Color Blind


Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Maury Show - Black kid with white parents paternity test[/ame]
I don't normally use this language, but she's an A$$. She has a wonderful husband who's accepted this child as his, she should be grateful and leave it at that. All she's doing is bring harm to both her child and her husband. Hopefully, he'll divorce her after this AND get custody of the kid, I think it's pretty obvious the child is better off with him than her.
I wouldn't stay with her, why be with such a slut and liar ? Once a cheater, always a cheater.
I've been thinking. In this story, I see America:

1. White woman thinks she's being wonderful by spreading her legs for a black man.
2. White man thinks he's being wonderful by pretending not to notice.

Am I wrong?

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