Colorado baker told to bake that cake

The Baker can call the person whatever they wish. As far as I'm concerned they can bake the cake or not. I simply do not understand the hate.

Hate out of those who claim to be a Christian.

If you don't want People hating on each other ... Then stop giving them a reason to.
There's is no reason to pretend that one person's intolerant views are any different than another's.

Freedom and Liberty are only Exercised ... Not Granted.

The Baker's relationship with God is between the Baker and God ... Not you ... Or whomever wants them to bake them a cake.
If you want to be intolerant to their views ... And act like you can make fun of them or tell them what their faith means to them ...
Then I am going to be intolerant to your views.


If you don't want People hating on each other ... Then stop giving them a reason to.
There's is no reason to pretend that one person's intolerant views are any different than another's.

Freedom and Liberty are only Exercised ... Not Granted.

The Baker's relationship with God is between the Baker and God ... Not you ... Or whomever wants them to bake them a cake.
If you want to be intolerant to their views ... And act like you can make fun of them or tell them what their faith means to them ...
Then I am going to be intolerant to your views.


End this thread, nothing further needs said.

👏 👏 👏 👏

If you don't want People hating on each other ... Then stop giving them a reason to.
There's is no reason to pretend that one person's intolerant views are any different than another's.

Freedom and Liberty are only Exercised ... Not Granted.

The Baker's relationship with God is between the Baker and God ... Not you ... Or whomever wants them to bake them a cake.
If you want to be intolerant to their views ... And act like you can make fun of them or tell them what their faith means to them ...
Then I am going to be intolerant to your views.


My God never instructed me to hate. If the Bakers God has taught him that, I want no part of that religion.
Just like there’s no such thing as same sex marriage?

OK, cool
Norm, you are tying yourself up in knots here.

Same sex marriage is when two people of the same sex get married. It is legal and we have all been to those weddings.

A cake is an inanimate object. It has no sex but can be enjoyed by people whatever their sex.

It isnt a complicated proposition.
Norm, you are tying yourself up in knots here.

Same sex marriage is when two people of the same sex get married. It is legal and we have all been to those weddings.

A cake is an inanimate object. It has no sex but can be enjoyed by people whatever their sex.

It isnt a complicated proposition.
Now top that inanimate cake with bacon... you going to force a Muslim baker to do that? Remember it's just a cake...
My God never instructed me to hate. If the Bakers God has taught him that, I want no part of that religion.

I didn't ask you a single thing about God ... Or your relationship with God.

I am not required to ... The US Constitution grants you the Liberty to worship God as you see fit.
I am not asking you your opinion ... And I don't care if you like it or not.

Just Stop ...
Or go make me a sandwich if you think you need to do something else ... :auiqs.jpg:

OR a cake topped with bacon?
Some of the arguments on this thread are going to leave the US with a shortage of straw.
Its just people who hate trannies and gays trying to find a reason they should not be treated as people.
Pathetic and yet hilarious.
This is a fun thread. Mainly because it is so silly. There no real big substantive issue involved with the baker's "rights".......or the gay couple's "rights".
It's just a bunch of social media chatterati snipping and sniping.
Fun stuff. No harm. No foul.

Anyway, let 'em eat cake. But don't worry cake don't have real genitals or hormones. You be safe.
Trust me.


Hopefully, next time he refuses, it will be because of the customer’s political beliefs
I think, Frank....tho I honestly don't know....but I think that legally he could do that. Being a Democrat, or a Republican or a Rotarian.....ain't a protected class. I don't think.
Our government has no right to demand any product be sold by any business.
If the guys sells cakes to people. Then he should sell cakes to all people. Duh!

This baker can, and does have the right to sell certain products, and not others. And there certainly is precedent for it.
Ummm, Norm....he sells cakes. No one is asking him to do pot-roast. A cake is a cake. Put a birthday candle on's still a cake. Put a baby Jesus on's still cake. Put a bunny on's a cake. Duh!!! A cake by any other name is still......a cake.
The idea is generate a "no" response from the baker so the homosexuals can FORCE them to comply or else. That's how the couple gets off.
Ummm????? "How the couple gets off?" Eeeeeuw!
Polish Prince may the forum ask how you would be familiar with such a detail?

could be forced to bend a knee to them.
Same as above, Polish Prince.

Tammy is a fucking Limey.
As always, poster GMCGeneral....the forum recognizes your consistency in believing your vulgarity represents your avatar and it's like..... in the best light.

I refuse to do business with leftist vermin all the time.
How do you tell?
The false-flag MAGA hats?
Or the false-flag QAnon lapel pins?

Just another assault on religious belief.
It's a religious bake a variety of celebratory cakes for the general public?
Who knew?

If it's against the law then he will have a consequence.
Yes, poster Michelle.....I quite agree. If it is against the law for the baker to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation....and it can be proven.....consequences will follow. In some degree.

the idea that accommodating those gay and transgender somehow ‘compromises’ one’s religious beliefs is ridiculous;
'Ridiculous'? No, it's worse than that. It is a mutation and perversion of religion into some kind of weird societal weapon that harms not only the people it discriminates against.....but in time, the practitioners of those dark beliefs.
I'm damn sure of that. I think.

Go eat shit.
What would Jesus say, poster Blaster?

can force a business to sell certain products,
If he sells cakes, he's gotta sell cakes to everybody.....most especially to protected classes. Duh!
Do this, poster Norm: Put a different candle on the cake. It'll be a different cake. But still a cake. It'll be a distinction without a difference. Duh x2!

gay bakers and insist they bake me a catholic cake.
I didn't know they did that.
What's a "catholic" cake? How do you tell?
What's different with one of those than say, a Lutheran cake?
Why don't homosexuals solicit customized baked goods from Muslim bakeries?
Maybe they do? Who says they don't?
I don't know.....but you seem to indicate that you do.
How do you know?

Example: if he’s made same sex cakes for a same sex heterosexual marriage, he would be obligated to make cake for all same sex. If he hasn’t? Then it’s not one he offers.
Norm, (this is getting to be Whack-A-Molish).......but, he bakes C-A-K-E-S. Cakes don't have genders. Cakes don't have sexual preferences. Nor hormones.
They are F-O-O-D. Food doesn't care who eats it.
What is so darn hard about understanding that baked up flour-sugar-eggs-and water can't determine the sex or sexual preference of who is eating 'em? Duh!
bake the homos a Sodomy Cake.
Eeeeeeuw!!! That's your second bite out of that type of apple. Are you kinda stuck on applying some sort or type of sexuality to a mere cake?
Give it up, poster PP. No DNA test of a cake is gonna bail you out. It's making you look more than a little weird. Kinda kinky. Kinda fetish-y. To be honest.


public policy that he puts a Bible verse on every cake he sells
Think there's a market for that?
In Skokie?
In Dearborn?
Seems counter-productive to limit one's markets.

smelled like jizz and man-ass..... worst case, you get a dose of rat poison and heavy metals. You ilk is fucking stupid, son.
Ah, good poster 2Iron. The forum recognizes your insistence that your crass vulgarity always adds value to whatever discussion the rest of the forum is attempting to host.
You can be depended upon for that.
I ain't gonna call you MAGA.....or Q. But those folks may not liked being lumped in with you.
Just sayin'
Norm, you are tying yourself up in knots here.

Same sex marriage is when two people of the same sex get married. It is legal and we have all been to those weddings.

A cake is an inanimate object. It has no sex but can be enjoyed by people whatever their sex.

It isnt a complicated proposition.

This isn’t 1950 anymore. You don’t get to define marriage is or isn’t. Since the Obergfell decision came down, any two people, regardless of sexuality can legally join in that union.


Again, you can’t make this 💩 up! But, for some reason the Supreme Court can! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Would you force a Muslim baker to make a big penis cake for a Gay wedding?

Nah, because the Muslim would castrate Taints, and then toss him off of a building.

Taints only squeals about Christians

I didn't ask you a single thing about God ... Or your relationship with God.

I am not required to ... The US Constitution grants you the Liberty to worship God as you see fit.
I am not asking you your opinion ... And I don't care if you like it or not.

Just Stop ...
Or go make me a sandwich if you think you need to do something else ... :auiqs.jpg:


If you don't want my opinion, don't reply to me. Easy.
This is a fun thread. Mainly because it is so silly. There no real big substantive issue involved with the baker's "rights".......or the gay couple's "rights".
It's just a bunch of social media chatterati snipping and sniping.
Fun stuff. No harm. No foul.

Anyway, let 'em eat cake. But don't worry cake don't have real genitals or hormones. You be safe.
Trust me.


I think, Frank....tho I honestly don't know....but I think that legally he could do that. Being a Democrat, or a Republican or a Rotarian.....ain't a protected class. I don't think.

If the guys sells cakes to people. Then he should sell cakes to all people. Duh!

Ummm, Norm....he sells cakes. No one is asking him to do pot-roast. A cake is a cake. Put a birthday candle on's still a cake. Put a baby Jesus on's still cake. Put a bunny on's a cake. Duh!!! A cake by any other name is still......a cake.


Ummm????? "How the couple gets off?" Eeeeeuw!
Polish Prince may the forum ask how you would be familiar with such a detail?

Same as above,
Polish Prince.

As always, poster GMCGeneral....the forum recognizes your consistency in believing your vulgarity represents your avatar and it's like..... in the best light.


How do you tell?
The false-flag MAGA hats?
Or the false-flag QAnon lapel pins?

It's a religious bake a variety of celebratory cakes for the general public?
Who knew?


Yes, poster Michelle.....I quite agree. If it is against the law for the baker to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation....and it can be proven.....consequences will follow. In some degree.

'Ridiculous'? No, it's worse than that. It is a mutation and perversion of religion into some kind of weird societal weapon that harms not only the people it discriminates against.....but in time, the practitioners of those dark beliefs.
I'm damn sure of that. I think.

What would Jesus say, poster Blaster?

If he sells cakes, he's gotta sell cakes to everybody.....most especially to protected classes. Duh!
Do this, poster Norm: Put a different candle on the cake. It'll be a different cake. But still a cake. It'll be a distinction without a difference. Duh x2!


I didn't know they did that.
What's a "catholic" cake? How do you tell?
What's different with one of those than say, a Lutheran cake?

Maybe they do? Who says they don't?
I don't know.....but you seem to indicate that you do.
How do you know?


Norm, (this is getting to be Whack-A-Molish).......but, he bakes C-A-K-E-S. Cakes don't have genders. Cakes don't have sexual preferences. Nor hormones.
They are F-O-O-D. Food doesn't care who eats it.
What is so darn hard about understanding that baked up flour-sugar-eggs-and water can't determine the sex or sexual preference of who is eating 'em? Duh!

Eeeeeeuw!!! That's your second bite out of that type of apple. Are you kinda stuck on applying some sort or type of sexuality to a mere cake?
Give it up, poster PP. No DNA test of a cake is gonna bail you out. It's making you look more than a little weird. Kinda kinky. Kinda fetish-y. To be honest.


Think there's a market for that?
In Skokie?
In Dearborn?
Seems counter-productive to limit one's markets.


Ah, good poster 2Iron. The forum recognizes your insistence that your crass vulgarity always adds value to whatever discussion the rest of the forum is attempting to host.
You can be depended upon for that.
I ain't gonna call you MAGA.....or Q. But those folks may not liked being lumped in with you.
Just sayin'

He doesn’t offer same sex wedding cakes regardless of the sexuality.

It’s really quite simple. And that, in and of itself meets the test of non discriminatory practice.

If you must waist our time, at least have a point to make.
Then how would he know it was about transitioning unless told it. He’s a baker, not a psychiatrist
Reality check when they are transitioning and this is real life I suppose you actually don't know any trans people like me. They take hormones, the voice get higher or deeper and they grow tits, or facial hair and during the process you can tell. The last one I worked with told me she had a hard time getting her voice feminine . We were co-workers I told her to practice sounding like maybe her fav female people or favorite female celebs. No one had any doubt she was trans and transitioning. Once her kids were adopted she went back to being a man.
If you don't want my opinion, don't reply to me. Easy.

Because I am letting you know that crawfishing crap like you just posted means nothing.
Otherwise ... As long as you want to be intolerant ... I am going to be just as intolerant.

You understanding that yet ... I am not asking for your opinion or advice ...
It's not terribly Hard to shove it back down your throat ... :auiqs.jpg:


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