College kids "offended" by U.S. flag...trickle-down from Democrats?


Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.
Would you care to define what a "real" American is, or a "real "Christian is since you seem to have appointed yourself as our national and religious arbitrator?

That guy doesn't have the credibility to judge a mouse maze-race.

I'm your racist, misogynist bigot. Step up in my face and see what happens to ya.

I'm telling you right now: Fuck you, leftist. You got nothing on me. Nothing.

I do have something on you, I'm not a punk, I have a triple digit IQ, and it's in a 6'2" 234 pound frame.

Or more like this...


If you are going to bullshit people, try not to overdo it. and 100 IQ is "triple digit" and basically means you are marginally smarter than average.

Wrong, 90 - 110 is average, mine is higher.

Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.
Would you care to define what a "real" American is, or a "real "Christian is since you seem to have appointed yourself as our national and religious arbitrator?

That guy doesn't have the credibility to judge a mouse maze-race.

I'm your racist, misogynist bigot. Step up in my face and see what happens to ya.

I'm telling you right now: Fuck you, leftist. You got nothing on me. Nothing.

I do have something on you, I'm not a punk, I have a triple digit IQ, and it's in a 6'2" 234 pound frame.

Or more like this...


If you are going to bullshit people, try not to overdo it. and 100 IQ is "triple digit" and basically means you are marginally smarter than average.

Wrong, 90 - 110 is average, mine is higher.

^Translation: My IQ is 111, I'm smucking fart!

The fucks I give are zero.

Personally I think you're bullshittin.

That would not deter my average man-sized ass from knocking you the fuck out, I'll tell you that.

You are a punk, and a bullshitter, and a leftist.

Your theories are bad and you should feel bad.

Bitch, I've knocked out 6'6" motherfuckers, it's all about temple or jaw, baby.

Won't say I "ain't skeered" but I ain't runnin, ever. I'm fightin' before flightin'

You have zero credibility you leftist tard. Let's see a show of hands.

How credible is Wry Catcher? Not at all.

PS: Your IQ is sub-150 and I can tell that.

Furthermore, who's trying to be a bully? Isn't there some kind of leftist campaign against bullying?

Yeah, I have a solution for bullies. Stick them in the nose as hard as you can and keep swinging and aiming for the jaw or temple.

Good, I don't care how many fucks you give.

[giving fucks
?, does that mean you're a whore and not a prostitute?]

Nor do I care what you want to believe (notice, I didn't write want to think). You've proved to be a punk, I dealt with too many punks during my career to worry about one more childish fantasy of bravado. Punks are good at that, only when locked in a cage, or hiding behind a keyboard.

Have a nice day Mr. Mitty.

Fuck you, I hope your leftist shill meager-ass check dries up when they're kicked to the dustbin of irrelevancy.

You may have to get a real job, then.

FYI: You can make more money having a real job than trolling message boards. ;)

Sorry Mary, I retired over a decade ago, and I receive a retirement based on 3%@50; I worked 32 years and retired with management benefits which added 8 weeks to my final annual compensation (it included the sale of unused vacation, unused management leave, and the Ventura Decision).

Or so you just made up.

Yet your posting history says: "paid shill" and "Momma's basement"

My mother passed away in 2008. Leave her and my family out of your bullshit. But in doing so you've proved my assessment that you are nothing more than a punk.

You are the queen of the cheap shot.
The UNM Residence Hall Handbook stipulates that “room decorations are to be in the interior of your room and may not extend into public spaces."

US flags are not decorations.

Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.

If you are consistent in your speech, then you can tell illegals the same thing....en espanol. (Mi esposa es messicana y mis hijos son messicanos tambien.)

Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.
Would you care to define what a "real" American is, or a "real "Christian is since you seem to have appointed yourself as our national and religious arbitrator?

That guy doesn't have the credibility to judge a mouse maze-race.

I'm your racist, misogynist bigot. Step up in my face and see what happens to ya.

I'm telling you right now: Fuck you, leftist. You got nothing on me. Nothing.

I do have something on you, I'm not a punk, I have a triple digit IQ, and it's in a 6'2" 234 pound frame.

Or more like this...


If you are going to bullshit people, try not to overdo it. and 100 IQ is "triple digit" and basically means you are marginally smarter than average.

Wrong, 90 - 110 is average, mine is higher.

Suuuure it is.....
Follow me here; so these little whackos many going to school for free and or subsidized by the American taxpayer are offended by the U.S. flag....a flag that among other things represents liberty, freedom and the very opportunity they are capitalizing on. WOW!
Liberals are doing an amazing job programming these retarded kids to think and become fragile un-American's....they should be very proud. Is this just another reminder that maybe we have become a bit to "DIVERSE"?
(Notice the SUPER nut-job at 1:52 in the video...think she / he / it is Republican?)

UC Davis Student Senate Votes To Make American Flag Optional At Meetings

Just another bullshit story:
UPDATE: UNM student told to remove American flag from dorm window
It should be optional whether or not they respect their country just as it should be optional as to who We, the People give our tax dollars or low-interest college loans. In this case, they can foot their own tuition.

God Bless America!

We also shouldn't be forced to subsidize their tuition.
In some cases it is in the best interests of the nation to do so, but in the case of these idiots, I completely agree.
In this case this isn't so much democratic policies but just plain idiocy.

These kids should show some respect to the other country that gives them so much opportunity.
The UNM Residence Hall Handbook stipulates that “room decorations are to be in the interior of your room and may not extend into public spaces."

US flags are not decorations.

Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.

, why should hatred of the American flag be tolerated simply because these kids disagree?
Desertion Is Treason

The do-nothing campus opposition to the Commie scum is all RINOs.
Men who had much to lose fought, bled, and died for America.

Not to have Americans enslaved by leftist overlords.

PS: All of them and their offspring know how to shoot. ;)
Air-Conditioned Ethics of the Geneva Convention

So they wouldn't bring the war home against the campus Commie scum, the working-class GIs had the fight taken out of them by the empowered pacifist traitors' Rules of Engagement. In Vietnam, I felt like a helpless punching bag because enemy "civilians" were protected by our anti-war ruling clique.
Follow me here; so these little whackos many going to school for free and or subsidized by the American taxpayer are offended by the U.S. flag....a flag that among other things represents liberty, freedom and the very opportunity they are capitalizing on. WOW!
Liberals are doing an amazing job programming these retarded kids to think and become fragile un-Americans...they should be very proud. Is this just another reminder that maybe we have become a bit to "DIVERSE"?
(Notice the SUPER nut-job at 1:52 in the video...think she / he / it is Republican?)

UC Davis Student Senate Votes To Make American Flag Optional At Meetings

Just another bullshit story:
UPDATE: UNM student told to remove American flag from dorm window
it should be optional as to who We, the People give our tax dollars or low-interest college loans. In this case, they can foot their own tuition.

God Bless America!
Young Lords

That won't stop the riots. Student leaders live off an adult allowance and have their tuition all paid up by Daddy. The other students, who have to work as many hours as they can to eke out a living, don't have time to take over any campus movements.
Follow me here; so these little whackos many going to school for free and or subsidized by the American taxpayer are offended by the U.S. flag....a flag that among other things represents liberty, freedom and the very opportunity they are capitalizing on. WOW!
Liberals are doing an amazing job programming these retarded kids to think and become fragile un-Americans...they should be very proud. Is this just another reminder that maybe we have become a bit to "DIVERSE"?
(Notice the SUPER nut-job at 1:52 in the video...think she / he / it is Republican?)

UC Davis Student Senate Votes To Make American Flag Optional At Meetings

Just another bullshit story:
UPDATE: UNM student told to remove American flag from dorm window
it should be optional as to who We, the People give our tax dollars or low-interest college loans. In this case, they can foot their own tuition.

God Bless America!
Young Lords

That won't stop the riots. Student leaders live off an adult allowance and have their tuition all paid up by Daddy. The other students, who have to work as many hours as they can to eke out a living, don't have time to take over any campus movements.
Agreed. OTOH, young people throwing tantrums isn't new. Look at how the Occupy movement fizzled. Entertaining to watch on the evening news, but in reality, didn't go anywhere because reality prevails, not idealism.
Men who had much to lose fought, bled, and died for America.

Not to have Americans enslaved by leftist overlords.

PS: All of them and their offspring know how to shoot. ;)
Air-Conditioned Ethics of the Geneva Convention

So they wouldn't bring the war home against the campus Commie scum, the working-class GIs had the fight taken out of them by the empowered pacifist traitors' Rules of Engagement. In Vietnam, I felt like a helpless punching bag because enemy "civilians" were protected by our anti-war ruling clique.

Is this ^^^ a quote taken from the journal of Timothy McVeigh?

For the record, name where, when and the unit in which you served when in country.
Men who had much to lose fought, bled, and died for America.

Not to have Americans enslaved by leftist overlords.

PS: All of them and their offspring know how to shoot. ;)
Air-Conditioned Ethics of the Geneva Convention

So they wouldn't bring the war home against the campus Commie scum, the working-class GIs had the fight taken out of them by the empowered pacifist traitors' Rules of Engagement. In Vietnam, I felt like a helpless punching bag because enemy "civilians" were protected by our anti-war ruling clique.

Is this ^^^ a quote taken from the journal of Timothy McVeigh?

For the record, name where, when and the unit in which you served when in country.
Data mining, Wry Catcher? Why don't you detail your military career first as an example for all to follow?
It is simple, make one year of military service mandatory.
Greatest PTSD Infected Those Who Ran Away to College and Had to Live With Their Cowardice

Two years. Get rid of the 2-S deferment; young people can go to college after they've done their patriotic duty. People will get drafted into the National Guard and Reserves; no longer will those units be hideouts for unpatriotic sissies with connections. What scumbag Bush did was a capital offense; real Americans died taking the place of those spoiled selfish snobs. He knew he had been a gutless puke; that's why he became an alcoholic for the next 10 years.

Have a birthday lottery of 18-year-old males, in which they will immediately know whether they will be called. Those whose numbers weren't picked will be exempt from all future drafts. Any emergency military needs will be met by activating those who got drafted into the Guard and Reserves.
My daughter, heard on campus from another professor, "So, I have a license to turn these little bastards into Communist and Socialist huh? Now if I could just get them to finish their reading assignments....."

Seriously, liberals need to call out anyone calling themselves liberal but doing illiberal things. Like violently shutting down free speech. Resorting to violence and assaulting people with whom you disagree is anything but liberal. Budding little fascist.
The UNM Residence Hall Handbook stipulates that “room decorations are to be in the interior of your room and may not extend into public spaces."

US flags are not decorations.

Patriotism has no relationship to flag waving, just like bible thumping has no relationship to Christianity. I know that's a bit to abstract for the idiot fringe, but one cannot be a real American or a real Christian if they are racists, misogynists and bigots who hate those who simply disagree with them.

Oh! The irony!

You left out "xenophobe", you must use xenophobe as well!


It's always racist,misogynist,xenophobe, and bigot!

Never deviate!
Follow me here; so these little whackos many going to school for free and or subsidized by the American taxpayer are offended by the U.S. flag....a flag that among other things represents liberty, freedom and the very opportunity they are capitalizing on. WOW!
Liberals are doing an amazing job programming these retarded kids to think and become fragile un-American's....they should be very proud. Is this just another reminder that maybe we have become a bit to "DIVERSE"?
(Notice the SUPER nut-job at 1:52 in the video...think she / he / it is Republican?)

Just another bullshit story:
UPDATE: UNM student told to remove American flag from dorm window

On the second story, he was asked not to hang the flag out the window, and in the window so that it became a "public decoration."

I see the reasoning for that. He wasn't simply decorating his room, he was adding to the outside look of the building. That would open up other decorations on the wall.
If I ever caught one of my kids embraci g Snowflake Anti-Anerican Liberalism I would 1) whip their ass (don't care how old they are), and 2) 'Cut them off' - no more paid tuition, noney, etc.
Follow me here; so these little whackos many going to school for free and or subsidized by the American taxpayer are offended by the U.S. flag....a flag that among other things represents liberty, freedom and the very opportunity they are capitalizing on. WOW!
Liberals are doing an amazing job programming these retarded kids to think and become fragile un-American's....they should be very proud. Is this just another reminder that maybe we have become a bit to "DIVERSE"?
(Notice the SUPER nut-job at 1:52 in the video...think she / he / it is Republican?)

UC Davis Student Senate Votes To Make American Flag Optional At Meetings

Just another bullshit story:
UPDATE: UNM student told to remove American flag from dorm window
It should be optional whether or not they respect their country just as it should be optional as to who We, the People give our tax dollars or low-interest college loans. In this case, they can foot their own tuition.

God Bless America!

Right, because as a taxpayer, you own their thoughts.........

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