US citizens should have the opportunity to continue their education .. college, trade schools, apprenticeships .. it should be available to all of us.

It is.

Wait, Obama wants the government involved in order to make it more expensive, which is why he is regulating interns out of existence.

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