colonoscopy tomorrow

Cancel it. If you have no history or symptoms, the procedure can be dangerous.
I've heard it wasn't without risk. My policy is the longer I can stay away from doctors the better my odds are.
Exactly. I haven't seen a doctor in many years. Doctors will kill you.
Doc told me 1 chance in 5000 of a puncture.

I asked him if he went to the University of Utah.
He hung his head and said yes.
I said, oh crap I'm already in trouble
Doc told me 1 chance in 5000 of a puncture.

I asked him if he went to the University of Utah.
He hung his head and said yes.
I said, oh crap I'm already in trouble
Tyrone, relax. It is a simple procedure, painless and recovery is instant. You can go from the facility to the nearest burger joint without repercussions. The risks are few and a lot less troublesome than colon cancer. Good luck. Post when you get home and let us know.
I've scheduled the procedure twice over the last few years, and then cancelled the day before.

I'm extremely homophobic, and the thought of someone cramming an object up my anus gives me anxiety and makes me queasy. ..... :cool:
I'm 62 and never had one. Do they give up after a certain age?
They give up after your colon cancer has metastasized.

I'm 60 and had two, ten years apart. Clean as a whistle both times. My wife had some non-cancerous polyps, so she gets them every 5 years.
Might just want to wait for an obstruction, and frank bleeding in your feces. Then you can have half of your bowl removed and wear a colostomy bag . The older you get the more chance of rupture, so I agree this should be your last one. Good luck.
Oh I thought this was about getting to the end of the Book you are reading- Rev 22:16 finding out the punch line of the Roman joke, that everyone is following Lucifer, is like a Colonoscopy.
Good luck and I hope you don't have an audience of nurses conveniently walking back and forth like I did when I was young, because now with the advent of smart phones it can become their forum profile pic or facebook tagged. *L*
I've scheduled the procedure twice over the last few years, and then cancelled the day before.

I'm extremely homophobic, and the thought of someone cramming an object up my anus gives me anxiety and makes me queasy. ..... :cool:

Chicken shit.
I've scheduled the procedure twice over the last few years, and then cancelled the day before.

I'm extremely homophobic, and the thought of someone cramming an object up my anus gives me anxiety and makes me queasy. ..... :cool:
If you get cancer your extreme homophobia will disappear in a heartbeat. Or you can die painfully knowing you kept your beliefs, but that seems a silly reason to suffer. How about you're just a coward and use homophobia as an excuse.
Unfortunately I've done a colonoscopy. Such a bad thing. They give you some sedative but it was quite painful for me. :(
And plus I had to do a diet for 3 days before the colonoscopy (and the day before I couldn't eat anything...:cry:
I hope tomorrow will be better for you tyroneweaver :)
Good luck :smiliehug:

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