Colorado father charged with 5 counts of murder in deaths of wife, daughters

This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Supposedly huge financial issues.

I just don't understand this. If you're unhappy walk away.
I don't understand this kind of evil....

This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death. "

I'm going to agree with you because I too wish I could just chalk it up to drugs.

I can't though. People fucking suck, we first worlder's are spoiled, we see this kind of shit and it's a tragedy - in the rest of the world, the majority of the world's population, in many places this is common, this is normal, this is accepted.

(And I apologize for politicizing a bit here, but its a political form and well this is where my head goes: That is the reality of America that today's entitled brats don't get; why a lot of us pooh pooh at the claims that American's are mistreated and poor and shit; we travel out of this country, we see the horrible reality of the majority of the earth's population with our own eyes - American's are spoiled rotten and worse, they don't get that the US is supposed to be encouraging these other nations to "be like us" to save all those poor fucks and bring them up to a similar level of "humanity" as America -- but we can't say that anymore without some fucking narrow-minded spoiled progressive asswipe telling the entire world how oppressive and evil the US is and how much they want to leave and blah blah blah. It's terrible for the entire fucking world but these selfish twats don't even care about anyone else >.< Irritates the piss out of me...)
When he first confessed I took a look at her facebook page, it was full of pictures of her and her colleagues. She was apparently in some sort of business about a diet or exercise/supplement program. She was away a lot. Won cruises and stuff like that. There were a few posts about her kids and a couple about her husband. Thousands of pictures to wade through, which I did not.

There was a video of her springing the news on him about her latest pregnancy, he knew he was on camera, he did not seem jubilant.
Was he charged with the MURDER of his UNBORN child?

No they avoided handing the pro-lifers that on a silver plate, sorry. He was charged with an "unlawful termination of a pregnancy."
So how do they get 5 murder charges? What am I missing?

Two counts for each [born] daughter and one for the wife - I'm not sure why two counts, maybe one of our "lawyers" can explain it?

I'm going to guess it's about ensuring the fucker gets put away for life...
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Without sounding completely morbid, I've been into murder since the first Perry Mason I ever watched as a kid :) I've followed some of the most bizarre cases over the years, from Whipple (the insane "dog hates gay case") to Westerfield who I still believe is innocent (thats the one where the whole town were swingers) and more.

I've never seen one quite like this. This has the element of cold like I've not seen before. It's disturbing. And I'm a veteran of disturbing cases, but this one got to me.
2 counts for each child and one for his his wife. Then the charge of ending a pregnancy. That is what I understand from what I read
When he first confessed I took a look at her facebook page, it was full of pictures of her and her colleagues. She was apparently in some sort of business about a diet or exercise/supplement program. She was away a lot. Won cruises and stuff like that. There were a few posts about her kids and a couple about her husband. Thousands of pictures to wade through, which I did not.

There was a video of her springing the news on him about her latest pregnancy, he knew he was on camera, he did not seem jubilant.

If the rumors of their financial troubles and past bankruptcy were/are true that could explain his dissatisfaction on it.

That said, if you're going to puss out on your family, do the manly thing and get a life insurance policy then accidentally drive your ass off a fucking cliff. You don't take your dis satisfaction out on your fucking kids.
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Without sounding completely morbid, I've been into murder since the first Perry Mason I ever watched as a kid :) I've followed some of the most bizarre cases over the years, from Whipple (the insane "dog hates gay case") to Westerfield who I still believe is innocent (thats the one where the whole town were swingers) and more.

I've never seen one quite like this. This has the element of cold like I've not seen before. It's disturbing. And I'm a veteran of disturbing cases, but this one got to me.
Godless souls are capable of great evil...better get religion back into the schools or this will be even more commonplace than it is now.....This man obviously does not believe he will meet his maker one day....but he will....
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Without sounding completely morbid, I've been into murder since the first Perry Mason I ever watched as a kid :) I've followed some of the most bizarre cases over the years, from Whipple (the insane "dog hates gay case") to Westerfield who I still believe is innocent (thats the one where the whole town were swingers) and more.

I've never seen one quite like this. This has the element of cold like I've not seen before. It's disturbing. And I'm a veteran of disturbing cases, but this one got to me.
There are other murders that haunt me, the suffering they endured while their murderers spend life in prison. They need to be sent to meet their Creator. Some "people" shouldnt be breathing.
When he first confessed I took a look at her facebook page, it was full of pictures of her and her colleagues. She was apparently in some sort of business about a diet or exercise/supplement program. She was away a lot. Won cruises and stuff like that. There were a few posts about her kids and a couple about her husband. Thousands of pictures to wade through, which I did not.

There was a video of her springing the news on him about her latest pregnancy, he knew he was on camera, he did not seem jubilant.

If the rumors of their financial troubles and past bankruptcy were/are true that could explain his dissatisfaction on it.

That said, if you're going to puss out on your family, do the manly thing and get a life insurance policy then accidentally drive your ass off a fucking cliff. You don't take your dis satisfaction out on your fucking kids.

Bingo. I recommend going to Tierra del Fuego . Leave go away. Don't fucking kill them. Find a new job feeding penquins. Get a new life.
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Friend of the wife said that she'd said she thought he was having an affair. Who knows though, I mean maybe she's the one who had an affair and it wasn't his kid?

Either way, dude has serious fucking issues... I'm legit listed as psychotic because of my syn (crossed senses; I don't "feel" emotions like ya'll, I "see" colors instead) When my husband had an affair my first thought was "Wow. What a dumbass." It sure as hell wasn't "I'm gonna kill him (and the kids.)" That's like... daemon level narcissism. I think that's fitting to say; dude needs more "religious therapy" than us mere mortals could ever provide...
Not that was reported, but he was charged twice for each of his daughters - for killing someone under the age of 12 while in a position of trust (paraphrasing)
This is one of those times where you want to go "oh it was the drugs. please let it be drugs. no one could clamp their hands around their child's throat and choke them to fucking death.
Not that it matters but does anyone know what the monster was thinking?....did he have a lover or what?...I mean WTF??????
What a beautiful family...

Without sounding completely morbid, I've been into murder since the first Perry Mason I ever watched as a kid :) I've followed some of the most bizarre cases over the years, from Whipple (the insane "dog hates gay case") to Westerfield who I still believe is innocent (thats the one where the whole town were swingers) and more.

I've never seen one quite like this. This has the element of cold like I've not seen before. It's disturbing. And I'm a veteran of disturbing cases, but this one got to me.
There are other murders that haunt me, the suffering they endured while their murderers spend life in prison. They need to be sent to meet their Creator. Some "people" shouldnt be breathing.

One of the worst was Randall Dooley. Not a household name. I worked that case while posting at SF Gate over the "dog hates gay" bullshit case. What this step mother did to Randall haunts me. An amazing street crime reporter Christie Blatchford has this ability to report what happens in court. She should have won a Pulitzer for her reporting.
He was 7 years old. 42 pounds 13 broken ribs torn liver adrenal gland torn four areas of injury to his brain.

It was horrid beyond horrid. But justice did prevail for Randall.
What he did was beyond comprehension, how would you live with yourself?

I suspect he'll have no trouble living with himself, if he would have had any trouble with it, he wouldn't have done it in the first place... I'm a firm believer that there is no "restitution" for murders like these; if you're able to take another humans life like this there is something completely broken in your head, full stop. I do not believe you can ever come back from such blatant disregard for a fellow human's life, and it's 10 times worse when it's loved ones - no amount of punishment can fix that broken part, no amount of counseling, no amount of torture either - they are lost causes who we as a society should just off and be done with. They are a permanent and irreparable threat to our society that "natural law" demands be removed by force. There's a reason three guys push the button to end a criminals life, proper men can't stomach it, even with that button they suffer and need counseling to get through it. It's a horrible thing, but it needs be done - (I swear I've said this before, but they should have folks like me on those buttons, folks who can't "feel" like "proper humans" do ... we can handle ending a man's life when it's necessary, we're able to justify our actions without the mental ramifications of empathy striking us in our sleep...)

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