'Collusion Delusion 2.0 - Ukraine' Eerily Similar To 'Collusion Delusion 1.0 - Russia'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Americans Have Every Reason To Be Suspicious Of The Whistleblower Complaint
"The emerging Ukraine narrative is eerily similar to the Russian collusion hoax. Dismissing questions about its origins isn’t going to cut it."

For 3+ years Democrats and the Liberal media have spun the lie that the President and his team illegally colluded with Russians to commit treason...but the facts, 'evidence', and sources were / are inconsequential...and that evidence of Democrat crimes don't matter.

Now we are being told by the same Democrats and the same Liberal media are spinning an eerily similar lie, telling us the President and his team illegally colluded with Ukraine's PM to commit treason...but the facts, 'evidence', and sources are inconsequential...and that evidence of Democrat crimes don't matter.

"We’re supposed to accept that this is what happened, that what the anti-Trump
whistleblower complaint describes is confirmed by the unredacted and publicly released transcript of Trump’s July 25 phone call with Zelensky. We’re not supposed to question the veracity of the whistleblower’s complaint or the purity of the whistleblower’s motives. And we’re definitely not supposed to question why the standards for submitting whistleblower complaints were changed just last month to allow complaints based on secondhand information to be deemed credible.

In other words, we’re not supposed to question whether this whole thing has been a political hit job from the start."

....just like last time!

Americans Have Every Reason To Be Suspicious Of The Whistleblower
The OP is correct in a way.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he was accused of in the Mueller investigation/2016 election.
We have a phone transcript which shows Trump colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

It's right there in black and white. You can't hide from it.
Trump seems to bleev whatever Fox News tells him to bleev. For instance, that the DNC and/or HIllary's server somehow ended up in the Ukraine. :lol:

And most amazingly of all, no sooner was the Colluder-in-Chief found to have obstructed an investigation into whether or not he colluded with Russia to help him defeat a political opponent, he picks up the phone and asks ANOTHER foreign power to collude with him to defeat a political opponent.

This actually makes it more plausible that he colluded with Putin after all.

Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had.
The OP is correct in a way.

Zero evidence of any crime.
Zero evidence of any potential crime.
False, unsubstantiated claims to begin their coup attempt.
The Deep State / Clapper-Brennan-created/loyal Intel Community involvement
Another exposed attempted set-up
More criminal Democrats protected

I guess they are determined to make Barr and his DOJ the busiest in US history.


Campaign finance laws broken
Abuse of power....
Obstruction of Justice
Democrats are following the same game plan with the Mueller investigation, launch an investigation and any perceived pushback is framed as obstruction.
It's clearly telling how they are going after Barr for having a conflict of interest yet never had an issue with Rosenstein. Hopefully the democrats attacks against Barr with help him realize the criminal corruption and weaponization of the FBI/CIA/DOJ from the Obama administration cannot be swept under the rug and that people must be held accountable.
The OP is correct in a way.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he was accused of in the Mueller investigation/2016 election.

So he has been caught being accused of the same things twice?

That must make Hillary REALLY guilty then, as she's been "caught" being accused of treason, high crimes and felony corruption about 117,620 times.

Trump's way ahead of the game having only been accused twice.
We have a phone transcript which shows Trump colluding with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.
It's right there in black and white. You can't hide from it.

Who's hiding?
  1. Mueller has already established that collusion is not a crime.
  2. No collusion has been established in either case anyway.
  3. Running for office does not indemnify oneself from criminal investigation. If it did, then the DNC had no business opposition researching the Steele Dossier against Trump with the help of TWO foreign governments!
  4. No law was broken during the phone call. At best it's a case of inferred innuendo.
  5. The USA regularly involves itself in the sharing of intelligence. This is nothing new. Five Eyes - Wikipedia
  6. It's amazing what you can see in "black & white" yet utterly fail to see folks like Hillary guilty of so much as a parking ticket.
There will be no impeachment. It's all just one more smoke and mirrors attempt to sully Trump's public perception while trying to tie him up from investigating them.
Witch hunts initiated by corrupt democrats and supported by safe spaces public Democrat children who won’t accept the results of an election.
The OP is correct in a way.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he was accused of in the Mueller investigation/2016 election.
Dude the shittiest places to live on earth are towns run by democrats in America .. your policies are shit, you can’t goven, your destroying America,
Urban slave plantations. Leave the man alone govern your shit holes,, just fix one.
The OP is correct in a way.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he was accused of in the Mueller investigation/2016 election.

So he has been caught being accused of the same things twice?

That must make Hillary REALLY guilty then, as she's been "caught" being accused of treason, high crimes and felony corruption about 117,620 times.

Trump's way ahead of the game having only been accused twice.

So he has been caught being accused of the same things twice?

given n opportunity a third time is possible ---

he thinks anything goes - until he's shown different its wash, rinse, repeat
Trump is about the dumbest president we have ever had.
Yet you seem to follow his every tweet 24/7.
You seem to follow and obsess about Fox which you say you hate.
You call Trump the dumbest president ever, yet he not only beat all your predictions and pollsters, but he annihilated your career candidate with 99% backing from the media and about 2 billion dollars with him having no prior experience.
Seems you are doing everything Trump wants you to do.
Man, that was one awful slap in the face you just gave yourself.

The OP is correct in a way.

Trump has been caught doing almost exactly what he was accused of in the Mueller investigation/2016 election.

So he has been caught being accused of the same things twice?

That must make Hillary REALLY guilty then, as she's been "caught" being accused of treason, high crimes and felony corruption about 117,620 times.

Trump's way ahead of the game having only been accused twice.
he thinks anything goes -
Why not. The Democrats have shown that anything goes for them.

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